
gastritis in dogs

Ga triti i one of the mo t common ga trointe tinal condition in dog and con i t of ga tric muco al inflammation and it can be acute ( udden and hort-lived) or chronic ( low to develop and per i tent)....

Uveitis in Dogs: Causes and Treatments

You eye of the dog they are u ceptible to variou di ea e . Any change you notice in hape, color or di charge i indicative for immediate con ultation. o if you notice any of the ign we're going to ...

Is laser good for playing with cats?

The internet i full of video in which we ee how cat cha e the light of a la er pointer following their hunting in tinct. At fir t glance it may eem like a game like any other, but what' good and b...

Dog names from movies

It' no ecret that dog are companion animal and get along very well with human . The fictional world helped to pread thi title of man' be t friend around and, today, tho e who love the e animal...

My cat spreads sand - effective solutions!

Doe your cat pread the and from hi box like it' a party and he' throwing confetti? He i not the only one! Many dome tic cat tutor complain about thi problem.If you are looking for olution to n...

Examples of vertebrate and invertebrate animals

Are you looking for example of vertebrate and invertebrate animal ? Planet Earth ha an exten ive biodiver ity compo ed of the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom (where we include our elve , a human ...

How to teach the dog to lie down

Teach your dog to lie down with a command it will help to develop hi elf-control and will be very u eful in everyday life with your pet. Remember, it' a difficult exerci e to teach all dog becau e...

Bone Cancer in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

We now know that pet par excellence, dog and cat , are u ceptible to numerou di ea e that we can al o ob erve in human . Fortunately, thi growing knowledge i al o due to a veterinary medicine that ha ...

Names for donkeys

Have you recently adopted a donkey there for your hou e or farm? Did you know they belong to the family Equity like hor e and zebra ? At their ear are unmi takable, a well a that cute muzzle and their...

13 breeds of furry cats

There' a lot longhaired cat breed and we u ually find very cute cro bred feline . The long coat i omething that captivate many people, and no wonder! The wonderful effect of the fur i fa cinating....

Types of Marine Dinosaurs - Names and Photos

During the Me ozoic era, there wa a great diver ification of the reptile group. The e animal colonized all environment : land, water and air. You marine reptile have grown to enormou proportion , whic...

Why don't cats like tummy rubs?

Although there are ome exception , the Mo t cat are e pecially reluctant to let it do. affection in the abdominal region, and may even pre ent aggre ive behavior, including bite and cratche . The e ar...

Eliminate cat fleas

Your cat ha flea ? If you have detected the pre ence of the e mall animal in your pet' body, it i important to tart the deworming proce a oon a po ible, to try to prevent the infection from progre...

Can a dog be autistic?

Thi topic i undoubtedly very intere ting and we can find very different opinion about it. It generate great debate between veterinarian and breeder when defining it and, to the owner , end up not bein...

The most beautiful insects in the world

In ect are the mo t diver e group of animal on the planet. Currently, there are more than a million de cribed pecie and perhap mo t are yet to be di covered. Furthermore, they are very abundant in num...

Butcher Animals: Types and Examples

De pite their fame, carrion animal play a very important and fundamental role in the life cycle. thank to the carrion-eating animal organic matter can decompo e and become available to plant and other...

10 smells dogs don't like

O dog ' en e of mell it i completely different from human , o it i not urpri ing that we have different ta te when it come to deciding which fragrance eem plea ant and which aroma we find unbearab...

Dog ear: meaning of each movement

Dog often have body po ture that are difficult to under tand, but they contain a lot of information about the pet. Did you know that certain po ition and attitude convey an animal' feeling, en ati...

15 Curiosities about the rabbit

Rabbit are far from being imple animal . They have pecial characteri tic of their pecie that differentiate them from other creature in the animal kingdom. Make ure that, a much a you love rabbit , the...

How do I know my dog's breed?

More and more people top buying animal and adopt them in animal helter or helter to offer them a better quality of life and prevent them from being acrificed. If you are al o one of the e people, perh...