Can a dog be autistic?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Dogs With Autistic Characteristics: Stranger
Video: Dogs With Autistic Characteristics: Stranger


This topic is undoubtedly very interesting and we can find very different opinions about it. It generates great debates between veterinarians and breeders when defining it and, to the owners, ends up not being clarified the situation.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we want to answer the following question: Can a dog be autistic? We will certainly be questioned later, since there are no great definitions in this regard, but we guarantee that we will give you the main ideas that are more demonstrated.

Scientific Studies on Autism in Dogs

There is a great debate about autism in dogs as there are no conclusive results that can shed some light on this issue. Some studies suggest that mirror neurons, which exist in the brain of dogs, would be the cause of the disease. These are congenitally affected neurons, so the dog could be born with this condition and not acquire it in life. As this is a very unusual condition, many veterinarians prefer to refer to it as a dysfunctional behavior.

There are other authors who speak of the idiopathic disease, of unknown cause, so it is very difficult to know where the disease comes from.

Finally, and to confuse even more, it is said that it can be inherited from some relative who has been exposed to numerous toxins for a certain time. This could be due to unnecessary or large amounts of vaccines and reinforces the theory that vaccinating a puppy in excess may not only be harmful to the animal in question but also to its offspring for several years.

Sources: Dr. Nicholas Dodman for the "International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants" Conference, 2011.

Signs of Autism in Dogs

Identifying a dog as autistic can be a big challenge, especially given that it can be questioned by other veterinarians. However, we have a series of signs, especially of behavior, that can be linked to the disease. Are behavior disorders, including actions that may be obsessive and/or compulsive.

It is usually associated with behaviors related to the human autism but let's differentiate them to understand them better. There are some disorders, such as autism spectrum, which is speech difficulty, that in animals we do not find it.

O canine compulsive disorder, is very present in breeds such as the German Shepherd and Doberman, they are repetitive behaviors or stereotyped behaviors, such as chasing the tail, biting or licking certain parts of the body in an obsessive and repetitive way that, with time, become more and more intense and lasting.

The owner must be aware of the evolution of these disorders, if they increase over the years or if it causes injuries to the dog, such as mutilating the tail. You can also have a bad interaction with other dogs (being too clumsy or having a lack of knowledge about social interaction) and even a total lack of interaction. This so-called feeling of discomfort can happen to other animals of the same or different species or even to their owners. This is not a trait that leads directly to autism, however, it is a call to attention for humans who live with the animal.

Also, in certain cases, we can observe an animal that remains standing in the same place, without any emotion. It is simpler to detect in breeds that are normally very active and, in these cases, spend very long periods of time standing with their eyes lost.

What can I do?

as we explained at the beginning of the article, it is not possible to determine if autism really exists in dogs, which is why there is no treatment. However, owners who observe these behaviors in their puppy, should resort to the veterinarian or ethologist to try to find the cause that is causing this deviation in the dog's behavior.

They exist various therapies, exercises or games that you can practice with your puppy to delay the advancement of this condition. They are animals that find it difficult to express their emotions, so they need all the compassion and love of their owners, as well as the patience needed to understand that it is a long process.

Another advice we can give you is to maintain a very strict routine of walks, food and even playtime. Changes should be minimal, since what costs these dogs the most is adaptation. A set routine will make you feel more secure once you get to know your surroundings and your family. keep up the routines it's very important.

evidently must remove all kinds of punishments, since this inhibits the dog's natural and exploratory behavior, which worsens its condition. Let them act freely (or as much as possible) both on tours and at home, allowing them to smell, explore and communicate with us if they wish, but never forcing an interaction.

To improve the sense of smell, we can do exercises such as searching, something that is very popular in shelters and kennels, or even offering stimulating toys (with sounds, with food, etc.).

But don't forget that to overcome the problem that is affecting your dog, the important thing will be to resort to a specialist, since without therapy you will not notice an improvement in his behavior.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.