- Characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier
- dog education
- correct bad behavior
- Basic orders
- What should I teach an American Staffordshire Terrier?
- advanced orders
- Tours, games and fun

If you already have an American Stafforshire Terrier or are thinking about adopting one, it is very important to know the characteristics and qualities that this dog has, to know what are the most effective methods of training and how to apply them to get a healthy, sociable and adult dog. balanced.
In this article from PeritoAnimal we give you some basic advice that you should take into account, before adopting or now that this is your puppy, to properly educate Staffordshire.
Keep reading to find out how to train an American Staffordshire Terrier.
Characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier
Although not an exaggeratedly large size, the American Staffordshire Terrier stands out for its compact, square and muscular build. It is considered a potentially dangerous breed of dog, for this reason, as soon as it becomes an adult, it should always wear a muzzle and a leash. Find out on PeritoAnimal.com.br which is the best muzzle for your dog.
As a general rule we speak of a quiet dog indoors and out, and although he is a little shy with strangers, he lets himself be touched, caressed and stroked with gratitude. The American Staffordshire Terrier has many qualities and among them we highlight his loyalty, sensitivity to children, his patience and watchfulness, he is a protective dog and a great companion.
In addition to what we commented, it is necessary to add that the American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog with an average exercise needs, properly socialized, interacts well with other dogs and pets. It is not because it belongs to potentially dangerous breeds that it is an aggressive dog, on the contrary, the American Staffordshire Terrier is an excellent dog and suitable for all types of families.

dog education
all dogs start to learn from the moment they are born whether it's imitating your parents or us, it will depend on each case. If we have another dog at home that is well educated and calm, our dog will learn all these qualities, but if we are not that lucky, we will have to be his example. Tranquility, patience and positivity must be the pillars of his education so that he responds to us in the same way.
It is important that before adopting an American Staffordshire Terrier (or any other dog) the whole family commits to establishing general rules and regulations, such as not allowing it to climb onto the couch, among other things, this will depend on each person.
The fundamental pillar to get a calm dog in the future is to start the dog's socialization as soon as possible. It is a gradual process in which we introduce the dog to its surroundings: people, dogs, other animals, etc. It is very important to take this step to avoid a reactive or fearful dog in the future.
We must take some precaution in this process and avoid a negative encounter not to cause a future trauma, even so, we can say that the more variety the dog finds in the socialization process, the better it will accept the negative encounter.

correct bad behavior
If you have never had a dog, it is important to highlight that the techniques of dominance, inordinate punishment, the use of strangling collars or the physical aggressions are totally inappropriate. The puppy can develop very negative behaviors in the future if you undergo this type of technique.
We should look for the well-being of our pet, both physical and emotional, for this reason it is recommended to use positive reinforcement and a simple "No" if you do something that we don't like.
Positive reinforcement is done by rewarding the dog's appropriate attitudes, such as sleeping in his bed, urinating in the street or having a social attitude with other animals. It is not necessary to be using cookies all the time (although it is a wonderful tool), we can also use caresses, kisses and even the words "Very good!". This technique can take some time but it is undoubtedly the most appropriate and the one that will make our pet feel a true love for us.

Basic orders
The American Staffordshire Terrier is a faithful and obedient dog, but due to its temperament it is essential that be educated properly and from a very young age thus avoiding teaching them aggressive and unsociable behaviors.
Raising a dog is more than teaching to sit or to give a stop, it is everything that is related to its behavior that must be affectionate and positive. Teaching basic orders is a perfect tool for our dog to create a positive bond with us, as well as being a technique that will make him feel useful within the family nucleus. We also emphasize that training an American Staffordshire Terrier will guide its behavior and ensure its safety.
What should I teach an American Staffordshire Terrier?
When he's still a puppy, it's very important to teach him to take care of his needs outside the home. It is a long process in some cases but essential for good hygiene at home.
Once you understand where you can go, it's very important to teach them the five basic dog orders: sit, be quiet, lie down, come here and walk together.
shall teach all these orders little by little and one by one practicing every day for at least ten minutes through positive reinforcement. Getting him to respond correctly to your requests will help make him feel mentally active and later rewarded, gradually reaching his adulthood. It will also be useful when you decide to go for a walk, when you are cleaning your house, if the leash comes loose... Through these orders we can not only communicate with our dog but also help him in his own safety.

advanced orders
Once the American Staffordshire Terrier understands the basics we can start teaching him more options such as pawing, bringing the ball, etc. Play and teach positively will help your dog remember and apply what I teach you. Remember that in addition to what we have mentioned, it is essential that you meet the dog's basic needs.
If after learning the advanced orders you want to teach more things, we suggest you try another type of activity with your dog, such as the Agility for dogs, enhancing not only obedience but also physical activity.

Tours, games and fun
The amstaff is an active, sociable and sometimes tireless dog. It is very important that you walk your dog avoiding the most frequent errors during the walk, such as pulling the leash, among others. As a dog with great needs for physical activity, we recommend that you walk him at least 3 times a day adding a total of 90 minutes tour diaries.
Contrary to what many people think, walking the amstaff (and any dog) should be relaxed and beneficial for him. You shouldn't pressure him to walk by your side or focus on you, it's your playtime. It should allow you to move freely and explore the surroundings for you to enjoy. After finishing the tour and having your needs met, you can devote time to obedience.
Finally, you should know that amstaff is a very playful dog. Until the last years of his life he will be able to enjoy a very active dog, that's why incorporate games into your rides it's fundamental. Chasing each other, using teethers or balls are some of the options. In the house you can have a toy or something that can bite, they love it!