
Meloxicam for dogs: doses and side effects

In veterinary medicine, the meloxicam for dog It i a widely u ed medicine, o it i important that healthcare profe ional are clear about what and how it i admini tered, in order to avoid unwanted effec...

Exercises for cats

The exerci e of dome tic cat i one of the ba ic and e ential pillar for our pet to enjoy a Great life quality, although we cannot forget other e ential factor uch a food, hygiene and health care, re t...

Home Cat Scratcher

You cat cratcher are a nece ary and e ential toy for any feline. Cat need to harpen their nail , cratch and have a place that belong to them, o to pre erve your furniture and keep the feline entertain...

Common German Spitz Diseases

The German pitz i a breed of dog that under tand 5 other varietie : pitz Wolf or Kee hondbig pitzmedium pitz mall pitzDwarf pitz or Pomeranian LuluThe difference between them i ba ically the ize, but ...

Exercises for cats

The exerci e of dome tic cat i one of the ba ic and e ential pillar for our pet to enjoy a Great life quality, although we cannot forget other e ential factor uch a food, hygiene and health care, re t...

How do I know what breed my cat is?

If you are one of tho e people with a pa ion for cat , you may have already noticed that mo t familie that take a cat home u ually pick it up on the treet or in helter . There are a variety of cat tha...

Names for pet fish

Unlike a dog and cat, your fi h i unlikely to re pond to the name. But that doe n't mean he doe n't need one!Choo ing a name for your fi h can be a lot of fun ince you don't have to worry ...

Feline Urologic Syndrome - Treatment and Symptoms

The cat' urinary tract ha a mi ion: di po e of wa te. The main re pon ible for thi mi ion are the kidney , bladder, ureter and urethra. In thi way, we can under tand the importance of urine excret...

Dog pedigree: what it is and how to do it

Many people claim that their puppie have a pedigree and are proud of it. But do they really know what i pedigree dog? What i the purpo e of the pedigree? And how to make the dog' pedigree? In thi ...

the mysticism of cats

There are many legend of witche that have urvived to thi day and all of them convey a rather grote que image of witche , with the cla ic wart on their no e. Did you know that thi wart wa under tood a ...

all about chihuahua

Chihuahua are very mall puppie that do not reach 3 kilo . They have an average life expectancy between 15 and 20 year , being animal of great longevity. It i a breed much loved around the world a it e...

angora rabbit

If you like rabbit , you've probably heard of the angora rabbit, al o known a the Angora rabbit, a breed of Turki h origin that became popular mainly thank to it bulky by white. But did you know t...

What to do in case of dog bite

A dog' bite can be more or le evere depending on the dog' ize and intention . A dog may bite becau e it feel threatened, becau e it redirect the bite in the face of a tre ful ituation, or beca...

how to talk to your dog

If you have a dog a your be t friend, it ha probably happened more than once that you have poken to him. Ju t tell him "what do you want?", "do you want food?" or "let' go...

Giant Insects - Characteristics, Species and Images

You may have gotten u ed to living with mall in ect . However, there i an immen e diver ity of the e arthropod invertebrate animal . It i e timated that there are more than a million pecie and, among ...

Get started in Agility

O Agility i a very fun and complete port, uitable for all type of puppie over 18 month of age. It con i t of a combination of a guide (tutor) who lead the dog through a pre-e tabli hed cour e, while o...

Starfish reproduction: explanation and examples

tarfi h (A teroidea) are one of the mo t my teriou animal around. Together with urchin , urchin and ea cucumber , they form the group of echinoderm , a group of invertebrate that hide at the bottom o...

Cancer in Cats - Types, Symptoms and Treatment

When we talk about cat cancer we are referring to a et of di ea e that cau e the uncontrolled divi ion of cell in different part of the body, cau ing, in mo t ca e , the appearance of a tumor. Due to ...

Deafness in white cats

Completely white cat are tremendou ly attractive a they have an elegant and maje tic fur, in addition to being very attractive a they have a very characteri tic re plendent bearing.You hould know that...

Is bathing cats bad?

If you're a cat lover or have a feline at home, you've certainly ever wondered if bathing cat i bad or not, and whether it i really nece ary to do o. In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will cla...