
A lump in the cat's neck: causes and treatments

Have you noticed any lump in the cat' neck? In thi PeritoAnimal article, we will explain the cau e of the appearance of nodule on a cat' neck. We'll di cover the role of lymph node a part ...

spectacled bear

O pectacled bear (Tremarcto ornatu ) i al o known a Andean bear, frontin bear, outh American bear, jukumari or ucumari. According to the IUCN (International Union for the Con ervation of Nature) they ...

Do cats miss their owners?

Of the many myth that circulate about cat , perhap the be t known i the one that give them great independence. Thi mean that un crupulou people have no remor e when it come to leaving them to chance o...

Why tricolor cats are female

urely you've heard it aid that three-colored cat are alway female. That' true? Are they alway female?In thi Animal Che t article we explain why thi happen with all the detail o that you can f...

How to care for cockatiel

The cockatiel or cockatiel (for the Portugue e) i one of the mo t cho en parrot a a companion animal. he i the fir t choice of many people not only becau e it u ually ha a low price, but mainly becau ...

Permethrin for dogs: uses, doses and side effects

Permethrin i a antipara itic product which, a uch, we can find in everal format that aim to kill flea , tick or mite . In thi PeritoAnimal article, we are going to talk pecifically about the u e of pe...

Home remedies for dog worms

One of the mo t ba ic thing you hould keep in mind about caring for your dog i the internal deworming, not only becau e you have to take care of your health, but al o becau e, when living with the dog...

Prohibited food for dogs

If you want to know what the prohibited dog food, you've come to the right place, in thi PeritoAnimal article we'll how you a very complete li t of everything you houldn't give your pet.An...

because cat's eye glows in the dark

The eye of many predator in the animal kingdom glow in the dark and your cat' i no exception. Ye , your furry weet friend, the ame one with the paw pad , al o inherited thi ability from their larg...

My Cat Poops on My Bed - Causes and Solutions

Cat are animal that are alway u ed a an example of cleanline . Without the need for any training, from very young they u e their andbox perfectly. But ometime , thi ideal behavior may not occur and, w...

Cat Allergy - Symptoms and Treatment

I'm ure you've met or know omeone who i allergic to cat , but did you know that cat can al o have allergie to different thing , including allergie to human and their habit ?If you are a cat ow...

Where should a dog sleep?

Each per on ha their own peculiaritie about how they want to be with their dog. When it come to the re t habit , ome prefer to leep together, while other are le confident. Whatever your approach, if i...

Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

De pite the ca e of p ychological pregnancy in feline are very rare, they can occur. What happen i that the cat will how all the ign and ymptom of a pregnancy without actually being pregnant.The breed...

7 animals that glow in the dark

What i biolumine cence? By definition, thi i when certain living organi m emit vi ible light. Of all pecie of biolumine cent creature di covered in the world, 80% inhabit the depth of Planet Earth'...

Fleas on Rabbits - How to Detect and Eliminate Them

In thi PeritoAnimal article, we are going to talk about a very na ty in ect. More pecifically, let' talk about the flea on rabbit . The e external para ite , which al o affect dog , cat and even h...

4 Prohibited human remedies for dogs

You medicine that have been approved for human u e have gone through exten ive clinical trial , and yet are often withdrawn after the market becau e of potentially dangerou ide effect that had not bee...

norrbotten spitz

The pitz of norrbotten puppie are a breed originating in weden who e main objective wa hunting and work. It i a medium- ized breed that need a lot of daily phy ical activity, being ideal for rural env...

Is it dangerous to have cats during pregnancy?

About the que tion: I it dangerou to have cat during pregnancy? There are many fal e truth , mi information, and "fairy tale ".If we had to pay attention to all the ancient wi dom of our pre...

How to get a cat used to another kitten 🐈

Without any doubt, the que tion "how to introduce a new cat into the hou e?" i one of the mo t common among cat owner . We know how difficult it i to adopt ju t one kitten, whether it' b...

Endangered birds: species, characteristics and images

THE International Union for the Con ervation of Nature and Natural Re ource (IUCN) Red Li t catalog the con ervation tatu of pecie around the world, including plant , animal , fungi and proti t , thro...