
Types of dog fur and how to care for each one

Every dog ​​i unique and the care they need too. Even if you don't think it' important, knowing your dog' coat can help when cutting, bathing, etc. You will al o better under tand how to r...

What is a cat's mustache for?

Have you ever wondered what a cat' mu tache i for? Cat have long whi ker that make them look very youthful. However, the function of the cat' mu tache i much more exten ive than ju t an ae the...

Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear i a cute dog native to Madaga car. It main characteri tic i it white fur, oft and with a cotton texture, hence the rea on for it name. It i a dog capable of adapting to any ituatio...

Is the dog a carnivore or an omnivore?

I a dog a carnivore or an omnivore? There i a big debate about thi . The feed indu try, veterinarian and nutrition expert offer widely varying opinion on thi ubject.In addition, the compo ition of foo...

What to Teach a Puppy in the First Year

if you ju t adopt a puppy, let me tart by congratulating you. Having a pet i one of the mo t beautiful experience a per on can have in thi life. The love, affection and loyalty of a dog are unparallel...

different names for dogs

We often think a lot about choo ing a dog name, even before we adopt one. Choo ing the name of the animal i a very important ta k, a the name will be carried and attended by the dog throughout it life...

How to teach my dog ​​to bring the ball

There are everal game that we can practice with a dog, but without a doubt, teaching our dog to bring the ball i one of the mo t complete and fun. In addition to playing with him and trengthening your...

Puppy Feeding

Your little dog ha ju t arrived home and i worried about hi food? You hould already know that you mu t have a re pon ible attitude to cover all your pet' need , and food i one of the mo t importan...

Brushes for short-haired cats

Have you ever wondered, what i the be t bru h for hort-haired cat ? Bru hing a cat i a nece ary routine for your cat and for you, a the owner, improve your relation hip and guarantee your friend hip. ...

Dog with difficulty breathing, what to do?

When we decide to take care of a dog, it i important that we learn about it care and that include knowing what to do in ca e of emergencie . Therefore, in thi PeritoAnimal article, we are going to tal...

russian dwarf hamster

O ru ian dwarf ham ter, a it name implie , i from Ru ia, although it i al o pre ent in Kazakh tan. It i a very common pet among children, a it doe not require exce ive care and ha a plea ant attitude,...

Golden retriever

O Golden retriever i from the UK, pecifically from cotland. He wa born around 1850, looking for a hunting dog that would be able to not harm it prey. For thi rea on we ob erve hunting and tracking abi...

How do I know if my cat has a worm

A much a we keep our cat indoor at all time , and not letting him have acce to the treet, para ite and worm can find other way to infect cat . Cat catch worm ea ily, and one of the main form of tran m...

Rabbit pregnancy: how they are born

Rabbit are one of the mo t common pet in our home , behind cat and dog . But you know what the rabbit breeding? Or the ge tation time of the rabbit?The phra e "breeding like rabbit " became ...

How long does a hamster live?

The ham ter i a very popular pet among the malle t. It i often the fir t pet in a home. It' an ea y-to-care animal that' in love with it weet appearance and movement . However, it i very impor...

How to make cat litter

One of the mo t practical and fa cinating feature about feline behavior i the ea e of learning to make end meet in the cat litter box. Although ome puppie may take a little longer to adapt, mo t pu ie...

How long does a cat live?

To welcome an animal mean to become re pon ible for your life, for thi rea on we mu t know well hi life pan and even when he will accompany our family. If we can't meet your need , we hould look f...

take my dog's temperature

If you u pect your dog may have fever or temperature too low, it will be e ential to mea ure it to identify any problem . The different moment of the dog' life al o pre ent different temperature ,...

how to make a dog lose weight

A with human , obe ity in dog i an increa ingly frequent problem. The cau e are imilar to obe ity in human : too much food, too many treat and too little exerci e.A quarter of overweight puppie have e...

How to choose my dog's food

Faced with a multitude of different brand and type of food that we find in the market, many dog ​​tutor are confu ed when choo ing the food for their dog . It' not ju t about the difference in val...