- types of dog fur
- by the hard
- How to take care of rough hair
- Curled or crimped fur
- How to Care for Curled Dog Fur
- short hair
- How to care for short hair
- by the long
- How to care for long hair
- Types of dog brush

Every dog is unique and the care they need too. Even if you don't think it's important, knowing your dog's coat can help when cutting, bathing, etc. You will also better understand how to regulate your temperature, realizing whether or not you need extra shelter to protect you.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we present the different types of dog coat, defining each one and classifying it so that you can identify your pet and know how to take care of it correctly. Meet the types of dog's fur and learn how to take care of each one of them.
types of dog fur
Dogs are all of the same species, while breeds are a definition based on their origin and a set of characteristics that define and classify them into certain groups. The most common physical characteristics to be observed are size, muzzle shape and the dog coat type.
Knowing the types of dog hair, however, goes far beyond a mere question of breed (after all, non-breed dogs also have different types of hair) but it is an important item in the daily care of each dog as the coat of some breeds require more or less attention. A correct dedication to this issue, moreover, can prevent the appearance of problems such as dandruff, allergies, parasites, fungi, mange and other skin diseases in dogs.
Below, we present the types of dog hair and explain the necessary care for each of them:

by the hard
Among the types of dog hair, the hard hair is classified as such when reaches and exceeds 10 centimeters in length and has a characteristic thickness. We speak of hard dog coat on some occasions, such as when we identify a dog with a beard or large eyebrows, a coat that must be preserved and maintained so that it takes on a unique and characteristic waterproof function.
Some examples of hard-haired dogs are the Schnauzer and the West Highland Terrier (Westie).
During the growth of new hair, the old one dries up and becomes trapped in the thick coat that puppies have. needs to be brushed daily to remove dead hair.Some dogs that have a hard coat have two layers of fur, one hard and one softer and more shiny.
How to take care of rough hair
In addition to daily brushing, it should cut it with electric machines that allow for a custom length. Thus, it will be possible to maintain the typical cut of the breed or to trim, and the hair grows even stronger and stiffer. Choose one specific shampoo without oils or softeners, maintaining the naturalness it offers. Washing the dog's fur every 3 to 4 weeks is sufficient.
Whoever participates in dog contests with a hard coat must resort to professionals who master the techniques of trimming and stripping.

Curled or crimped fur
The curly coat is very special as it is characteristic. Also, it is important to mention that this type of coat is always growing continuously, requiring frequent cuts and care on the part of those who know this type of hair.
The curly coat is characteristic of the poodle, Spanish water dog and Kerry Blue Terrier.
How to Care for Curled Dog Fur
The curly fur is one of those types of dog fur requires more frequent bathing than other coat types as it is more likely to get dirty. It is therefore recommended that you bathe your dog approximately every 20 days. Must be used a special shampoo, of the moisturizing type, since the hair has a tendency to dry out. During the bath, protect the dog's ears, drying them very well at the end. Avoid using conditioners that add volume to the hair. Drying must be done carefully.
The curly hair must have a daily brushing, because the appearance of knots in this type of coat is very uncomfortable for you and for the animal. Thus, it is necessary to take some time to remove them.
The cut must be made with scissors, except in some areas that can be worked with the electric machine. If you are inexperienced, we recommend using a canine beauty center at least once in order to observe the procedure and take notes.

short hair
O short hair is is a dog coat whose length varies between 1 and 4 centimeters. The appearance of this type of fur is smooth, being common in a multitude of breeds such as Pit Bull, Doberman and Boxer.
How to care for short hair
This is the easiest type of dog coat to care for and maintain. You baths should be moderate, every month and a half. More frequent bathing can damage the protective structures of the natural coat.
THE brushing should be done once or twice a week with a soft brush. Pay special attention to the spring and autumn moulting seasons.

by the long
A dog's long coat is easy to identify, obviously by its length. In this group we can find the Yorkshire Terrier, for example. this type of fur falls continuously throughout the year. However, it gets worse in times of fur moulting.
How to care for long hair
This type of coat requires daily brushing to avoid tangles on the animal. If they appear anyway, you will have no choice but to cut an entire lock, such is the difficulty in unraveling the fur in some cases.
As for bathing, once a month will be enough to keep you glowing and healthy. use a shampoo with conditioner to try to prevent the appearance of tangles, keeping the fur silky and smooth. When finished, use a blow dryer and a brush at the same time to dry. A metal brush is a good option, but it should be used very carefully so as not to hurt the dog.
Cutting the long hair must be done with scissors. So, as in the case of curly fur, if you have no experience in haircutting, we recommend that you use a canine beauty center. This allows you to observe the professional's technique and apply it at home later.

Types of dog brush
At the time of care, as important as knowing the types of dog hair is knowing how to handle them well, with the most suitable tools. It may be that when purchasing a dog brush, the variety of options is confusing. In the video below, we explain what the brush types for dog and when to use each one: