- Gastritis in dogs: what is it?
- Symptoms of gastritis in dogs
- Gastritis in dogs: what to do?
- Home remedies for gastritis in dogs
- Gastritis in dogs: how to prevent it?

As with humans, when we talk about the organism of furry friends, dogs, it is noted that the appearance of numerous diseases is directly related to food, finding in nutrition both the cause and the most natural solution for numerous disorders. Gastritis is a digestive disease that can affect dogs and can also be caused by several factors, however, a proper diet, as well as other measures to adopt, will be a fundamental part of the treatment. If you want to treat your pet in a more natural way, in this PeritoAnimal article, we talk about home remedies for gastritis in dogs.
Gastritis in dogs: what is it?
Gastritis in dogs is a inflammation of the gastric mucosa that causes disturbances and dysfunctions in the digestive system, as this important mucosa has the function of protecting the stomach from the action of digestive juices, including hydrochloric acid.
Symptoms of gastritis in dogs
When the mucosa is inflamed, its functioning is altered and this gives rise to múmultiple symptoms, among which we must highlight the following as the most important:
- Abdominal pain;
- Vomiting;
- Diarrhea;
- Dehydration;
- Weakness;
- Loss of appetite;
- Weight loss.
gastritis in dogs can have several causes, when acute, is usually due to ingestion of harmful substances, from spoiled food to toxic or indigestible objects.
However, chronic gastritis can have systemic causes, that is, affects the entire organism and manifests itself as gastritis, such as bacterial and viral infections, cancer, liver or kidney disease, or prolonged exposure to environmental toxins
Gastritis in dogs: what to do?
If you see symptoms in your dog that can correspond to gastritis, it's very important. go to the vet as soon as possible, because, as we've seen, gastritis can mask diseases as serious as cancer.
The veterinarian will diagnose gastritis and should establish the underlying cause, which will be done through a thorough physical examination, taking into account any symptoms present, as well as the patient's medical history.
The therapeutic measures to be taken will vary depending on the cause of the gastritis, however, dietary measures are specific parts of the treatment of gastritis in dogs. The veterinarian can recommend that the pet fast between 12 and 48 hours, in addition, it can give specific indications about the amount of water needed and the frequency with which it should be ingested, likewise, the dog's food should be frequent and in moderate amounts.
With fasting and these dietary changes, you will get better regeneration and functionality of the gastric mucosa.
Home remedies for gastritis in dogs
Below we will show several home remedies that can be used to improve gastritis in dogs. As you can see, many of them are foods, but they are foods with a powerful therapeutic action, which allows you to help the animal not only effectively, but also profoundly.
Before using any of these remedies, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian in advance so that you can adapt these features to your dog's individual needs:
- Pumpkin: pumpkin is a vegetable that has many prokinetic properties (it improves all the processes of the digestive system), obviously, it must be boiled, properly preserved and completely natural. You should add it to your pet's food, administering one tablespoon for every 5 kg of body weight, once a day.
- Garlic: While it's true that garlic can be toxic to puppies, this only happens when given large amounts. On the other hand, if you give your dog a clove of minced garlic along with his usual food, the garlic will help fight any infectious agents that are causing gastritis, as this is one of the best and most potent natural antibiotics.
- Cranberry: American cranberry will help in case of infectious gastritis or when it appears as a result of a kidney pathology. This is because this type of cranberry is rich in proanthocyanidins, substances with proven antibiotic activity. You should add two peeled and chopped cranberries for every 5 kg of body weight in your dog's food.
- roasted beetroot: beetroot is a vegetable with an interesting nutritional composition and very rich in phytochemicals with important properties. Beetroot will help reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa and will also allow for easier evacuation of any toxic substances. You should administer one teaspoon per 5 kg of body weight.
- aloe vera: pure aloe vera juice is an exceptional remedy for pets, this plant contains more than 75 nutrients with medicinal properties and will be ideal for regenerating and healing the gastric mucosa. The dose is 1 milliliter per kg of body weight, and should be divided into 3 daily doses that will be given in the morning, noon and night. Start with a low dose and gradually increase until you reach the required dose.

Gastritis in dogs: how to prevent it?
As important as treating gastritis as naturally as possible is to prevent it, so we recommend that you follow these tips:
- Make any changes to the feed progressively;
- Prevent your dog from eating contaminated grass or food in poor condition;
- Do not give your pet an excessive amount of food, it is better to be less and more frequent;
- Keep the vaccination program up to date;
- Check your garden and eliminate plants that are toxic to dogs.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.