
Names for black cats

Adopting a kitten i almo t like adopting a child. For thi rea on, choo ing a name for him can be a very complicated ta k. We all want to choo e the be t name for our cat and, for tho e who have black ...

Amount of feed for a Yorkshire

O york hire terrier It ha become one of the mo t popular dog for it mall ize, adorable appearance and hygiene, a well a it beautiful coat. To keep it in perfect condition, we mu t offer it a erie of m...

castrated bitch goes into heat

After the bitch i neutered, he doe n't come into heat anymore, or rather, he houldn't! ometime , ome tutor report that their bitch came into heat even after being neutered. If you came to thi ...

Types of litter for cats

One e ential material if you intend to adopt a feline a a pet, it i cat litter, which you mu t depo it in a litter box. The cat will urinate and take care of it need . Therefore, thi and mu t have cer...

How to make your dog live longer and better

Having a pet i no ea y feat. Animal are family member and need to be cared for for life.We love our pet o much that we don't want them to uffer or be unhappy, but ometime we don't know what ki...

Is platypus venom deadly?

The platypu i a emi-aquatic mammal endemic to Au tralia and Ta mania, characterized by having a duck-like beak, beaver-like tail and otter-like feet. It i one of the few poi onou mammal that exi t.The...

How to ward off mosquitoes

Mo quitoe can become a real problem in your home. They not only bother with the tinnitu they emit, but al o your bite can tran mit di ea e dangerou uch a dengue, zika and chikungunya.There are numerou...

Hypothyroidism in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!

Hypothyroidi m in dog i one of the mo t common endocrine di order in dog . Unfortunately, thi i a difficult di ea e to prevent, a the cau e are believed to be predominantly due to a genetic predi po i...

My cat snores, is it normal?

Cat and human are more alike than you think. You've probably heard (or even uffered from) omeone noring in their leep, but you knew that cat can al o nore? It i true! noring i produced in the airw...

Diseases in Chickens and Their Symptoms

There are a large number of di ea e and para ite that can affect chicken . It i e ential to learn to recognize it ymptom in order to promptly detect it on et. You will find that many illne e will mani...

Differences between water and land turtles

Do you want to know the difference between water and land turtle ? In thi article by PeritoAnimal we focu on the detail of the evolution that the e fanta tic reptile had over time.In the Tria ic, 260 ...

the strangest insects in the world

You 10 trange t in ect in the world that we will pre ent below are among the rare t and mo t impre ive pecie that exi t. ome are able to camouflage them elve until they blend in with twig and leave . ...

Most Common German Shepherd Diseases

the german hepherd i an extraordinary dog and thi i con idered to be one of the marte t breed in the canine univer e. However, uch magnificence come at a price. And the price that thi breed ha paid i ...

10 reasons to walk your dog

The dog i an animal that need to walk between 2 and 3 time a day, but do you know why thi i o? In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain to you why it i o important to walk your dog, why the gard...

Home remedy for dog diarrhea

THE diarrhea in dog i omething quite frequent throughout the life of the animal. In ome ca e , it can be cau ed by inte tinal problem or eating food in poor condition. The cau e are varied and can lea...

All About Thrones War Wolves

Many follower of The Game of Throne (Game of Throne ) have enjoyed the appearance of the e wolve , actually dog , beautiful and giant that have accompanied our favorite protagoni t . If he i till one ...

Border Terrier

O border terrier belong to a mall breed of dog with great per onality. Hi omewhat ru tic appearance and excellent character make him an amazing pet. If ocialized correctly, dedicating the time he need...

Why do cats like the sun?

Who ha never een a cat lying on a ofa where ray of unlight hine through the neare t window? Thi ituation i o common among everyone that we have a feline a a pet. And you've certainly a ked your el...

How to know if the cat is Siamese

Even tho e who don't know much about cat have certainly heard of the iame e cat. A well a being one of, if not the mo t, popular breed of cat in the world, the iame e i pa ionate with it brown and...

Prohibited food for parrots

You parrot are bird that are grouped within the family of p ittacidae and we can come to di tingui h a wide variety of pecie in thi family that have imilar characteri tic . It i e timated that there a...