Homemade serum for dehydrated dogs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Healthy & Easy Homemade Dog Treats!  Dehydrated Meats!
Video: Healthy & Easy Homemade Dog Treats! Dehydrated Meats!


THE dehydration it is a condition that can occur in dogs when they eliminate more fluids than they ingested and this can happen under different conditions (diarrhoea, vomiting, heat stroke...). Far from being a trivial matter, it can become a veterinary emergency, as serious dehydration conditions can endanger the animal's life.

In order to treat this dangerous situation as soon as possible and properly, it is important that the tutor learns to recognize those situations in which canine dehydration can occur, as well as the symptoms that indicate a low level of body fluids.

Treating this condition can be simple as long as it is not severe dehydration. In this article by PeritoAnimal we explain how to make homemade serum for dehydrated dogs and everything you need to know about the topic.

Causes and symptoms of canine dehydration

As we mentioned initially, dehydration occurs when the liquids eliminated exceed the liquids that the animal ingested, this usually happens in the case of vomiting and diarrhea, as well as in very high temperatures that can cause heat stroke.

Kidney problems can also cause canine dehydration. In addition to other conditions such as fever, for example, which does not always have dehydration as its main symptom, but can make the dog eat less and drink less water.

Symptoms of a Dehydrated Dog

You most typical symptoms of dehydration are as follows:

  • Loss of skin elasticity;
  • Dry gums;
  • thick saliva;
  • Dry tongue;
  • Lack of energy and courage;
  • darker urine;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Lethargy (apathy);
  • Deep eyes (in more severe cases).

Another sign that can alert us is the increased capillary refill time, this means that when pressing one of the puppy's pads, it takes a long time to regain its former color, which indicates a decrease in blood supply.

Another simple test that can indicate a dehydrated dog is pull the skin from the withers (top of neck) between fingers and release. In a healthy dog ​​this skin must return to its original position and shape quickly (skin elasticity), whereas in a dehydrated dog this skin takes longer to return.

From this test, it is possible to get an idea of ​​the seriousness of the situation and take action as soon as possible:

Degrees of canine dehydration

  • No apparent symptoms: in milder cases often (less than 4% dehydration) dogs barely show symptoms of dehydration and this perception can be more behavioral and the homemade serum for dog can be an alternative.
  • When the skin at the withers takes a while to recover, this already sets between 5 and 6% of canine dehydration.
  • When the fact that the skin takes time to recover is already evident, this can already be considered among 6 and 8% of dehydration.
  • If, in addition to the symptom of skin recovery, you also notice dry mucous membranes and deeper eyeballs, this already configures between 8 and 10% dehydration.
  • If you notice pale mucous membranes, cold extremities, in addition to the previous symptoms, the dog is already going into shock. This is serious and configures andbetween 10 and 12% dehydration in a dog.
  • When the shock is severe and there is risk of death the dehydration is already between 10 and 15%, and from 15% this dehydration is no longer considered

In puppies puppies dehydration is even more serious and is always a veterinary emergency. The smaller the dog, the more dangerous the dehydration and the greater the risk to life. The easiest sign to identify in these cases of puppies is a dry mouth, an inelastic skin and also a general weakness. You can see this when you offer him a finger to suck and don't feel the pressure of the suction.

Why urgent treatment for dehydration?

In a dehydrated dog, the loss of bodily fluids leads to a electrolyte loss. Electrolytes are minerals with electrical charge that are present in the blood as well as in other fluids, fulfilling important functions such as pH regulation, participating in numerous chemical reactions.

The loss of electrolytes can translate into an alteration in the acid-base balance (pH) as well as in alteration of multiple chemical reactions. Bearing in mind that everything in physiology is governed by chemical reactions, the loss of electrolytes can lead the dehydrated dog's body into a serious state of imbalance that puts its life in danger.

Only really mild cases of dehydration can be reversed by drinking water (if he has vomited a few times or gone a long time without drinking water on a hot day, for example) and homemade serum for a sick dog. That's why veterinary care is essential to treat the true cause of dehydration and avoid or already treat the resulting symptoms of this situation. Homemade dog serum should be used while you are still at the vet.

Can I give a drugstore serum to a dog?

Yes. At any pharmacy we can find saline solution for oral hydration that can also be given to our pets, such as dog saline solution but if you don't have this possibility, you can make homemade dog serum yourself. Check out the recipe below.

How to make homemade dog serum

to do the homemade serum for dogs you will need:

  • 1 liter of natural mineral water;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • Juice of half a lemon.

How to prepare homemade dog serum

  1. Boil the liter of water;
  2. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat and pour the water into a suitable non-plastic container.
  3. Add all remaining ingredients and mix well.

This homemade dog serum should replace water and it lasts for 24 hours. So, the next day you need to remove what he didn't drink and change the water.

Remember that the daily amount of water varies according to his diet (wet food or not), but also by weight and the amount of food that the dog ingests. In the article about the amount of water a dog should drink per day we explain this calculation.

My dog ​​has diarrhea, can I give a homemade serum?

To understand when you can homemade serum for dog with diarrhea It is essential to know the cause of it since, as explained, dehydration is a consequence of this condition. A dog with diarrhea needs to stay hydrated so that the condition does not progress. So, if you notice mild dehydration, you can give homemade serum to a dog with diarrhea, but it is essential to know the cause of the problem and treat it accordingly.

The homemade serum for dogs with diarrhea fights only mild dehydration. A veterinarian will be able to pass the correct diagnosis that may contain from home remedies for dog diarrhea even medications, depending on the degree and the cause.

During the treatment of homemade dog serum

An informative article is not a substitute for veterinary diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, at the slightest sign of canine dehydration, always consider that:

  • There are many canine diseases (kidney problems, heat stroke, intoxication...) that can cause dehydration, so it is essential that you take your dog to the vet for this to do a check-up.
  • A home treatment with oral rehydration serum is not a substitute for veterinarian supervision.
  • If the symptoms of dehydration are severe and the animal is very affected, you should urgently go to the veterinarian, since in some cases it is necessary to replace fluids through intravenously.
  • If your puppy does not drink the whey, he should go to the vet as soon as possible to rehydrate him through other routes.

Want to avoid dehydration on the hottest days of the year? Prevent this condition with these 10 tips to relieve heat in dogs!

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.