
if you are planning adopt a dog from a kennel we congratulate you, you are saving a life and your new friend will be able to thank you. However, you may be undecided and have many questions about this topic. Will it adapt to your new life? Will I be able to give you everything you need to be happy? Choosing a dog in a kennel can be a complicated task, we have to think that he will be our companion for a few years, so we must reflect carefully on his choice.
The first thing we must take into account is whether we have enough time to dedicate to our new friend. A puppy needs to go out at least twice a day, and one of these walks should be long enough for him to use up energy.Also, remember that during the years that you share your time, changes can occur in your way of life and you cannot leave it behind. On the other hand, he will give you lots of love, unconditional affection and the company that only a dog can give you.
If you are determined to welcome a new life partner, keep reading this article by the Animal Expert in which we give you some advice on how to choose a dog in the kennel.
What type of dog to choose?
before arriving at the kennell We must plan whether we are looking for a puppy dog or an adult dog. If we have enough time and patience to train a baby, we can take in a puppy, but we should know that up to three years old they are more nervous and can create more chaos due to their age. It is normal that until this moment they try to bite hands and objects of all kinds, so regular supervision will be more appropriate.
Adult and elderly dogs tend to be calmer and, moreover, urgently need a family, as most people prefer to adopt dogs at a young age. Choose what you choose, if you educate well you will love the experience, since dogs are very grateful animals.
The next pass that we should plan is the energy we want the dog to have. For this we need to assess our pace of life and our own personality. We must choose a dog whose energy level be similar to ours or a little lower, but never one more energetic than us, since we cannot adapt to your needs and you may have behavior problems for not releasing the accumulated energy.
Finally, we have to decide if we want a big or small dog. If we live in a very small apartment, it may be advisable to choose a small dog that adapts to the apartment so as not to deprive the animal of the conditions it needs to live happily.

Adopt a dog if you already have one.
If we have a dog and we want to take in another one, this shouldn't be a problem. may play with each other and if we castrate them when they are old enough, we can avoid some problems.
If we have an adult dog and want to adopt another adult, the ideal is that they know each other first. You can take your puppy to the kennel to meet your new friend, this way we make sure they are compatible and we don't have the problem that they could go wrong. The ideal is to adopt a dog that has an energy level similar to the other dog, this way both can walk at the same level and neither of them will be nervous with the other.
If your dog is an adult and wants to adopt a puppy, he must also present them in advance, so that the veteran of the house don't be jealous and get used to sharing your space with your new friend.

Adopt a dog already having a cat
When you arrive at the kennel, it is best to ask for a dog with the characteristics you are looking for and that, in addition, be compatible with cats. The workers and volunteers are the ones who know best the animals that live there and will be the ones who can best advise you on how to choose a dog in the kennel that gets along well with the cats.
If your cat is an adult, you should be more careful, since you don't know exactly how it will react to the arrival of a dog. It's best to introduce them before you welcome your new friend and when you take him home don't lose sight of them until you are sure they have no compatibility issues.