How to know if a cat is in labor

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
How to Tell if Your Cat is in Labor?
Video: How to Tell if Your Cat is in Labor?


Is it easy to tell if a kitten is in labor? Do you want to know how are cats born? To start with, it should be noted that cats can breed for a good part of the year. Puppies come into the world after approximately two months of gestation and are born in a delivery that is usually quick and uncomplicated.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain how to know if a cat is in labor and also how cats are born so that, as caregivers, we can identify if there is any change in normality. In this case, it is very important that we contact the vet, as kittens are very vulnerable. Good reading.

At what time of year do cats breed?

Before explaining how to know if a kitten is in labor, we should point out that cats have a type of polyestric cycle. This means that they have an estrus period determined by the amount of sunlight. As the days start to get longer, the cats will start their heat and this will not subside until again the incidence of light is lower.

Symptoms of heat include high-pitched, insistent meows, rubbing against our legs, lifting the pelvis to show the genitals, or inappropriate urination. This frame usually lasts about a week, disappears after about fifteen days and repeats again, so throughout the period of more hours of sunlight.

Therefore, a cat can breed practically throughout the year, at most discounting the coldest months and less light. In addition, the cats will be able to give birth more than one litter during the heat period. There will be more kittens born during the warm, sunny months.

How to know if a cat is in labor

The gestation of cats can go unnoticed until it is already at a very advanced stage. There is no exact date for birth, but it is about two months after fertilization. Among the main symptoms to identify labor in cats is the fact that, before it starts, it is common to notice that the cat stops eating. If we place our hands on both sides of the kitten's abdomen, we can feel the kittens moving.

It is very common for the cat to enter labor and have your puppies overnight without us knowing, so it's difficult for us to witness the start of birth, the course or how the puppies are born. In some cases, we can see some uneasiness and observe your search for a nest where you can take refuge.

If the veterinarian has given us a likely date and we have seen some of these signs, the time of birth is probably not too far off. In fact, if after these signs the hours pass and the cat has not given birth, we must enter contact with the veterinarian.

We'll continue with more details on how to know if a kitten is in labor below.

the birth of cats

Although from the outside we didn't notice any change in our cat, the labor it begins when contractions are triggered that serve to open the cervix and allow the pups to be expelled. This work culminates when the contractions intensify until the birth of the first kitten. That's how cats are born.

Puppies often peek at the world inside the bag of amniotic fluid. The cat, at this point, bites and swallows it along with the umbilical cord, which she cuts, as well as the placenta. Also, she licks her kitten, cleaning up any secretions he might have in his nose or mouth. with your tongue, it also encourages you to breathe by yourself. A few minutes later, the next kitten in the litter will be born the same way.

How many kittens are born to a cat's first offspring?

On average, 4 to 5 kittens are born in the first offspring of a female cat. And this number can be repeated in other offspring.

How long does a cat's labor last?

It's not easy to determine how long a cat's labor takes, it can take anywhere from 3 to 12 hours. And the interval between the birth of each puppy it can be just a few minutes or even half an hour, although in some cases the births can be more spaced without implying the presence of any difficulty. However, if the cat continues to struggle without any births, or if it has any vaginal bleeding or any other worrisome signs, we should call the veterinarian.

The normal thing is that the puppies start breastfeeding immediately and remain calm together with the mother, feeding and sleeping. If a kitten is separated from the family, it will feel cold, as cats take a few weeks to be able to regulate their temperature and, in the meantime, they acquire the temperature of the place where they are. That's why a cold kitten can die quickly.

We must therefore ensure that the entire litter stays with the cat and that they feed properly. Otherwise, we also have to inform the veterinarian, as newborns are very vulnerable and waiting a few hours can be fatal.

Do I have to cut the umbilical cord in newborn cats?

Within the maternal care that we describe when explaining how cats are born, we commented that the cat itself is in charge of cut the umbilical cord of their puppies as soon as they come into the world. We will see that it does not cut it at the level of the abdomen, but leaves a small fragment that we can easily observe. In principle, it will not require any special care and will fall off in about a week.

However, it is advisable to watch it regularly as it can become infected. In this case, we will notice that a lump forms that may appear reddish, painful to touch and even discharge the pus to the outside. Due to the fragility of newborns, any suspicion of infection should be seen immediately by a veterinarian. These cases will require antibiotics and disinfection.

Video of a cat giving birth

Do you want to know what a cat's labor is like? Here we share a video for you to watch how cats are born: