Bach flowers for animals

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
Bach Flowers  for Animals
Video: Bach Flowers for Animals


The health of our pets is extremely important to us and, in addition, we are increasingly aware of the need to use therapeutic resources that allow to improve the animal's well-being in a way that respects its organism, without having to suffer afterwards with the side effects that often result from pharmacological treatments.

There are numerous alternative therapies that we can successfully use in animals, such as homeopathy and so it is not surprising that nowadays we can find several veterinarians who have specialized in the application of some of these therapies.

To know the best options with which you can treat your pet, in this article by PeritoAnimal we talk about the Bach flowers for animals.

What are Bach flower remedies?

Bach flowers are extracts obtained through 38 wild flowers from the area of ​​Wales, Great Britain.

This therapeutic method began to be developed in the 1920s by the physician and researcher Dr Edward Bach, which classified the 38 flower extracts into 7 groups, depending on the emotions on which one type of flower extracts or others can act.

This classification remains in force today and corresponds to the following 7 emotions:

  • Uncertainty
  • Lack of interest
  • Fear
  • hypersensitivity
  • Loneliness
  • Sensitivity to others
  • Despair

How do Bach flower remedies work?

Bach flowers have similarities with other alternative therapies such as homeopathy or acupuncture, one of the most important is the vital force concept, the force that irrigates our organism and which, whenever balanced, allows us to enjoy optimal health and quality of life.

Edward Bach considered that the origin of diseases is emotional and that in order to treat them properly, one must act on the emotions, and that's where Bach flower remedies act precisely, interacting with the animal's psyche, hence being ideal as a treatment for anxiety and other imbalances such as insomnia.

When dealing with floral extracts, this therapeutic method can be confused with phytotherapy (therapy with medicinal plants), but it is not the same thing. In herbal medicine, plants are used, either in infusion or as a dry extract or fluid, taking advantage of all their active components, which do not stop behaving as active principles and undergo a metabolization identical to drugs, interacting with the physiology of the body.

On the other hand, when we talk about Bach flowers we are referring to extracts that have been diluted and that do not have pharmacological activity or interact with physiology, but they act at a vibrational and energetic level.

Bach Flowers to Treat Physical and Behavioral Disorders

Bach flowers have multiple properties, both to treat physical and mental conditions, let's see how they work in both cases:

  • In physical conditions, although flower extracts will not resolve the pathological situation by themselves, they will help improve symptoms. This is because they balance the animal's emotions and accordingly, your body will respond better, also facilitating an adequate immune system response (which is impaired in cases of stress and anxiety).
  • In the face of psychological or behavioral conditions, Bach flower remedies can solve the problem by themselves as they work effectively. about emotions, although in this case it is important to know how to identify which main emotions are causing this particular behavior in the animal.

How to administer Bach flower remedies to animals?

Bach flowers are mainly consumed in liquid form and can be easily administered using a plastic syringe or adding them to the animal's water.

However, some of the preparations we can find in herbalists and pharmacies are made with small doses of ethanol, in this case, you should consult your veterinarian or ask for a formula that does not use any type of alcohol.

It is a therapy completely natural and harmless, which will not interact with any drug, so it can be administered without problem, however, for the best results it is recommended to consult a veterinarian specialized in flower essence therapy.

To treat urgent or generic situations (such as firework panic) we can use Rescue Remedy, which is easily available and is prepared with 5 flower extracts and has the main objective of calming and balancing emotions.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.