- What is reflux in dogs
- Reflux in newborn puppies
- What causes reflux in dogs
- Reflux symptoms in dogs
- How to confirm that we have a dog with reflux?
- What to do when the dog has reflux? - Treatment
- Home Remedies for Dog With Reflux
- Prognosis of reflux in dogs
- How to prevent reflux in dogs?

You must have felt a sour or bitter taste below the throat or even a burning sensation near the chest. And it may even have regurgitated. And dogs also go through similar situations.
Reflux or gastroesophageal reflux occurs when the external esophageal sphincter allows the return of the contents of Organs most distal organs anatomically: the stomach and the first portion of the small intestine (duodenum). Therefore, not only gastric acid can return, but also other substances that cause more damage and injury to the lining of the esophagus. It is a process that can be very uncomfortable and even painful for our dogs, who are also at risk of developing aspiration pneumonia.
Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article to better understand what happens to a dog with reflux: symptoms, causes and treatment.
What is reflux in dogs
Reflux in dogs consists of return of flow from the stomach or small intestine to the esophagus (gastric acid, pepsin, trypsin, bicarbonate and bile salts), which causes irritation and damage to the lining of the esophagus and can cause esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) more or less severe, even causing a lot of pain. Mild esophagitis occurs when only gastric acid returns, and severe esophagitis occurs when all components return.
Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when the cardia, the stomach sphincter that connects the esophagus with the stomach and prevents the contents from returning, allows the reverse passage of the stomach contents into the esophagus, causing this reflux. Sometimes it can reach the mouth and this is when we usually notice our reflux dog.
Reflux in newborn puppies
Puppies are at greater risk of reflux because your sphincter has not fully developed and therefore it is more likely to allow the content to return.
What causes reflux in dogs
The causes that can lead us to have a dog with reflux are:
- chronic vomiting due to frequent passage of food content with gastric acid and digestion products, which corrode the esophagus and can induce the return of the content, affecting the sphincter.
- Hiatus hernia, which occurs when a part of the stomach enters the chest cavity through the diaphragm. This condition makes it easier for stomach contents to return to the esophagus due to sphincter dysfunction.
- Anesthesia-induced caudal esophageal sphincter pressure reduction. It occurs mainly when the dog is positioned in the supine position (with the mouth upwards), if the fasting period prior to surgery was not respected and due to the effects of anesthetic medication.
- esophagitisor inflammation of the esophageal lining. It is usually accompanied by reflux, as the inflammation makes it difficult for the sphincter to function properly, allowing the contents to return. One thing induces the other.
- Gastritisor inflammation and irritation of the stomach wall. This change reaches the sphincter, which allows its contents to return to the esophagus.
- Obesity: it is considered a risk factor in a dog with reflux, mainly due to the pressure of the fat on the organs and because the fat itself alters the functionality of the sphincter. The same would happen when a dog is fed a high-fat diet.

Reflux symptoms in dogs
Gastroesophageal reflux in dogs, as already mentioned, can lead to esophagitis, observing the following clinical signs in these animals:
- Vomiting or regurgitation.
- excessive salivation.
- frequent licks.
- pain on swallowing (odynophagia).
- Head and neck extension when swallowing.
- reluctance to eat.
- Weight loss.
- Depression.
- Apathy.
- Fever in cases of severe esophagitis.
On some occasions, this content in swallowing can enter the lungs and cause aspiration pneumonia. In these cases, the dog will also have cough and wheezing (lung noises).

How to confirm that we have a dog with reflux?
The diagnosis of a dog with reflux is usually identified on suspicion. So, the differential diagnosis of reflux should include:
- Hiatus hernia.
- Esophageal stricture.
- Esophagitis.
The radiographs do not help in diagnosis, as they generally do not reflect any changes in the esophagus. Dog endoscopy is the best diagnostic method to assess the status of the esophagus and the severity of esophagitis.
The procedure that allows the definitive diagnosis of sphincter relaxation, but that the vast majority of puppies do not tolerate, is the continuous measurement of caudal esophageal sphincter pressure and intraluminal pH over an entire day.
What to do when the dog has reflux? - Treatment
High-fat diets favor the relaxation of the caudal esophageal sphincter and delay gastric emptying, which is why daily fat intake should be reduced in puppies with reflux to avoid it.
On the other hand, the medical treatment for a dog with reflux, it includes:
- Sucralfate to protect the damaged esophageal mucosa and promote its healing.
- Inhibitors of gastric secretion (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine) to reduce the amount of reflux.
- Proton Pump Inhibitor (omeprazole) to more effectively reduce secretion and reflux.
- Prokinetics (metoclopramide).
If the dog has developed severe esophagitis and does not want to eat, a gastrostomy tube should be placed to provide parenteral nutrition without going through the damaged esophagus and to keep the animal nourished and hydrated.
Home Remedies for Dog With Reflux
It is important to emphasize that There are no home remedies for a dog with reflux in addition to a proper diet, so when this problem occurs, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian to start treatment and prevent the damage to the esophagus from getting worse. We emphasize that the only way to alleviate reflux in dogs is to follow the advice of a professional after discovering its cause.
Prognosis of reflux in dogs
If medical treatment is followed and its causes resolved, the prognosis for gastroesophageal reflux in dogs is usually good.

How to prevent reflux in dogs?
It is possible to avoid having a dog with reflux, as long as the animal follows a correct diet, exercises and has healthy lifestyle habits in general. As we have seen, obesity is among its main causes, so it is very important to keep the dog at its ideal weight. Of course, it will also be important to go to the vet for routine check-ups and to check that your health is in good condition.
And speaking of good nutrition, how many times should a dog eat a day? Don't miss the video below to find the answer:
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
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