Can a dog eat açaí?

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
SCP-096 vs Shaggy
Video: SCP-096 vs Shaggy


Açaí is a food representative of Brazilian culture that has gained much popularity worldwide both for its unique flavor and texture, as well as for its benefits to human health. It is a source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants that help fight cell aging, strengthen the immune system and ensure the correct functioning of the body.

Considering all these beneficial properties, it is common for many owners to wonder if their dog can eat açaí or if this is one of the prohibited foods for dogs. It is important to clarify that dogs should not eat açaí, as they can suffer adverse effects such as gastrointestinal problems.

Throughout this article from Animal Expert, we explain to you why you should not offer açaí to your dog and what to do in case your furry one eats açaí.

Can a dog eat açaí? Is it beneficial or harmful?

If you ask yourself if your dog can eat açaí, you need to understand that the answer is: Not! As we mentioned earlier, dogs can't eat açaí and it is a myth that this food is beneficial to dog health. But, you might be wondering why acai is not a good food for dogs, then we'll give you that explanation so you can always provide the most nutritious food for your best friend.

Can dogs have açaí ice cream?

No, because açaí ice cream is made from the pulp of the fruit and causes the same adverse effects on the body of dogs. However, your dog can eat water-based ice cream that is prepared with fruits that are beneficial to his health, such as apples, strawberries, pears, bananas or blueberries. Here at PeritoAnimal, we teach you how to make homemade ice cream for dogs that are healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Prohibited food for dogs: açaí

O açaí has ​​theobromine, a chemical substance that is naturally present in some fruits and fruits (such as açaí, coffee and cocoa seeds), and which can also be added in the industrial manufacture of some foods, such as chocolate and its derivatives.

In the human body, theobromine is one of those responsible for producing that feeling of happiness, pleasure or excitement that we feel when consuming some foods and drinks. That is, it is a substance that acts as a stimulant nervous system, also impacting cardiac, pulmonary and motor functions.

Therefore, moderate consumption of foods with theobromine, such as chocolate and açaí, offer an antidepressant and energizing effect for many people. However, dogs do not have the necessary enzymes to metabolize this substance. dogs are not able to properly digest açaí and the consumption of this fruit can cause serious gastrointestinal problems and even intoxicate your pet.

In addition, you also need to consider that acai is rich in sugars, oils and carbohydrates, having a high energy value. Therefore, excessive consumption can also cause rapid weight gain and increased levels of glucose and cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Dogs cannot eat açaí - adverse effects

If a dog ingests a small amount of açaí, it will likely have gastrointestinal problems, such as gas, vomiting and diarrhea. It is also possible that the stimulating effect of acai berry causes some behavioral changes in your best friend, such as hyperactivity, nervousness or anxiety.

At higher doses, the dog may show symptoms of intoxication. These symptoms usually appear within 24 or 48 hours after consumption, as this is the time it takes for a dog's body to eliminate theobromine from its body. However, if your dog ate a lot of açaí, it may also show some more alarming symptoms, such as:

  • Seizures;
  • Tremors;
  • Inactivity or lethargy;
  • Tachycardia and changes in heart rhythm;
  • Difficulty breathing and, in more severe cases, respiratory failure.

My dog ​​ate acai, now what?

If you notice or suspect that your dog has eaten açaí, the best thing to do is take him to the vet immediately. At the veterinary clinic or hospital, the professional can investigate the possible adverse effects associated with the consumption of açaí and prescribe the most appropriate treatment to prevent it from causing damage to the body.

The treatment will always depend on the state of health and the body of each dog, as well as the amount of açaí ingested. If it was a small dose, chances are your dog will simply stay under observation to ensure that he will be fine and will not suffer any complications. However, if your dog has eaten a lot of açaí, the veterinarian will assess the need and feasibility of performing a stomach lavage and/or administering medication to control the damage caused by excess theobromine in the animal's body.

Knowing that dogs cannot eat açaí, it is essential to keep your house well organized to prevent your dog from coming into contact with this fruit, the pulp or any food derived from it. And since puppies are very curious, remember never to leave any potentially toxic food, product or substance within reach of your best friend.

Check which are the toxic and prohibited dog foods on our YouTube video: