
15 things that stress dogs

O tre on dog it i one of the di order that can cau e the mo t con equence and to which the lea t attention i paid. Thi i becau e, on numerou occa ion , it tend to be confu ed with bad behavior, a mi t...

Mastitis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Rarely i a hou e flooded with uch tenderne a when a cat give birth to her litter and take care of her cub . The mother' nur ing and attention during the fir t three week will be of great importanc...

Hotot rabbit

The White Hotot Rabbit or Hotot Rabbit i a cute little rabbit, characterized by it pure white fur with black pot that color the area around it large, expre ive eye . But the Hotot rabbit i not only im...

My dog ​​doesn't let anyone get close to me

Every time a per on approache you while walking your dog, doe he tart barking? Thi behavior i due to jealou y. your dog don't want to hare you with no one el e and trying to get their attention no...

The best mothers in the animal kingdom

At Peritoanimal we already have our TOP with the be t father in the animal world, but what about the mother ? Here it i : we decided to make a li t of tho e that, according to our criteria, can be con...

Belgian Shepherd Groenendael

O Belgian hepherd Groenendael it i the econd mo t popular of the four exi ting Belgian hepherd , mo t likely thank to it beautiful black fur. It i undoubtedly a pectacular dog, owner of uperb elegance...

Do cats feel cold?

When we human are cold, we have everal option to helter u and warm the environment where we are, but have you ever thought about what happen to our pet when temperature reach lower temperature ? And e...

how to scare away ants

Ant are popular becau e they live in colonie made up of million of individual . Hard worker , they tran port food to the anthill o that their community can urvive. However, the e little in ect can bec...

Golden Retriever Hair Care

Amiable, affectionate and playful. Hi name i quite right, becau e after all we are facing one of our golden dog . The Golden Retriever i one of the be t known breed of puppie , in addition to it quiet...

13 things cats don't like

Cat are very pecial animal , full of curiou behavior that eem like mania to human but are actually a re pon e to the urvival in tinct they have in the wild.If you live with a cat, you know what thing ...

How to know if my dog ​​likes me

Your dog probably like you more than you think, it' ju t that it' in their very nature and method of urvival, to follow whoever provide them with food and affection. However, if you have had a...


O rottweiler it i a trong, robu t and athletic dog. Medium to large in ize and with an appearance that doe not hide it great power, the Rottweiler in pire great admiration among it upporter and an alm...

Home Remedies for Seborrhea in Dogs

When we talk about eborrhea in dog , we are talking about a kin di order that i characterized by an exce in the production of horny ti ue, al o known a exce ive keratinization or by a di order in the ...

Care of a goldfish

To achieve the urvival and longevity of our goldfi h, it i e ential to have ome ba ic care with him, even if it i a very re i tant fi h that will adapt well to lightly variable condition .In thi artic...

Canine lupus: causes, symptoms and treatment

O canine lupu it i an autoimmune di ea e that pre ent it elf in two form , affecting only the kin or the entire organi m of the dog. Both diagno i and treatment will depend on the type of pre entation...

Cavoodle or Cavapoo

Cavoodle dog , al o known a Cavapoo, are the re ult of a mixture of two iconic breed , the mini poodle (al o known a the toy poodle) and the Cavalier King Charle paniel . o, what can you expect from a...

Animals that live in caves and burrows

The planet' animal diver ity ha conquered almo t all exi ting eco y tem for it development, re ulting in very few place that are not home to ome kind of fauna. In thi Peritoanimal article we want ...

Heart murmur in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment

Our little cat , although they alway eem to be doing well in term of health, can be diagno ed with a heart murmur at a routine veterinary checkup. The woodwind can be from different degree and type , ...

Taurine-rich food for cats

Taurine i one of the mo t important e ential amino acid for the correct functioning of the heart mu cle, vi ion, dige tive y tem and reproduction in cat . Unlike other mammal , cat need the pre ence o...

5 games to play with your dog at home

Dog are the pet par excellence, although companion animal are increa ingly varied (which allow a better adaptation to each per on' life tyle), the a ertion that the dog i man' be t friend i ba...