
Scorpion Reproduction - Features and Trivia

At PeritoAnimal we now want to offer you u eful information about the corpiofauna, pecifically about the corpion reproduction - feature and curio itie .The e triking and intere ting arachnid that have...

Taurine-rich dog food

If we have a dog with heart problem and we are looking for pecific food for thi , we found in taurine a very beneficial complement.In addition to nutrition, we hould al o notice obe ity, concrete diag...

mini lion lop rabbit

The mini lion lop rabbit wa formed a a re ult of cro ing between lion lop rabbit and belier or dwarf rabbit . It wa po ible to get a dwarf rabbit with that characteri tic mane of the lion lop, obtaini...

How to treat a poisoned dog

If you have identified the ymptom of poi oning in your puppy, you have applied fir t aid but you are not ure what could have been the cau e of the poi oning, at PeritoAnimal we will explain to you how...

The 10 animals with the shortest lifespan

Life expectancy i defined a the entire life of an animal from birth to death. There are animal that can live for many decade and other that only live day and have a hort life expectancy.Life eem long ...

shorthaired collie

The Collie of hort Hair, al o known a mooth Collie, i practically the ame dog a the Longhair Collie, or Rough Collie, with the only difference being, a you can imagine, the length of the animal' c...

Dog barking: what to do

THE vocalizationexce ive it i one of the mo t complicated behavioral problem to treat, however, if you are able to identify the rea on that cau e thi behavior in your dog, you can learn to manage it, ...

The best age to neuter a male cat

If you don't intend to dedicate your elf to rai ing cat and want to adopt a male cat, the mo t en ible deci ion to make i ca trate him when appropriate. Thi way you will ave everal problem and you...

Names for Chihuahua Dogs

You chihuahua they are the malle t dog that exi t, mea uring between 16 and 20 cm in height and in all kind of color . In general, thi i an affectionate, playful and capriciou dog who like to be urrou...

8 animals that camouflage themselves in nature

Camouflage i a natural way that ome animal have to protect them elve from predator . In thi way, they hide in nature by adapting to it. There are other animal that camouflage them elve to achieve exac...

Diet for cats with diarrhea

Cat are wild animal that can adapt to dome tic life without any problem. However, de pite their innate trength, they are u ceptible to certain health problem and it i not difficult for the e animal to...

15 types of scorpion

Coming face to face with a corpion can be a terrifying experience. The e animal , from the arachnid family, not only have an intimidating and menacing appearance, but al o a venom that can be dangerou...

Why do cats bury food?

Cat are animal that alway have a compelling rea on for their every action. In thi way, if your cat burie the food, make ure thi i not an act done for plea ure. Likewi e, there are cat that cratch the ...

Tips to prevent my dog ​​from smelling bad

A certain canine 'bad mell' i not alway ju tified by the lack of cleaning, o much o that you may have already noticed that your dog mell bad even after bathing. weat, dirt or the pre ence of m...

Wolf Characteristics - Behavior and Curiosities

The wolf, who e cientific name i kennel lupu , i a carnivore belonging to the family of canid . A we already know, thi i a wild animal which, it i believed, gave ri e to the current dome tic dog . How...

Dog pedigree: what it is and how to do it

Many people claim that their puppie have a pedigree and are proud of it. But do they really know what i pedigree dog? What i the purpo e of the pedigree? And how to make the dog' pedigree? In thi ...

How to make a dog collar

A collar i a key acce ory when adopting a dog. Much more than for ae thetic rea on , it i mandatory to en ure afety during walk and identification of dog . There i no lack of color and model option in...

epilepsy in dogs

THE epilep y in dog or canine epilep y i a di ea e that, de pite being compatible with the animal' life, i a great concern and hock to people living at home. But don't worry, there are many pe...

Why does my cat hide when people come?

Cat are animal that love to hide, although they don't alway do o for fun or in earch of rea urance. There are ome ituation that can bother your feline, including cau ing tre , uch a the arrival of...

Amount of food for a chihuahua

The Chihuahua, in addition to being a faithful, re tle and friendly companion, i a very ea y pet to keep and take care of thank to it mall ize. We cannot compare, for example, the amount of feed neede...