
Diseases that stray cats can transmit to humans

tati tic ay indoor cat live at lea t twice a long a outdoor cat . Thi i mainly due to the fact that they have a lower ri k of uffering di ea e and infection that put their live at ri k. However, what...

Common Shih Tzu Diseases

The hih Tzu are one of the favorite breed among dog lover , a they are a loyal, playful breed of dog that love to be in the company of their owner . It i a docile, extroverted dog, and due to it a oci...

Why do some cats have different colored eyes?

It i true and well known that cat are being of unparalleled beauty. When a cat ha eye of different color , it charm i even greater. Thi feature i known a heterochromia and it' not exclu ive to fel...

Tracheal Breathing: Explanation and Examples

Like vertebrate , invertebrate animal al o need to breathe to tay alive. The re piratory mechani m of the e animal i very different, for example, from mammal or bird . The air doe not enter through th...

Names for Boxer Dogs

if decided adopt a dog You mu t know that with thi come great re pon ibility, but you mu t al o know that the emotional bond you can create with a dog i really extraordinary, which will give you great...

Canine Parvovirus - Symptoms and Treatment

O canine parvoviru or parvoviru i a viral di ea e that mainly affect puppie , although it can affect any type of puppie even if they are vaccinated. There are many dog that have been victim of thi di ...

Why do cats roll on the floor?

At time , the behavior of cat can be unexplainable to human . Thing that eem very funny to u , a imple joke or even a cat' whim, are actually ba ed on in tinct.If you've ever een your cat roll...

How to entertain a dog alone at home

We often have to go out and leave our furry friend alone at home for everal hour and we don't know how they will pend that time. Dog are ocial animal that need companion hip and when they pend man...

Types of beetles: features and photos

The beetle i one of the be t known in ect in the world, however, there are million of type of beetle . Each of them ha adapted their bodie in different way and a a re ult we now have an impre ive vari...

Cat drinking water with its paw: causes and solutions

Ever wonder what goe through your cat' head when he put hi paw in the bowl to drink water? ome cat dip their paw in water and then lick it in tead of drinking it directly. I it a craze? for thi cu...

Cat vomiting and diarrhea: symptoms, causes and what to do

Ga trointe tinal problem are one of the bigge t cau e of vi iting the vet, whether cat or dog. Cat are u ually more en itive to environmental change than dog and any change in their home , for example...

Cat vomiting white foam: causes and treatment

Although many caregiver think that it i normal for cat to vomit frequently, the fact i that acute epi ode of vomiting or vomiting recurrent over time are alway a rea on for veterinary con ultation and...

How to prevent my dog ​​from eating cat food

The coexi tence between dog and cat i , mo t of the time, fun and enriching, both for the animal them elve and for u , human . However, there are alway minor incident , uch a "theft" of food...

types of butterflies

Butterflie are lepidopteran in ect that are among the mo t beautiful in the world. Their tunning color and the variety of ize they feature make them one of the mo t triking and fa cinating animal out ...

arabic names for dog

There are many name for dog that we can u e to call our new be t friend, however, when choo ing an original and beautiful name, the ta k become complicated. We found in Arabic name a ource of in pirat...

Axolotl Types

Amphibian are the only vertebrate that uffer from a tran formation known a metamorpho i , which con i t of a erie of anatomical and phy iological change between larval and adult form. Among the amphib...

Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?

urely you've een your cat niff omething and then get open mouth, making a kind of grimace. They keep making that expre ion of " urpri e" but it' not amazement, no! There i a great t...

mini toy dog ​​breeds

Currently, there are the following ize to cla ify a race: giant, large, medium or tandard, dwarf or mall, and toy and miniature. Al o di cu ed i the approval or di approval of the ize known a "te...

Ovoviviparous animals: examples and curiosities

It i e timated that in the world there are about 2 million pecie of animal . ome, like dog or cat , we can ee almo t daily in citie and much i known about them, but there are le common animal with a m...

how fish reproduce

During the embryonic development of any animal, crucial proce e are carried out for the formation of new individual . Any failure or error during thi period can cau e eriou harm to the off pring, incl...