Reiki on animals: benefits and how it works

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 20 January 2025
How to Heal Animals With Reiki Energy (Heal Your Pets)
Video: How to Heal Animals With Reiki Energy (Heal Your Pets)


THE veterinary holistic therapy has become more popular over the past few years. There are more and more professionals seeking to complement their training with courses in natural and alternative therapies in order to apply them to animals, restoring their health.

Natural therapies are no longer used only in humans, there are many tutors who consider this to be the first-line treatment for multiple disorders that can affect their health. Pet. As well as acumputure, herbal medicine, flower remedies and energy therapies, Reiki has been providing a series of benefits and, therefore, it has gained prominence as a treatment option or as an auxiliary therapy in the conventional treatment of behavior problems and different types of illnesses.

That's why in this PeritoAnimal article we'll talk about the Reiki on animals, what it is, its benefits and indications. Good reading.

What is Reiki

The term Reiki comes from sanskrit language and it is actually made up of two words: "rei", which means "universal energy", and "Ki", ​​which means "vital energy".

As in other natural and alternative therapies, such as homeopathy or Bach flower remedies, Reiki believes that living beings have vital energy, which, if in harmony, provides us with a perfect state of wellness and health.

Therefore, the origin of disease is no longer organic and its cause is an imbalance of vital energy, which is first externalized at the mental level and, finally, if left untreated, ends up having a negative impact on the body.

Reiki channels and transmits universal energy through the laying on of hands, thus achieving a state of balance in all senses:

  • Emotional: Balances emotions to address anxiety, sadness or anger.
  • Mental: acts on harmful habits, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, stress and insomnia.
  • Physicist: improves physical ailments and organic problems.
  • Spiritual: Brings inner peace and balance.

Therefore, Reiki works deeply on the root of the problem, acting on those emotions or behavior patterns that caused the disease, regardless of its nature. And that is why it is also believed in the efficiency of applying Reiki to animals and even plants.

In this process, the therapist is an instrument of energy transition, through which it flows into the animal's organism.

What is a Reiki session for animals like?

There is only one Reiki, meaning its application does not vary from one person to an animal. During the Reiki session, the laying on of hands for the transmission of universal vital energy. Know that all animals can be treated with Reiki therapy.

Both hands are placed on the animal's body and this position changes every 2 to 5 minutes approximately. The location of the hands will depend on each specific case, as they can be placed exactly where there is pain or they can go through the different animal chakras.

Yes, animals are sensitive beings and they also have chakras, subtle structures that can be defined as energy centers located around the body and responsible for the distribution of vital energy to other areas, allowing its optimal flow.

Each animal reacts differently to Reiki. In domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, treatment is done with the direct laying of hands. However, in large or wild animals, the application of Reiki is done at a distance.

A reiki session on animals can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, although it depends on the specific state of each animal.

You might be interested in this other article on alternative therapies for dogs with cancer.

When is Reiki indicated?

O Reiki on animals is indicated in different situations. It can be used to treat a variety of illnesses, improve behavioral disorders, post-surgery recovery of the animal and, of course, to relieve pain. Here are some situations where Reiki can be very helpful:

  • When the animal is very discouraged, with symptoms of depression.
  • If the dog or cat is licking themselves more than normal (this is a sign of stress).
  • Anxiety and/or insomnia.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Lack of energy to play.
  • Sleeps longer than usual.
  • In cases of respiratory illnesses.
  • Stomach and intestinal discomfort.
  • Behavior problems such as aggression.
  • Improved quality of life in incurable diseases, where only symptomatic and/or palliative treatment is provided.

Benefits of Reiki on Animals

Animals have the ability to absorb energy faster and more intensely than humans and therefore the benefits of applying Reiki to animals can be seen from the first session.

So, if your pet suffers from anxiety and you decide to treat him with Reiki, you may notice an improvement right from the start. It should be noted that if your pet suffers from a more serious illness, the results will demand multiple sessions so that you can notice a noticeable improvement.

You should also keep in mind that in some illnesses Reiki in animals must be used as complementary therapy, which means that a allopathic treatment properly prescribed by a veterinarian should also be adopted.

Reiki gives excellent results in animals, in many cases going far beyond those seen in humans. The main reason is that many people are reluctant to use this type of energy therapy, but animals don't have any mental resistance, which makes the therapist's job much easier.

After the Reiki session

During therapy, it is normal for there to be an increase in body temperature at the points worked by the professional. So, after applying Reiki, it is important provide plenty of water for the animal, who can even feel dehydrated from the elimination of toxins out of the body in the process.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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