
the ferret as a pet

the world of company animal it i becoming more and more often diver ified, ince when it come to welcoming an animal into our home with which you can create an emotional bond, there are countle animal ...

Toy Poodle

O Toy Poodle i one of the mo t popular, appreciated and beloved type of Poodle in the world. It i important to know that FCI recognize , in total, 4 type of Poodle according to their ize, and that in ...

My dog ​​does not want to eat and is sad: what to do

E pecially on very hot day , it i ometime normal to notice your dog with no appetite between one meal or another, a the daily portion of kibble i fractioned throughout the day, or even refu e to eat b...

Cat with bellyache: causes and solutions

Cat are animal very en itive to pain, but they are great at hiding what they are feeling, which give ri e to a real problem for the mo t concerned guardian.Abdominal pain or di comfort in cat i a comm...

Dog earache: causes and treatment

Otiti i a very recurrent problem in veterinary clinical practice and manife t it elf a itching, redne , exce earwax and earache in the dog, cau ing di comfort not only for the dog, but al o for the tu...

Cushing's Syndrome in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Cat are animal that are generally in good health, although thi i not to ay that any ign that might indicate a problem hould be ignored, a early diagno i i e ential for any recovery. Among the e po ibl...

Arthrosis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatments

u ually uffer o teoarthriti or arthro i cat of advanced age, elderly or enile, who begin to wear out one or more of their joint . It i a degenerative di ea e, that i , it wor en over time.In Animal Ex...

syrian hamster

The yrian ham ter or أبو جراب wa fir t found in We tern A ia, pecifically in yria. Currently, it natural tate i con idered threatened, a there are fewer and fewer colonie living in the wild. They are ...

Classification of invertebrate animals

Invertebrate animal are tho e that, a a common feature, hare the ab ence of a pinal column and an internal articulated keleton. In thi group are mo t animal in the world, repre enting 95% of exi ting ...

Lymphoma in Dogs - Treatment and Life Expectancy

Perhap becau e of the increa e in life expectancy in dog , it appear that the diagno i of cancer i becoming more frequent, e pecially in older animal . In thi article by Animal Expert we'll talk a...

Spitz of the Visigoths or Swedish Vallund

The Vi igoth pitz, al o called the wedi h vallhund, i a mall- ized dog that originated many centurie ago in weden. Intended for the grazing, protection and hunting of mall animal .He ha a good per ona...

What do earthworms eat?

We generally call everal animal that don't actually belong to thi group of worm a worm. The worm are part of the li t of crawling animal better known, belong to the phylum of the Annelid , pecific...

Most Common Diseases in Rottweilers

The rottweiler puppy i a very popular dog breed, but unlike the maller breed , it life expectancy i a little le . The current life expectancy of Rottweiler dog i nine year old on average, having a ran...

How to make an anthill

Ant are popular in ect for their indu triou habit . And, ju t a with bee , worker ant are dedicated to working in group for the good of the colony and the queen. It i common to ee them running to incr...

How to improve my cat's breath

Cat are animal that have a very genuine character and a con iderable degree of independence, however, people who live with an animal of the e characteri tic know well that feline al o need ufficient a...

cats body language

You cat they are re erved animal , they are not a impul ive or expre ive a dog , they hide their emotion very well and, a they are al o o contained in their elegant movement and the act they have with...

Ocicat cat

In thi article by PeritoAnimal you will di cover a unique feline, a cat with the appearance of a wild cat but with all the characteri tic of a dome tic cat. Do you want to find out everything about th...

what parrot eats

THE parrot, al o popularly known a maitaca, baetá, baitaca, maita, among other , actually doe not de ignate the name of a pecie , but generalize the name of all pecie . bird of the P ittacidae Fa...

American Curl Cat

O american curl cat it tand out for it ear and, although it i a relatively young breed, it i extremely popular in it home country, though not o much in Europe or other continent . With curled ear and ...

How to make porridge for baby canaries

The Pope con titute the food ba e for baby canarie until they can eat bird eed by them elve , which i why it i important to have a quality, balanced and nutritionally complete porridge.To be able to o...