
Ketoconazole for dogs: doses, uses and side effects

Ketoconazole i a antifungal drug u ed relatively frequently in veterinary medicine. In thi PeritoAnimal article, we will explain the characteri tic of ketoconazole for dog . It i e ential that thi med...

Types of dog feces

Although it may eem a little trange to you, analyzing your dog' fece i omething you a a tutor hould do every day. Be the color, con i tency, frequency or quantity, any change in any of the e param...

What do sea turtles eat?

ea turtle (Chelonoidea uperfamily) are a group of reptile that have adapted to living in the ocean. For thi , a we will ee, they have a erie of characteri tic that allow them to wim for very long per...

Malassezia in dogs: symptoms, causes and treatment

If your dog ha an inten e itching in any part of the body or ha an ear infection, one of the po ible diagno e i mala ezia dermatiti .Mala ezia i a commen al yea t, that i , it live naturally in the do...

Separation Anxiety in Cats

Although we know that cat are independent creature , recent feline behavior veterinarian have conducted tudie that ugge t that eparation anxiety can al o occur in cat . And although it i not known for...

Crawling Animals - Examples and Characteristics

According to the Michaeli dictionary, to crawl mean "to move on the track , crawl on the belly or move bumping the ground’.With thi definition, we could include among the animal that crawl reptil...

Dog urinating blood: home remedies and causes

In the pre ence of blood in urine of a dog i called hematuria and, in general, it i a ociated with different condition that can affect your urinary tract. Urinary problem develop quite frequently amon...

10 sounds of rabbits

While rabbit may eem like they are quiet and calm animal , they have a good range of ound to indicate different mood or need . The different rabbit ound they are u ed to communicate with their compani...


O hepherd-Galician it i the only pani h dog breed that ha developed in the region of Galicia, an autonomou community located in the northwe t of the Iberian Penin ula. Although it ha not been recogniz...

Tick ​​Disease in Cats (Feline Ehrlichiosis) - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment!

Cat , like dog , can be bitten by tick and become infected with one of the many di ea e the e para ite carry. One of the e di ea e i feline ehrlichio i , al o known a tick di ea e in cat . Although ti...

Do cats have good memories?

Have you ever wondered about the memory of cat ? Have you ever called your cat by name and he didn't re pond? Are you urpri ed how he manage to come home even though he know he goe out every day t...

How to make the dog stop biting

Puppie are tender, docile and curiou animal . Thi i a very important pha e of the pet' life in which it mu t learn how to behave within the family nucleu , for example, learn to inhibit the bite t...

Dangerous animals from the Amazon

The Amazon i the mo t exten ive tropical jungle in the world, being in 9 outh American countrie . In the Amazon jungle it i po ible to find an abundant fauna and flora, which i why it i con idered a n...

How to improve the singing of the Belgian canary

The dome tic canarie ( erinu canaria dome tica) are beautiful animal known for their unmi takable inging. Each canary i unique, unique and ha it own per onality. All of thi mean that each copy of the ...

Dog food with diarrhea

When your puppy i ick from overeating or from eating toxic or poiled food, he may have vomiting or diarrhea. In thi ituation, the only thing we want i for our pet to improve quickly, right? A good die...

Australian Cobberdog

Currently, hybrid dog breed are at their peak and the Cockapoo, Maltipoo and Labradoodle are a good example of thi . Another of the e breed i the Au tralian Cobberdog, which mu t be di tingui hed from...

Care for Newborn Puppies

A mentioned in ome article , dog are like children that never grow, e pecially if they are newborn . Puppie , although they are very cute, are very en itive and delicate and require pecial care in the...

Diseases that ticks can transmit

Tick , although they are mall in ect , are harmle from nothing. They lodge in the kin of warm-blooded mammal and uck the vital fluid. The problem i that they don't ju t uck the vital fluid, they c...

How to avoid hairballs in cats

If you live daily with one or more cat , you've probably already noticed their long cleaning e ion , with countle lick and even pretty contortioni t po ition worthy of a yoga ma ter. Thi normal ca...

Mastiff of the Pyrenees

O Ma tiff of the Pyrenee it i a dog that reache a con iderable ize and, becau e of that, it can be impo ing. However, you mu t know that, in reality, it i a protective dog, affable and en itive, o it ...