- What is ketoconazole for dogs?
- What is ketoconazole for dogs?
- Dog dose of ketoconazole
- Ketoconazole for Dogs: Side Effects

Ketoconazole is a antifungal drug used relatively frequently in veterinary medicine. In this PeritoAnimal article, we will explain the characteristics of ketoconazole for dogs. It is essential that this medication is only used when prescribed by the veterinarian and you must carefully follow the instructions. Ketoconazole treatments are prolonged and may cause side effects, so only a professional can decide whether its use is pertinent or not.
If your veterinarian has prescribed this medication to your dog and you are interested in knowing all the related information, such as the side effects it produces and the recommended dose, keep reading, let's explain all about ketoconazole for dogs, doses, uses and more.
What is ketoconazole for dogs?
Ketoconazole is a antifungal or antimycotic of the azole group. Ketoconazole for dogs is available in different presentations and it is common to combine several of them. It is the veterinarian's task to choose the most suitable treatment for the dog, depending on the circumstances and clinical condition.
Ketoconazole for dogs for oral use has the advantage of having a faster effect than that applied topically, however, topical products control environmental contamination, hence their importance. So you can find ketoconazole in tablets and oral suspension or ketoconazole in dog shampoo, which can be used all over the body or in specific areas. It is necessary to leave the ketoconazole dog shampoo act for a few minutes to get the desired effect. We insist that shampoo alone does not promote healing, it only reduces infectiousness and therefore must be combined with a systemic antifungal treatment. Ketoconazole dog shampoo may also contain chlorhexidine, which is a bactericidal disinfectant.
Regardless of the format, it is the same product, ketoconazole and the only thing that will change is the presentation. O treatment period in these cases it is usually prolonged, exceeding two months. For topical use, ketoconazole cream is also available. Like shampoo, it basically lowers the risk of infection, so it's combined with systemic treatment.
What is ketoconazole for dogs?
Ketoconazole for dogs has effect antifungal, able to eliminate fungi such as the Microsporumkennels. Therefore, its use is limited to diseases caused by fungi, but it also acts against common yeasts such as Malassezia pachydermatis.
This type of disease is usually contagious, so it is important that the animal receives treatment quickly, and that you follow the hygienic measures recommended by the veterinarian, to avoid transmission as much as possible. Don't forget that fungus in dogs, in addition to infecting other animals, can also affect people. In addition to fungal infections, it is worth noting that ketoconazole has already been shown to be useful in the treatment of hyperadrenocorticism, or Cushing's syndrome.

Dog dose of ketoconazole
Ketoconazole tablets are administered in doses of 5 mg per kg of weight every 12 hours, or 10 mg if given once a day. The ideal is to offer the medicine with food, as absorption is better that way.
Anyway, it's very important to make it clear that the veterinarian must stipulate the dose of ketoconazole appropriate for the dog in question, depending on the problem or illness it has. Inappropriate administration of this or any medication can have serious consequences for the animal, such as intoxication or digestive problems.
Ketoconazole for Dogs: Side Effects
Ketoconazole, even at the recommended dose, can cause adverse reactions, such as anorexia, vomiting or diarrhea. Also noteworthy are liver disorders, as this is a drug that can be toxic to the liver. In that case, you'll likely notice jaundice, which is the yellowing of the mucous membranes. Likewise, ketoconazole for dogs interferes with the metabolism of some hormones and compounds. For example, it affects testosterone, which can have consequences on the dog's reproductive capacity during treatment and even a few weeks later.
Other less common effects of ketoconazole in dogs are neurological ones, such as listlessness, incoordination or tremors. When an overdose occurs, you may experience the symptoms already mentioned but also itching and hair loss.
In addition to the post-consumer side effects mentioned above, ketoconazole is teratogenic, meaning it causes fetal malformations. Therefore, it should not be administered to pregnant bitches. It is also not recommended for lactating females, puppies less than two months old or puppies with liver disease. It also interacts with many other medications, so it should never be given to a dog without a veterinarian's prescription.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Ketoconazole for dogs: doses, uses and side effects, we recommend that you enter our Medicines section.