
My cat wants carrots, is that normal?

Cat are full of per onality and ometime can have ome unu ual food ta te . We are o u ed to offering them fi h or meat flavored pâté that when we ee our kitten intere ted in a vegetable, uch ...

Can a dog eat peanuts?

Peanut (arachi hypogaea) i one of the mo t beloved and popular nack throughout Brazil, tanding out from other dried fruit for it affordable price and it enormou culinary ver atility, erving to prepare...

Endangered Reptiles - Causes and Preservation

Reptile are tetrapod vertebrate that have exi ted for 300 million year and who e mo t triking feature i the pre ence of cale covering your entire body. They are di tributed all over the world, with th...

Can a dog eat nuts?

ometime dog may try to get your attention to gain a piece of your food, but giving in i n't alway a good idea. Although they are anatomically very imilar to u , they have a different dige tive y ...

What is the best litter box for cats?

There are dozen of different andboxe available on the market. Mo t cat in tinctively know how to u e the litter box, al o called a toilet tray. U ually, ju t pre ent the box to the cat and he'll k...

how animals communicate

When we talk about communication between animal , we are referring to the tran mi ion of information from one animal to another, cau ing an action or change in the receiver of the information. Thi com...

Original and cute female dog names

In thi article we hare with you the female dog name mo t beautiful and original out there, orted alphabetically o you can earch directly for your favorite lyric . It i common knowledge that adopting a...

How do I know if my cat is right-handed or left-handed? Do the test!

urely you know that mo t human are right-handed, that i , they u e their right hand to carry out their main activitie . But did you know that cat al o have one of the dominant paw ?If you are current...

How many puppies can an English Bull Terrier have

The Engli h Bull Terrier i a unique and weet looking breed. Hi loving and caring character ha made thi dog breed really popular and appreciated by million of people around the world.If you are thinkin...

names for parrots

You are a king "what can I name my parrot?" Thi doubt end now! In thi article about parrot name we ugge t the 50 be t cute name for parrot that you can find on the Internet. Not bad, i n'...

German shorthaired arm

Although it i cla ified among the pointer dog , the arm German hort-haired i amultifunctional hunting dog, being able to perform other ta k uch a collection and tracking. That' why it' very po...

Tracheal collapse in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Your puppy i your be t friend, want to accompany you wherever you go and give you affection, love and fun, o your life will never be the ame after adopting one. Therefore, at PeritoAnimal we know that...

15 Things You Should Know About Cats

Cat are very weet pet that keep u company without requiring too much time and effort. It i one of the be t companion animal and, without a doubt, one of the mo t popular in Brazil.Until you have a cat...

Dog food with omega 3

You omega 3 fatty acid are a type of fat pre ent in high concentration in certain food , being beneficial to the health of dog in ome a pect . In addition, the e fatty acid are e ential, that i , the ...


O Himalayan cat it i a cro between Per ian, from whom it developed it phy ical characteri tic , and iame e, from whom it inherited the characteri tic pattern. The combination of the e two predece or g...

The Black Mamba, the most venomous snake in Africa

The Black Mamba i a nake that belong to the family of elapidae, which mean it enter a nake category. highly poi onou , of which not all of them can be part and of which, without a hadow of a doubt, Ma...

Avoiding jealousy among children and dogs

At the time of pregnancy, all kind of que tion ari e that include, in thi ca e, your dog, ince you don't know how the pet will react to the baby' arrival or what he will do if he can't pen...

Hummingbird Types - Examples of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird are mall exotic bird , e pecially popular for their many feature and beautiful hape. Although they tand out for their extremely elongated beak , through which they extract nectar from flow...

Benefits of Oats for Dogs

Oatmeal i one of the mo t popular breakfa t in the world, one of the healthie t, riche t and mo t beneficial herb in the world, a well a being a very economical food.The be t thing about oat i that no...

Amoxicillin for Dogs - Usage and Side Effects

When we detect any ign in our dog that alert u that omething i not right, it i e ential to help the vet for thi to carry out an exploration and determine what i affecting the well-being of our pet. om...