
The English Bull Terrier is a unique and sweet looking breed. His loving and caring character has made this dog breed really popular and appreciated by millions of people around the world.
If you are thinking about having English Bull Terrier puppies this article is for you. We will explain to you how many puppies you can have in a litter, what factors to consider and how important your decision is. Think about it very carefully.
At PeritoAnimal we'll give you useful advice to make the right decision, as well as what some pregnancy variables depend on. Keep reading to find out how many puppies can an English Bull Terrier have.
How many puppies can you have?
The average of English Bull Terrier puppies in the same litter is 5 puppies, however this number can vary a lot depending on different factors that we will explain below.
To start with, you should consider the mother's health status, which should be ideal in order to carry out a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. Bitches that reproduce in their first heat are likely to have a smaller number of puppies.
On the other hand, the male is also relevant in this process. More mature males will fertilize a greater number of eggs and the same will occur if they mate several times.
An English Bull Terrier can have between 1 and 15 puppies in the same litter, always depending on the factors mentioned.

Pregnancy of the English Bull Terrier
English Bull Terrier Pregnancy Should Be supervised by the veterinarian at any time to rule out possible related issues. Carrying out a pregnancy follow-up week by week will be essential to know what to expect and how to take care of the pregnant dog.
However, it is very important to know that the English Bull Terrier mom is a little impatient, nervous and excitable unlike other breeds. You must be prepared to take care of the puppies if she doesn't do it properly. It is essential to be clear on this point, as some mothers have already crushed their puppies, causing them to die.
You should also find out about the possible birth problems that can occur and be ready to act if any of them do.

Factors to take into account
Before thinking about the pregnancy of an English Bull Terrier you should consider the following points. The responsibility for new lives rests directly with you, so get informed:
- avoid inbreeding: Bringing together two Bull Terriers that are related can have serious genetic consequences in future puppies. When we carry out this type of activity, we can observe genetic mutations, predisposition to certain diseases or serious health problems, as well as a smaller number of puppies.
- healthy specimens: Never think about breeding sick English Bull Terriers. The chances of a problematic pregnancy increase considerably. Also, you should know that certain diseases can be transmitted to children. Other health problems like osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia are really serious and you should never breed dogs that suffer from them.
- physical defects: If your puppy suffers from any physical problem, he must avoid at all costs that he reproduces. A malformed jaw, poorly aligned bones or others can be transmitted to puppies with aggravations. It's not just a matter of aesthetics.
- economic expense: You should be prepared to spend a great deal of money if birth complications arise, if your dog needs an operation or if all the puppies are affected by an illness. Then it may be necessary to give them artificial breast milk and put a chip in all the puppies, keep that in mind.
- male size: The male should always be smaller than the female to prevent the offspring from being excessively large and getting trapped.
- Problems in childbirth: There are many problems that can arise in giving birth to a bitch. You must be informed and prepared to act, for example in the resuscitation of puppies and always have the number of the veterinarian at hand, in case the situation becomes complicated.
- Puppies responsibility: You must know that you and the other owner of the Bull Terrier are responsible for the lives of the puppies. You cannot reject them, abandon them or sell them, nor should you offer them to someone who will not take care of them properly. There are millions of abandoned English Bull Terriers around the world, don't let one of your puppies end up like that.
- care of puppies: As we explained to you, the English Bull Terrier mother will not always take good care of her offspring. In fact, it is quite likely that you will have to take care of all the care that newborn puppies need. Waking up at dawn, cleaning and feeding them frequently will be one of your tasks. Failure to do so can result in the puppies' death.