
My Dog Scrubs His Butt on the Floor - Causes and Tips

I'm ure you've een your dog or other pet on the treet more than once dragging your butt acro the floor in a lightly awkward po ition. But you hould know that your dog it' not dragging the ...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Inflammatory bowel di ea e or IBD in cat it con i t of the accumulation of inflammatory cell in the inte tinal muco a. Thi accumulation can be lymphocyte , pla ma cell or eo inophil . In cat , it i om...

Types of molluscs: characteristics and examples

You mollu c they are a large group of invertebrate animal , almo t a numerou a arthropod . Although they are very diver e animal , it i po ible to find certain characteri tic that cla ify them differe...

Castration of cats - Value, age and care

In thi article from PeritoAnimal, we are going to di cu a very important i ue for all pet owner , which i nothing more than terilization of cat . Ca tration of cat It i a common operation in any veter...

Types of Poisonous Spiders - Photos and Trivia

pider are in ect that generate fa cination and terror at the ame time. For many people the way they pin their web or their elegant walk i intriguing, while other find them terrifying. Many pecie are ...

Homemade shampoo for allergic dogs

ometime our puppie have allergie . The va t majority of allergie manife t them elve in the dog' epidermi , and when that happen we need to pay pecial attention to our be t friend' kin.There a...

why doesn't my cat want to eat

ometime we notice that our cat are inappetizing and o we get worried a king our elve : why doe n't my cat want to eat? The cau e that can lead to thi change in our feline' behavior can be fro...

Adaptation of living beings to the environment

All living being mu t adapt or have ome qualitie that allow them to urvive. Faced with udden change in the environment, not all pecie have thi ability and, throughout evolutionary hi tory, many have b...

Why do cats suck on the blanket?

Cat have ome very trange habit for u human . Namely, eating trange thing or licking trange object . If the behavior only happened once, there' no need to worry, but if on the other hand it' om...

Inguinal hernia in dogs: diagnosis and treatment

THE inguinal hernia in dog it i a protru ion that can be een in the groin area. In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain in detail what a hernia con i t of, what ri k it po e to your dog' h...

Biodiversity - Meaning, types and characteristics

One of the fundamental i ue of the pre ent time i , without a doubt, the con ervation of biodiver ity. It i a theme that ha gained relevance in different area of human activity, a ba ed on it under ta...

Jaundice in Cats - Symptoms and Causes

THE jaundice i defined a the yellow pigmentation of the kin, urine, erum and organ cau ed by the accumulation of bilirubin, both in blood and ti ue . It i a clinical ign that can originate from multip...

Monarch butterfly migration

the monarch butterfly, Danau plexippu , i a lepidopteran who e main difference with other pecie of butterflie i that it emigrate covering a huge amount of kilometer . The monarch butterfly ha a very p...

Canicross: what it is and how to practice

There i nothing better than haring daily activitie with your dog to trengthen your relation hip with him, for thi rea on in thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain everything about the canicro : w...

Harlequin Rabbit

At PeritoAnimal, you will find a multitude of article that will help you di cover new pecie and breed of animal . Thi time, we'll talk about a very pecial bunny, the Harlequin rabbit. Thi rabbit o...

Why do cats like to sleep on their feet? - 5 reasons!

We all know that almo t all cat like to leep with tutor . There are everal rea on for thi behavior. If you have a feline companion at home, it i important that you know the e rea on .If you've eve...

Preparing the house for the dog's arrival

Knowing how to welcome the puppy into the hou e will be e ential for him to perceive the hou e in a po itive way. For thi rea on, at PeritoAnimal we will explain everything you need to know for your a...

Why doesn't my dog ​​like to be touched on his tail?

We all have our weakne e when it come to the body, e pecially dog , which are very en itive creature to all kind of contact. ome feel uncomfortable when you touch their ear , ome feel their paw , and ...

5 Symptoms of a Bored Dog

Dog are highly ociable companion animal , in addition to having a great intelligence, o we trongly empha ize the fact that need a great deal of attention, affection and po itive timulation.A dog can g...

How do I know if my dog ​​is fat?

Dog overweight and obe ity are growing di ea e , which become very dangerou , ince being overweight can act a a trigger for other di ea e , uch a diabete or joint problem .Do you train your dog with f...