
Basic dog commands

train a dog it repre ent more than teaching a couple of trick that make u laugh, ince education timulate the dog' mind and facilitate coexi tence and it behavior in public.It i important to be pat...

How to inject a dog

If your veterinarian ha decided the be t way to admini ter a medication when your dog i by injection, you're likely to feel a little lo t. For thi rea on, in thi PeritoAnimal article, we will expl...

Is it true that dogs look like their owners?

If you're careful enough when walking along the treet or in public park , over time you'll notice that ome dog my teriou ly re emble their owner . In many ca e and trangely the pet they can be...

The external parasites of the dog

When taking on the re pon ibility of having a dog a a pet, one of the main care that mu t be taken i the deworming or applying hygiene mea ure o that he doe not uffer from thi problem. A a general rul...

care of a pregnant cat

Cat are very independent animal and thi attitude remain during the cat' pregnancy. Cat can handle their pregnancy very well on their own without the need for pecial care. However, if we can help h...

Are cats jealous?

Many people claim that their cat are jealou and act aggre ively or po e ively with other , whether it' a feline, a dog, or a human. However, i it true that there i a jealou cat or i it more a form...

Encephalitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we are going to talk about a di ea e that, fortunately, i not very common. It i encephaliti , a brain inflammation and/or infection that, even in dog that manage to rec...

Dog Language and Calm Signs

Learning to communicate with our dog i e ential to promote a balanced and po itive relation hip with him. Furthermore, it allow u to know what our furry friend feel at each moment and improve our rela...

Is it possible to have a dingo as a pet?

If you live in Au tralia you hould know that it i po ible to have a dingo a a pet. If you live el ewhere it will be very difficult, a thi canid from Au tralia i currently banned for export. Preci ely ...

short names for cats

Adopted a kitten and are looking for a hort name for it? Did you know that ideally pet name hould have two or three yllable ? hort name make it ea ier for the pet to learn. Al o, you hould not choo e ...

Anisocoria in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The cat' eye i a dynamic tructure that allow the animal to be an expert hunter throughout the day. Pupil mu cle allow you to control the amount of light that enter the eye and thu improve the qual...

because my dog ​​eats feces

If your dog eat fece i expo ed to everal health problem that can encourage the appearance of bacteria or para ite in the inte tine, among many other problem . Thi i not only a problem that we are not ...

Is it bad to bathe the dog after giving birth?

After giving birth to the bitch, it i common for the mother to generate a bad odor, both by vaginal di charge and by the puppie that are con tantly on top of her to nur e. Al o, if it' ummer, the ...

Canine pancreatitis: causes and treatment

A with human , the pancrea It i an organ of vital importance to adequate the dog' dige tive function a it relea e in ulin and glucagon, two hormone related to carbohydrate metaboli m. Therefore, i...

Can dogs detect cancer?

Dog are creature with an extraordinary en itivity, e pecially if we talk about their olfactory ability. It i proven that dog have 25 time more olfactory receptor than human therefore, your ability to ...

Is the Pitbull a dangerous dog?

Pitbull dog are often con idered dangerou dog , which not only lead u to create a clear prejudice, but al o lead u to think that there are good and bad dog and that we are not re pon ible for that.But...

Advice to avoid dog barking

Barking i a dog' natural communication y tem and can be cau ed by a variety of rea on , requiring you or a peciali t to identify the cau e. It can become a eriou problem when it become a habit for...

29 small dogs that don't grow

Known by many a man' be t friend, dog are wonderful animal to have at home, plea ing both tho e who live alone and tho e who have children and want a pet to play with.Large animal are often more d...

Fish with legs - Curiosities and photos

Fi h are vertebrate who e diver ity of hape , ize and life tyle make them unique. Within the different life tyle they have, it i worth highlighting the pecie that evolved in their environment to obtai...

Feline Hyperesthesia - Symptoms and Treatment

It i not a ecret that feline are animal that are extremely careful with their hygiene, and it i po ible to ay that the econd activity they perform mo t during the day, be ide leeping, i licking their ...