
The 7 rarest marine animals in the world

The ea, infinite and enigmatic, i full of my terie and mo t of them have not yet been di covered. In the depth of the ocean, not only i there darkne and ancient unken hip , there i al o life. There ar...

Hyperactive Dog - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Many dog ​​handler claim to be ure they are hyperactive. We often hear phra e uch a "my dog ​​i never quiet", "my dog ​​i very agitated", "my dog ​​doe n't get tired"...

Weasel feeding

The wea el, who e cientific name i mu tela nivali , belong to the group of mu telid mammal , which i home to approximately 60 pecie , among which we can al o find the ermine, the badger or the ferret....

Homemade flea shampoo for dogs

There i a wide variety of dog flea hampoo very effective. However, the e chemical hampoo have certain degree of toxicity for our pet and al o for u .The in ect repellent hampoo ba ed on natural produc...

At what age does a dog become an adult?

Knowing your dog' age i not only important to, for example, calculate the equivalence between the year you are with you and your age in "dog year ", but in addition, each tage of the dog...

How to cure a cat with a sore paw

Let' not forget that our dear cat are predator and their organi m i perfectly de igned for hunting. An example of thi are the your paw pad . Cat pillow are very en itive and thi en itivity i u ed ...

Russian names for male and female cats

Choo e the perfect name for a cat it i not a imple ta k. We mu t find a beautiful and charming name that de cribe your per onality and, in addition, i ea y to pronounce and under tand for the newcomer...

Tramadol for dogs: doses, uses and side effects

tramadol i a opioid analge ic which a uch i u ed to relieve pain. In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will talk about tramadol for dog , how it i u ed, what it i for and what it po ible ide effect are....

How to teach the dog its name

teach the dog your name it i critical for it to re pond correctly to our ignal . It i a ba ic exerci e to teach the other canine obedience exerci e and to capture their attention in different circum t...

Fertile days of a bitch in heat

the period of heat in bitche it tell u when they are exually receptive, that i , when they are fertile. If you want to prevent a pregnancy or if you are thinking about having your dog breed, you mu t ...

The most expensive breeds of dog in Brazil

Large, medium, mall, long-haired, hort-haired, long-haired, hriveled, friendly, energetic, ea ygoing, territorial, trailblazer , dog come in o many different type that it' hard to find omeone who ...

How do cats behave at night

Chance are you've already heard that cat are nocturnal animal , perhap becau e they walk the treet at dawn hunting prey or becau e cat ' eye glow in the dark. The truth i that cat are not con ...

Curiosities about butterflies

Throughout your life you will ee hundred of butterflie in field , fore t or even in the city. They belong to the family of lepidopteran , mo t flyer . Butterflie , unlike many other in ect , are a pec...

Cat that doesn't grow: causes and what to do

Kitten ' fir t month of life are characterized by rapid growth. However, in ome ca e , we may notice that our little one i not growing a much a it hould. Kitten are o vulnerable that the pre ence ...

Shepherd of the Pyrenees of Pelo Longo

The Pyrenee hepherd, al o known a the Pyrenean hepherd, i a breed of dog. french very popular in the country and that until today play the role of herding companion, ince they are very intelligent and...

Why does my dog ​​lick my hands?

Licking i a behavior that repre ent and al o help to maintain the high level of affective bond between the dog and it tutor. For thi rea on, it i not uncommon to ee a dog lick hi tutor' hand, a we...

World's Smartest Dogs According to Stanley Coren

tanley Corene i a p ychologi t and teacher who in 1994 wrote the famou book The Intelligence of Dog . In Portugue e the book i known a "the intelligence of dog ". In it, he pre ented a worl...

Gumboro Disease in Birds - Symptoms and Treatment

Gumboro di ea e i a viral infection which mainly affect chick , between the fir t 3 and 6 week of life. It can al o affect other bird , uch a duck and turkey , which i why it i one of the mo t common ...

Brazilian butterflies: names, characteristics and photos

the order Lepidoptera, which include butterflie and moth , i con idered the econd large t among in ect in number of pecie . Thi repre ent , globally, 16% of all in ect pecie . It i e timated that on p...

toy or dwarf

The rabbit toy or dwarf rabbit ha long been a very popular pet. It mall ize, adorable appearance and affable character make it the perfect pet for apartment dweller . It wa developed in the Netherland...