How to cure a cat with a sore paw

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Limping Cat? Try this Holistic Antibiotic and Natural Pain Killer
Video: Limping Cat? Try this Holistic Antibiotic and Natural Pain Killer


Let's not forget that our dear cats are predators and their organism is perfectly designed for hunting. An example of this are the your paw pads. Cat pillows are very sensitive and this sensitivity is used to measure the temperature of the surface on which they walk, as well as to assess the texture of their prey, among other functions.

But obviously the pillows are also robust and designed so that the cat can withstand certain punctures and scratches while walking. We can also see changes in the color of the pillows depending on the type of coat of our cat.

Undoubtedly, this is an anatomical structure of great importance for our pet, so in this PeritoAnimal article we show you how to cure cat with leg wound. Good reading!

Cat paw pad wound

Cats that have more outdoor contact and are more explorers are especially susceptible to injury causing sore on the cat's paw pad. So it's important that you review this area if it shows any of these warning signs:

  • if you're limping
  • Show some indication of pain
  • If you have any mobility difficulties

If the wound on the cat's paw pad is superficial or even a burn, you will be able to treat the problem at home, just perform first aid on your furry friend. Otherwise, you should see a veterinarian immediately so that he can analyze the situation and prescribe the indicated diagnosis.

It is worth noting that cats are experts in hiding the symptoms they are suffering from. To help you identify them, we have this other article that presents 10 signs of pain in cats.

How to cure a cat with a sore paw

If your cat has a foot pad sore, you should proceed as follows to heal properly:

  1. clean the pad using only lukewarm water, rinse well until the cushion is clean and you can make a proper assessment of the lesion.
  2. If you notice there is a object stuck in the pillow, remove it with tweezers.
  3. Soak a sterile gauze in hydrogen peroxide and moisten the entire pad with it, abundantly, as the hydrogen peroxide will act as an antiseptic and prevent any possibility of infection.
  4. Apply Chlorhexidine, suitable for pets, to the wound, either as a spray or as a gel.
  5. Wrap the wound with sterile gauze and secure the gauze with hypoallergenic tape.
  6. Perform this procedure daily until the wound has completely healed, ensuring your cat can walk normally again.

Cat Wound Home Remedy

If you want to use a more natural cure, just replace Chlorhexidine with 100% natural aloe vera (aloe) pulp. The pulp of this plant will help reduce pain and inflammation, and speed up the healing and repair process, making it an excellent home remedy for cat wounds.

Aloe has a number of medicinal properties and is known for using healing as it has the ability to promote tissue regeneration. Among its properties are also antibiotic, analgesic and antiseptic actions.

And since we're talking about plants, you should know that many of them are toxic to felines. That's why we created an article that shows which ones are beneficial for them. Be sure to read the text 22 Plants for Cats.

Supervise wound progression

When performing the daily dressing change for the cat with a wound on the paw, observe how the wound is evolving. If there is bleeding and continues to do so, or if you do not see improvement in the wound, you need to see the vet as soon as possible. On some occasions it may be necessary small interventions that only the veterinarian is qualified to perform.

cat's paw burn

A cat can also cause a sore foot when stepping on surfaces with extreme temperatures or even if it is exported to certain chemical products. His paw pads can burn if he walks along a sidewalk that is too hot in summer, for example.

You'll instantly notice if he's done this, as he'll start licking his paws and limping. In these cases, what you can do is dip the cat's paw in water at room temperature to ease his discomfort. However, if the burn is intense and it is possible to visualize the pillow discoloration or if there is any exposed tissue in this region, go to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

If the cat steps on any caustic product, it can also suffer from burns on its paws and, consequently, with intoxication, since its first reaction is to lick its paws if exposed to something uncomfortable to them. So if he steps on any chemical product and you observe this act, as in the previous case, hold your paw under running water for several minutes, wash it with soap and rinse it thoroughly.

The recommendation for these cases is that you apply an antibiotic ointment or even the pulp of the aloe and then bandage the cat's paw.

How to Prevent Cat Paw Sores

As we already know, cats are curious and explorer animals by nature and they are instinctively so. Therefore, the best way to prevent a possible injury to a cat's paw pad is to observe where the cat walks. It is necessary to pay special attention to domestic accidents and works or renovations in our homes, as sharp objects, broken glass or pieces of metal can pose great risk to cats.

Also, if you live in a region where it is very hot in summer, especially places that have exceeded the 35 degrees of temperature, or the opposite, where it snows and temperatures can be negative, such as in southern Brazil, it is important to prevent your cat from walking on the street and on sidewalks during these times.

And since we are talking about prevention, we leave this video as a recommendation that serves as a warning to all of us. He shows 10 things we have at home that can kill cats:

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to cure a cat with a sore paw, we recommend that you enter our Other health problems section.