What is the most venomous spider in the world?

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Milking the World’s Most Venomous Spider!
Video: Milking the World’s Most Venomous Spider!


What is the most venomous spider in the world? According to experts, the most venomous spider in the world is an Australian arachnid known as "sydney spider", although it is also mistakenly called the "Sydney tarantula". This is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world and is one of the most dangerous animals in Australia.

This spider's venom can cause serious problems, including death, although it is not common to happen instantly, as there is a way to survive, as we will explain to you in this article by PeritoAnimal.

World's Most Poisonous Spiders - TOP 10

10 – Yellow Bag Spider

Its venom in contact with human skin can cause serious injuries and can necrotize the part of the body where it was bitten. However, this spider rarely gets close to humans.

9 – Poecilotheria ornata (Ornamental tarantula)

Tarantula stings are one of the most painful. It causes significant damage to the area and when it enters the body, it can leave the body fragile, it can even be a case of hospitalization.

8 – Chinese-Bird Spiders

Its bites in small amounts can be deadly for some animals. They are usually found in Asia and the potency of their poison is still being investigated.

7 – Spider-mouse

Females are black and males are red. Its bite can also lead to death if there is no urgent medical attention.

6 – Fiddler spider or brown spider (Loxosceles recluse)

A bite from this spider can cause large swellings, with a high possibility of gangrene. Their fangs are smaller compared to other spiders and this can make it difficult to ingest the venom.

5 – Red back spider

From the black widow family, the red-backed spider has powerful bites that cause infections, swelling, pain, fever, convulsions and even severe respiratory problems.

4 – Black widow

Its name is due to the fact that the female usually eats the male right after copulation. Its venom can cause everything from muscle spasms to cerebral and spinal palsy.

3– Sand Spider

They live in regions far from humans and tend to easily camouflage themselves in the sand. Its venom can cause heavy bleeding as well as clots in the skin.

2- Armadeira (Brazilian wandering spider)

She was named one of the most dangerous spiders in the world in 2010 by Guinness World Records. In addition to being very aggressive, the gun has a neurotoxin capable of causing serious breathing problems for those who are bitten. It can cause death from suffocation and can also cause permanent sexual impotence, as its sting causes long-lasting erections.

1– Robust Atrax (Sydney Spider)

Their bites always have venom, unlike other spiders that sometimes don't release venom. Toxins in contact with the human body cause serious problems and can lead to death.

most dangerous spider in the world

THE Sydney spider or Atrax robustus is considered to most dangerous spider not just from Australia, but from all over the world. It can be found in a radius of 160 km around Sydney and, according to official records, has already killed 15 people in a period of 60 years, specifically between the 20s and the 80s.

This spider is responsible for more bites than the red-backed spider (Latrodectus hasselti), from the black widow family. In addition, it is not only known for its bite, it is also considered the strongest among all spiders and is also one of the more aggressive.

Why is it so dangerous?

Sydney's spider is considered the most poisonous in the world because her poison has twice the potency of cyanide. The male is much more dangerous than the female. If we compare, the male is 6 times more toxic than females or younger spiders, which do not yet have venom.

THE high toxicity This spider is due to a toxin called Delta atracotoxin (robustotoxin), a potent neurotoxic polypeptide. The sharp, fine teeth of these spiders can penetrate the nails and even the soles of shoes. the sting is very painful and the acidic venom that spiders possess causes great damage, as the marks that a spider bite leaves are very visible.

Sydney's spider venom attacks the nervous system and affects every organ in the body. Only 0.2 mg per kg of weight are enough to end life of a person.


Another factor that can be lethal is the fact that the Sydney Spider keep biting until it separates from the skin. Consequently, the arachnid can inject a large amount of venom, causing very serious health problems or even death.

After 10 or 30 minutes of the bite, breathing and the circulatory system begin to malfunction, and muscle spasms, tearing, or digestive tract disorders may occur. A person can die in 60 minutes after the bite, in case it is not rescued in time.

Spider bite: what to do?

O antidote of the spider bite was discovered in 1981 and since then, there has been no occurrence of more human fatalities. As a curiosity, we can emphasize that 70 venom extractions are needed to obtain a single dose of antidote.

If the spider bites one end of the body, it is very important. bar blood circulation, which we should relieve every 10 minutes to we don't completely stop the flow. This barrier can cause the loss of this end for a longer period of time. If possible, you should try to catch the spider and look for it. medical help as soon as possible.

In any case, the prevention it is much more effective than applying first aid. Avoid touching any spider whose species you don't know. When camping on vacation, shake the tent before stepping inside.

How to identify the Sydney spider?

THE Atrax robustus it is also known as funnel-web spider. The Latin name of this spider reveals its robust constitution, as the arachnid is strong and resistant. belongs to the family Hexathelid, of which more than 30 subspecies of spiders belong.

Females of this species are considerably larger than males, measuring around 6 to 7 cm, while males are around 5 cm. As for the longevity, once again females win. They can live up to 8 years of age, while males generally live less.

This spider is characterized by having a bluish black thorax and hairless head. In addition, it has a shiny appearance and a brown abdomen, on which it has small layers.

It is important to emphasize that the sydney spider has an appearance similar to other Australian spiders, such as those belonging to the genus Missulena, the common black spider (Badumna insignis) or the spiders that belong to the family Ctenizidae.

Sydney's spider produces a painful sting with intense itching. This bite is typical of spiders Mygalomosphae, which have the teeth pointed downwards (like tarantulas) rather than the cross-clamp style.

World's Most Poisonous Spider: More Information


The Sydney spider is endemic to Australia and we can find it from the Lithgow interior to the coast of Sydney. It is also possible to find this spider in New South Wales. It is more common to find this arachnid inland than on the coast, as these animals prefer to live in areas with sand that they can dig.


It is a carnivorous spider that feeds on different types of insects such as cockroaches, beetles, snails or centipedes. Sometimes it also feeds on frogs and lizards.


Generally, males are more solitary than females. They remain in the same place, forming colonies of more than 100 spiders, while males prefer to live independently.

is a spider of night habits, as it does not withstand heat well. By the way, it is important to point out that they do not usually enter houses, unless their lair is flooded or destroyed for some reason. If we don't offer threat, the probability of attack by these spiders is very low.

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