
Dog Crossing - The 11 Most Popular Hybrids

The hi tory of the dog i definitely marked by the will of Man, who in i tently experimented with genetic and phy ical attribute until reaching the more than 300 tandardized canine breed that we know t...

Fish that breathe out of water

If we talk about fi h everyone think about animal with gill and living in a lot of water, but, did you know that there are ome pecie that can breathe out of water? Whether for hour , day or indefinite...

Barbet or French Water Dog

The barbet or French water dog tand out for it big rug of long curly hair, trong a pect and for hi great fa cination for water. Their mo t accepted origin i French and they are excellent hunting, wimm...

poodle or poodle

The poodle, al o called the poodle, i one of the mo t popular puppie in the world due to it elegance, intelligence and balanced character. According to the International Cynological Federation (FCI), ...

Differences between German Shepherd and Belgian Shepherd

the race Belgian hepherd it wa definitively e tabli hed in the year 1897, after a erie of cro ing between everal animal dedicated to grazing that began in 1891. On the other hand, the breed of German ...

Disney Names for Cats

Di ney movie marked mo t of our childhood. They are a ociated with a erie of po itive memorie . For that rea on, it' not urpri ing that when we adopt a new family member, we con ider choo ing a Di...

Shetland Shepherd

The hetland hepherd or heltie i a mall, cute and very intelligent dog. It' very imilar to the long-haired Collie but maller in ize. Originally born a a hepherd dog, a thi dog i a tirele worker, bu...

how to train a dog

Dog training i more than a learning proce for the dog, it i a practice that trengthen the relation hip between dog and tutor, making you know and interact more with your pet. Training al o allow commu...

How long does an elephant's gestation last

Elephant are very large and very intelligent animal and are currently the large t land animal in exi tence. They are family member of the extinct mammoth , a mammal that lived until 3700 year ago.The ...

My cat keeps looking at me intently. Why?

The look of cat i one of the mo t attractive feature of thi pecie . Not only becau e of the different hade of color that Iri can pre ent, but al o becau e of the expre ive that can be due to it large ...

All about German Shepherd

O German hepherd i a dog that never goe unnoticed, whether for it noble appearance, it attentive expre ion or it o balanced demeanor. o many attribute explain why it i common to ee o many dog of thi b...

Horner's Syndrome in Cats

Horner' yndrome i a generally momentary condition that i characterized by a et of neurological and ophthalmic ign that affect the eyeball and it adnexa. If your cat' eye look trange and differ...

Tips for training a Pitbull

We found it at pitbull terrier one of the breed of dog con idered in many region a a potentially dangerou breed due to it phy ical attribute that make it a trong and robu t animal, the p ychology of t...

How do I know if my kitten is in labor?

If, a cat tutor , we have the opportunity to live with a cat we u pect i pregnant, it i important that we have the ba ic knowledge needed, not only about pregnancy, but al o about how to know if a cat...

because dogs wag their tails

"Dog wag their tail when they're happy and keep it down when they're ad," how many time have you been told thi when you a ked why dog wag their tail ? Without a doubt, thi i one of t...

Run over cat - first aid

Unfortunately, many cat are run over. Both tray and dome tic animal die on the road every year. What often happen i that they are blinded by car headlight and are unable to e cape.It i al o normal for...

the armadillo as a pet

You armadillo or Da ipodide , cientific name, are animal that belong to the order Cingulata. They have the peculiar characteri tic of having a trong carapace formed by bony plate , u eful for being ab...

Dog names with letter N

We know how difficult it i to choo e a dog name. However, the choice of name i an e ential point in the initial tage of training.You need to choo e a name that the whole family like and i able to pron...

How to make my cat love me?

Cat are much more ocial animal than we u ually believe. They love to receive affection, pend time with u and cha e u around the hou e, alway keeping an eye on everything we do. Well, that' what we...

Poodle Types - Toy, Dwarf, Medium and Standard

One of the world famou dog breed i undoubtedly the poodle or poodle. Thi canine breed ha a long and royal hi tory, a they were the companion dog of Loui XVI' courtier in France in the 18th century...