Fish that breathe out of water

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 16 January 2025
How do fish breathe using gills?
Video: How do fish breathe using gills?


If we talk about fish everyone thinks about animals with gills and living in a lot of water, but, did you know that there are some species that can breathe out of water? Whether for hours, days or indefinitely, there are fish that have organs that allow them to survive in non-aquatic environments.

Nature is fascinating and getting some fish to modify their bodies so they can move and breathe on land. Keep reading and discover with PeritoAnimal some fish that breathe out of water.


O periophthalmus is one of the fish that breathe out of water. It lives in tropical and sub-tropical regions, including the entire Indo-Pacific and Atlantic African region. They can only breathe out of water if they remain in conditions of too much humidity, so they are always in muddy areas.

In addition to having gills to breathe in water, it has a system of breathing through the skin, mucous membranes and the pharynx that allows them to breathe outside of it too. They also have gill chambers that accumulate oxygen and help you breathe in non-aquatic spaces.

lose climber

It is a freshwater fish from Asia that can measure up to 25 cm in length, but what makes it so special is that it can survive out of water for up to six days whenever it is wet. During the driest times of the year, they burrow into the dry stream beds to look for moisture so they can survive. These fish can breathe out of water thanks to the call labyrinth organ that have in the skull.

When the streams in which they live dry up, they have to look for a new place to live and for that they even move on dry land. Their belly is a little flat, so they can support themselves on the ground when they leave the ponds where they live and "walk" through the land, pushing themselves with their fins to look for another place where they can live.

snakehead fish

This fish whose scientific name is Chana Argus, comes from China, Russia and Korea. has a suprabranchial organ and a bifurcated ventral aorta that allows you to breathe both air and water. Thanks to this it can survive several days out of water in humid places. It is called a snake's head because of the shape of its head, which is a little flat.

senegal bug

O polypterus senegalus, Senegalese bichir or African dragon pez is another fish that can breathe out of water. They can measure up to 35 cm and can move outside thanks to their pectoral fins. These fish breathe out of water thanks to some primitive lungs in place of a swim bladder, which means that, if they remain moist, they can live in non-aquatic environments. indefinitely.