- 1. Cattle (Cows)
- 2. Sheep (Sheep)
- 3. Goats (Goats)
- 4. Deer (Deer)
- More examples of ruminant animals...

If you wonder what they are or are you looking for examples of ruminant animals found the appropriate site, PeritoAnimal explains what it is about.
Ruminant animals are characterized by digesting food in two stages: after eating they begin to digest the food, but before this ends they regurgitate the food to chew it again and add saliva.
There are four large groups of ruminants that we are going to review and we also show you a complete list of valid examples so that you understand what it is all about. Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to find out what are the ruminant animals!
1. Cattle (Cows)
The first group of ruminants are cattle and this is probably the best known group, as you will see, some animals are accompanied by the symbol †, which means they are extinct. So let's look at some examples:
- american bison
- european bison
- Steppe Bison †
- gauro
- Gaial
- Yak
- Bantengue
- Kouprey
- cow and bull
- Zebu
- Eurasian aurochs †
- Southeast Asia Aurochs †
- African aurochs †
- Nilgai
- asian buffalo
- Anoa
- date
- Saola
- african buffalo
- giant eland
- Eland common
- four-horned antelope
- inhale
- mountain inhala
- bong
- cudo
- kudo minor
- imbabala
- Sitatunga
Did you know that camelids are not considered ruminant due to lack of aglandular pre-stomach and horns?

2. Sheep (Sheep)
The second large group of ruminants are sheep, animals known and appreciated for their milk and wool. There aren't as many different types as in the case of cattle but we can still offer you a considerable list of sheep:
- mountain sheep
- Karanganda Sheep
- gansu ram
- Argali
- Hume's ram
- Tian Shan's ram
- Marco Polo's Canary
- Gobi's ram
- Severtzov's ram
- northern china sheep
- Kara Tau Sheep
- domestic sheep
- trans-Caspian urial
- afghan urial
- Mouflon of Esfahan
- Laristan Mouflon
- European Mouflon
- asian mouflon
- cypress mouflon
- Urial of Ladahk
- canadian wild sheep
- californian wild sheep
- mexican wild sheep
- desert wild sheep
- wild sheep weemsi
- Dall's Mouflon
- Kamchatka snow sheep
- Snow sheep of Putoran
- Kodar Snow Sheep
- Koryak snow sheep
Did you know that goats and sheep despite being related have a phylogenetic separation? This occurred in the last stage of Neogeno, which in total lasted no less than 23 million years!

3. Goats (Goats)
In the third group of ruminant animals we find goats, commonly known as goats. it is an animal domesticated for centuries due to its milk and fur. Here are some examples:
- wild goat
- Bezoar Goat
- Sindh desert goat
- Chialtan Goat
- wild goat from crete
- domestic goat
- Bearded goat from Turkestan
- Western Caucasus Tour
- East Caucasus Tour
- Markhor de Bujará
- Markhor of Chialtan
- Straight Horned Markhor
- Markhor de Solimán
- Ibex of the Alps
- Anglo-Nubian
- mountain goat
- Portuguese mountain goat †
- Mountain goat from the Pyrenees †
- Gredos mountain goat
- Siberian Ibex
- Ibex of Kyrgyzstan
- Mongolian Ibex
- Ibex of the Himalayas
- Ibex Kashmir
- Altai Ibex
- Ethiopian mountain goat
Did you know that through remastication, ruminants are able to reduce the size of particles so that your body can assimilate and digest them?

4. Deer (Deer)
To complete our complete list of ruminant animals we have added a very beautiful and noble group, the deer. Here are some examples:
- Eurasian moose
- Moose
- Wetland deer
- Doe
- siberian doe
- Andean deer
- South Andean deer
- bush deer
- Small bush deer
- Mazama bricenii
- shorthand deer
- brocket deer
- Mazama theme
- white-tailed deer
- mule deer
- pampas deer
- northern pudu
- southern pudu
- Reindeer
- Chital
- Axis calamianensis
- Axis kuhlii
- wapiti
- common deer
- Sika deer
- common deer
- Elaphodus cephalophus
- David's deer
- Irish moose
- Muntiacus
- deer of
- Panolia eldii
- rusa alfredi
- Timor deer
- Chinese water deer
Did you know that there are 250 species of ruminants in the world?

More examples of ruminant animals...
- moose
- Grant's Gazelle
- Mongolian Gazelle
- persian gazelle
- Giraffe Gazelle
- Pyrenean chamois
- kobus kob
- impala
- niglo
- Gnu
- Oryx
- Mud
- Alpaca
- Guanco
- Vicuna