Rabbit wormers - The best deworming products

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Intestinal Worms In No Time
Video: Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Intestinal Worms In No Time


A growing number of households have the company of a rabbit. Although it doesn't look like it, this adorable little animal can carry internal and external parasites, even causing diarrhea in rabbits. Furthermore, rabbit can transmit diseases to humans. Hence the importance of knowing the products and methods for deworming rabbits, as well as establishing a deworming calendar that can act preventively.

Deworming, vaccination, sterilization, correct nutrition and providing a suitable environment will be the pillars of our rabbit's health. In this article by PeritoAnimal, let's focus vrabbit hermitage - the best deworming products. Good reading!

Is it necessary to use dewormer for rabbits?

Yes they need to be dewormed and that is why it is important to use dewormer for rabbits. These furry ones can have both external and internal parasites, and even rabbits can transmit diseases to humans. Thus, it is essential, to save us from problems that can become serious, such as diarrhea in rabbits, that the first thing to do once we adopt our partner is to take him to the vet so that he can be checked, unless that they have given it to us with complete information about their health status. It is very difficult for a rabbit that is always at home to acquire some kind of strange parasite, even so, precaution is important.

Does rabbit have fleas?

Yes, rabbit can have fleas. Checking their coat and skin, we can observe the presence or absence of parasites such as fleas, lice or ticks, as well as wounds or alopecia that may suggest the existence of mites that cause pathologies such as scabies. Also, with a sample of rabbit poop collected by inserting a thermometer into the rectum, it is possible to look under the microscope for different intestinal worms or coccidia. Thus, it will be possible to distinguish which type of dewormer for rabbits to use, analyzing whether there is a need for internal or external deworming.

Below we will list the best dewormers for rabbits and ways to deworm these furry, according to its form of administration. It is important to know that we currently have products that act against both internal and external parasites, which makes their use easier.

In this other PeritoAnimal article you can learn about the most common diseases in rabbits. And in the photo below, you can see a furry one surrounded by rabbit poop.

Internal deworming in rabbits

If we talk about internal deworming in rabbits, we are dealing, therefore, with two possible types of remedies for rabbits: pills and syrups, as products for this purpose must be ingested to have an effect. Thus, it stands out among the best dewormers for rabbits the Fenbendazole.

Both presentations are commonly used to fight internal parasites. It is recommended that rabbits be dewormed twice a year with a broad-spectrum product, unless some other parasite is found that requires specific treatment.

To choose the presentation of the rabbit remedy, whether tablet or syrup, in addition to its active ingredient and, therefore, the species against which it acts, we must also take into account the ease of administering the dewormer in the rabbit. We should be aware that syrups can require several days of continuous administration and it will obviously be essential that our rabbits ingest them.

How to offer syrup to the rabbit:

  • Ask for help, because among several people it can be easier to deal with the animal, especially if we are inexperienced, we get nervous or our rabbit is very restless or refuses to take medicine. Keep in mind that if because of the stress caused, the animal starts to move energetically, this can cause serious damage and even end its life by a careless gesture or hit. Remember that rabbits are very sensitive.
  • To offer the dewormer to rabbits: while the animal is on all fours, try to leave the syringe within reach to see if it approaches by itself and it is not necessary to hold it. If that doesn't work, try the previous step.
  • Use a towel that you will wrap the rabbit in, leaving only the head free. The objective is to stop him from moving and using his paws. Under no circumstances should you use force, we should just hold it firmly and gently.
  • Have everything we need ready and at hand so we don't needlessly prolong the moment.
  • Some rabbits may benefit from being given medication at the same time so they can incorporate it into their routine. On the contrary, others may be more nervous if they recognize what awaits them, so it might be a good idea to change the time of administration and thus take advantage of the surprise factor.
  • After medication, let him retreat to a quiet place. We can also yougive rewards and affection.

Medicine for rabbits - how to give them pills:

  • It might be a good idea to dilute them with a little water and administer them with a syringe
  • Another option would be to put them in your favorite food.
  • Some rabbits are able to eat them directly, so it doesn't become traumatic for them.
  • It's also important. give them the liquids through the side of the mouth, supporting the syringe behind the teeth and observing the amount, as we should not give them the whole product at once. This will prevent them from choking.

External deworming in rabbits

Within this category, the best dewormers for rabbits are presented to us in the form of pipettes and spray. We highlight the selamectin. We could also include in this group drugs that are administered by subcutaneous injection, such as Ivermectin, which is usually administered by the veterinarian in his office. Therefore, our recommendation is to use:

  • selamectin
  • Ivermectin

As in the previous section, choosing the best product will depend, in addition to its activity spectrum, on the characteristics of our rabbit. For example, the noise of the spray can be very irritating to some rabbits, so the pipette will be much more tolerated. Even so, the unpleasant smell may disturb some rabbits. So, we can follow the tricks we described in the previous section.

You may also be interested in this other article on rabbit vaccines.

Look for the veterinarian

Lastly, we must not forget that the veterinarian will be in charge of providing us with complete information about the best products for deworming rabbits. This professional will indicate the best options, once the parasites that we have to fight are identified. He will also be in charge of explaining the administration routes to us. We should never medicate our rabbit without a veterinary prescription nor with products for other species.

And if you take care of a rabbit, you certainly wonder if he loves you in return, right? So don't miss this video to help you know if your rabbit loves you:

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Rabbit wormers - The best deworming products, we recommend that you visit our Deworming and Vermifuges section.