
How often should I deworm my dog

You ee your dog cratching with hi paw and are thinking about applying a pipette, but you don't know exactly how often to deworm him and if it i advi able to do it again? There are many people who ...

Vegan or vegetarian cat: is it possible?

Many vegan or vegetarian people con ider tarting their pet on the e diet . However, you mu t take into account that the cat i a trictly carnivorou animal, which i to ay that uch type of food are not u...

What is metamorphosis: explanation and examples

All animal , from birth, undergo morphological, anatomical and biochemical change to reach the adult tate. In many of them, the e change are re tricted to ize increa e of the body and certain hormonal...

Discharge in puppies: causes and treatment

Reproductive problem can ari e in dog of any breed and age. However, depending on age, life tyle, if he i neutered or whole and in which reproductive cycle the bitch i in, it i po ible to think of dif...

Animals that are not supposed to be pets

THE biophilic hypothe i Edward O. Wil on ugge t that human have an innate tendency to relate to nature. It can be interpreted a "love for life" or for living being . Perhap that' why it&...

How to prepare chicken liver for a dog

Chicken or chicken liver i a ideal complement for our dog' diet, a it ha protein, vitamin , mineral and more. However, there are many que tion that urround u when we introduce it to the homemade d...

Activities for elderly dogs

When a dog begin it old age tage, it phy iology change , becoming lower and le active, a con equence of the deterioration that ti ue uffer and al o it nervou y tem. But all the e characteri tic of old...

Animals of Africa - Features, trivia and photos

Do you know what animal are in Africa? African animal tand out for their incredible qualitie , a thi va t continent offer the ideal condition for the development of the mo t amazing pecie . The ahara ...

Benefits of Having a Dog for Children

Pet , e pecially dog , are a fundamental and integral part of human life. A lot of people know thi , but they don't know exactly what are the numerou benefit of having a dog until they try it.Nowa...

How does the chameleon change color?

mall, picture que and very killed, the chameleon i living proof that, in the animal kingdom, it doe n't matter how big it i to be pectacular. Originally from Africa, it i among the mo t fa cinati...

Skin Cancer in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

It i common for pet owner to panic when they detect a lump anywhere on their cat' body. ome ignore it for fear that it i ome type of kin cancer in feline , but the truth i that not all nodule are ...

Allergy to flea bites in cats

Flea are very mall in ect that only reach 3.3 millimeter in diameter, but they may be capable of cau ing real damage to our pet , a in addition to being very agile, they have a pecialized anatomical t...

The 20 most elegant dogs in the world

if you are thinking of adopt a dog, of cour e, you will have in mind ome pecific characteri tic that you want to fulfill. Among them we can find ize, character or your phy ical ability.In thi PeritoAn...

Raccoon feeding

If you have decided to adopt a raccoon a a pet, it i very important that you know everything that i related to it care, e pecially it food.The raccoon i an omnivorou mammal, meaning that it eat both m...

Homemade dewormer for cats - homemade pipette!

There are many option on the cat antipara itic market. Pipette are widely u ed and recommended by veterinarian but they can al o be very expen ive.Many people wonder about more economical and natural ...

Giant Schnauzer

Becau e of hi relation hip to the chnauzer and hi pa t a a heepdog, the giant chnauzer they are large, robu t and trong dog , which erve both for urveillance and protection ta k , a well a for herding...

Home Remedies for Canine Dermatitis

Dermatiti i the kin inflammation produced, in mo t ca e , by an allergic reaction. In general, veterinary treatment i ba ed on the u e of a hampoo for dermatiti depending on the type and, in ome ca e ...

Dog with fish breath

THE halito i or bad breath it i a relatively common problem in dog and can have different cau e . It i important to know that thi ymptom i not normal, o your furry friend will need veterinary treatmen...

Benefits of Owning a Cat

Although you may not know it, having a cat ha a direct impact on your life by offering you certain benefit . If you are thinking of adopting a feline thi article i ure to convince you to do o.Next, at...

Ataxia in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Anyone who ha a cat a a life partner hould try to offer him a much well-being a po ible. o it' important to tay well informed about their ba ic need and the mo t common illne e they may uffer.From...