
Why do dogs run after cars and motorcycles?

It i relatively common to ee dog cha ing, cha ing and/or barking for treet vehicle , including bicycle and kateboard . If thi happen to your furry companion, you hould know that there are everal cau e...

Pneumonia in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cat are animal en itive to change that occur in their environment, o it i nece ary that the guardian be aware of any change in their behavior and any trange ymptom that may indicate a ituation that ca...

Animals with K - Names of species in Portuguese and English

It i e timated that there are more than 8.7 million animal pecie known worldwide, according to the la t cen u carried out by the Univer ity of Hawaii, in the United tate , and publi hed in 2011 in the...

Animal mimicry - Definition, types and examples

ome animal have certain hape and color that get confu ed with the environment in which they live or with other organi m . ome are able to momentarily change color and take on variou hape . Therefore,...

Animals - passive smokers

We all already know that cigarette cau e health problem , but moking can al o dra tically affect health. your be t friend' health, and in a ilent way.Currently in Brazil 10.8% of the population mo...

How to tell if your hamster is dying

One of the thing you hould con ider before adopting a ham ter i that it Life expectancy it i much maller than that of other pet uch a dog , cat , rabbit or turtle . The e mall rodent are very en itive...

The 10 animals that jump the highest

All animal have pecial abilitie , however there are animal that have extraordinary phy ical abilitie that make them authentic athlete . Thi i the ca e with the ability of ome creature to take high, lo...

Warts in Dogs: Causes and Treatments

Wart on dog appear relatively often, e pecially on older dog . the wart are benign tumor uperficial one that are u ually not eriou , although it i po ible to encounter ome complication uch a bleeding ...

How to feed a 1 month old kitten

Weaning kitten hould tart at one month of age, but u ually thi tran ition to olid food it i only completed when he i almo t two month old. That' why thi tep i o important for a kitten.Furthermore,...

rabbit care

Many people have rabbit a pet but, although it i a common per, we hould know that thi animal need ome pecific care. You mu t know the rabbit a a wild animal to be able to provide everything it de erve...

common pug diseases

You pug dog , due to their anatomical particularitie , have a pecial predi po ition to uffer from di ea e that you hould know to en ure that hi health i the be t po ible. Therefore, in thi PeritoAnima...

Cat sneezing, what can it be?

A food allergy, expo ure to tobacco moke, a viru , a bacteria... The cau e that make your cat neeze can be many. Ju t like human , cat neeze when omething irritate their no e.If it happen occa ionally...

Rabbit Scabies - Symptoms and Treatment

Rabbit are di ea e-re i tant animal mo t of the time, e pecially if they live in hou e or apartment , although thi doe not mean they are immune to getting ick. Thi can happen if the care you provide t...

7 types of grooming for Yorkshire

York hire Terrier are dog with a very ver atile and fa t growing fur, for thi rea on they are an excellent option if you like dog fur care.In thi article by PeritoAnimal you will find 7 type of to Yor...

Anemia in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The vet diagno ed your dog with anemia? There are three different type of anemia that affect dog : hemorrhagic anemia, hemolytic anemia and apla tic anemia. All three generally have an effective treat...

5 signs of pain in the dog

When our be t friend tart to behave trangely, we worry a lot that they may be in ome kind of pain or going through ome uncomfortable ituation. Although, how to know if the dog i in pain? Not recognizi...

How to take care of a Pekinese

The Pekine e dog take it name from the capital of China, Beijing, where thi breed originate . Many believe that the Pekine e are de cended from the legendary Tibetan Ma tiff Dog and that millennia ago...

Symptoms of a Stressed Rabbit

Rabbit are increa ingly popular pet a they u ually are very weet and we can take care of them peacefully in an apartment and, unlike dog , for example, they don't demand that we take them for a wa...

Poodle Grooming: 10 types

the dog of the breed Poodle i undoubtedly one of the favorite when it come to hair tyle and different haircut , becau e of the volume that it wavy coat can achieve. The oftne and characteri tic of thi...

How many hearts does an octopus have?

In the ocean , we find a va t and wonderful biodiver ity that ha not yet been tudied. Within thi fa cinating diver ity, we find animal from the octopoda order, which we popularly know a octopu e . The...