Animals with K - Names of species in Portuguese and English

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 16 January 2025
Wild animals for kids - Vocabulary for kids
Video: Wild animals for kids - Vocabulary for kids


It is estimated that there are more than 8.7 million animal species known worldwide, according to the last census carried out by the University of Hawaii, in the United States, and published in 2011 in the scientific journal PLoS Biology. However, according to the researchers themselves, there may be 91% of aquatic and 86% terrestrial species that have not yet been discovered, described and cataloged.[1]

In short: there are a multitude of different species in the animal kingdom with names starting with every letter of the alphabet. On the other hand, there are few animals with the letter K, since this letter is not typical of the portuguese alphabet: was only incorporated into our alphabet in 2009, after the implementation of the new Portuguese language agreement.

But as animal lovers, we, from PeritoAnimal, present you this article about the animals with K - species names in Portuguese and English. Good reading.

Animals with K

There are few animals with the letter K, even because many of these animals, named in other countries with this letter, were baptized in Portuguese with the letters C or Q, as is the case of the Koala (Phascolarctos Cinereus) and the Cudo (Strepsiceros Kudu), not Koala and Kudu. O animal with K The most popular is perhaps Krill, due to its great use as food for ornamental fish in Brazil. Next, we will present a list of seven animals with the letter K and we will talk about their characteristics.


The Kakapo (scientific name: Strigops habroptilus) is a type of nocturnal parrot found in New Zealand and, unfortunately, is on the bird list in critical danger of extinction in the world, according to the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Its name means parrot of the night in Maori.

This first K animal on our list can reach up to 60cm in length and weigh between 3 and 4 kilos. Because it has atrophied wings, it is unable to fly. Is herbivorous bird, feeding on fruits, seeds and pollen. A curiosity about Kakapo is its smell: many say it smells like honeyed flowers.


Also known as New Zealand parrot, Kea (Nestor notabilis) it has an olive-green plumage and a very resistant beak. They love to hang out in trees and their diet consists of leaves, buds and nectar from flowers, as well as insects and larvae.

It is an average of 48 cm long and 900 grams in weight and the many New Zealand farmers are not very fond of this animal with K from our list. That's because the birds of this species attack flocks of sheep of the country to peck the lower back and its ribs, causing wounds in the animals.


Continuing with our list of animals with the letter K, we have the Kinguio, Kingyo or also known as goldfish, Japanese fish or goldfish (Carassius auratus). He is a small freshwater fish.

Originally from China and Japan, it measures 48cm as an adult and can live for more than 20 years. He was one of the first fish species to be domesticated. In its natural environment, this other K animal on our list feeds mostly on plankton, plant material, debris, and benthic invertebrates.


The Kiwi (Apteryx) is the national symbol of New Zealand. It is a flightless bird and lives in holes dug by it. This other animal with K from our list has night habits and, with a size similar to that of domestic chickens, it is responsible for laying one of the largest eggs of all bird species on the planet.


The Kookaburra(Dacelo spp.) is a type of bird endemic to New Guinea and Australia. this other animal with K that we can find in nature is between 40cm and 50cm long and usually lives in small groups.

These birds feed on smaller animals such as fish, insects, lizards and small amphibians and are known for the noisy vocalizations they make to communicate with each other, which makes us remember laughter.[2]


We follow our animal relationship with K talking about Kowari (Dasyuroides byrnei), a marsupial mammal that can be found in the rocky deserts and plains of Australia. It is another animal that is unfortunately in danger of extinction. Also called brush-tailed marsupial rat, is another animal with K on our list.

The Kowari is a carnivorous animal, basically feeding on small vertebrates such as mammals, reptiles and birds, as well as insects and arachnids. It has an average length of 17cm and weighs between 70g and 130g. Its fur is usually gray gray and has fur the color of a black brush at the tip of the tail.


We end this relationship of animals with the letter K with Krill (Euphausiacea), a shrimp-like crustacean. It is a very important animal for the marine life cycle, as serves as food for whale sharks, manta rays and whales, as well as being widely used as food for ornamental fish and, therefore, it is perhaps the most popular animal with K on our list.

Most krill species perform great migrations daily from the seabed to the surface and so are easy targets for seals, penguins, squid, fish and various other predators.

Animal subspecies with K

As you have seen, there are few animals with K in the Portuguese language and most of them are endemic to Australia and New Zealand and therefore their names originate in the Maori language. Below, we highlight some subspecies of animals with the letter K:

  • bubble king
  • Kinguio comet
  • Kinguio oranda
  • king telescope
  • Lion's Head Kinguio
  • Antarctic krill
  • pacific krill
  • Northern Krill

Animals with the letter K in English

Now let's list some of the animals with the letter K in English. Note that there are many of them that, in Portuguese, we replace K by C or Q.

Animals with K in English

  • Kangaroo (kangaroo in Portuguese)
  • Koala (Koala in Portuguese)
  • Komodo Dragon
  • King Cobra (Real Snake)
  • Keel-Billed Toucan
  • Killer Whale (Orca)
  • King Crab
  • King Penquin (King Penguin)
  • Kingfisher

And now that you already know a lot of animals with K, whether out of curiosity or to play a jackhammer (or Stop), you might be interested in knowing the names of birds from A to Z.

If you want to read more articles similar to Animals with K - Species names in Portuguese and English, we recommend that you enter our Curiosities section of the animal world.