
Frog Types: Names and Characteristics

the frog are order amphibian Anura, the ame to which the frog and the family belong buffoon, which include 46 genre . They are found almo t all over the planet and it i ea y to di tingui h them due to...
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Anxiety Symptoms in Cats

Cat have a unique and pecial behavior. It i u ually a tremendou ly territorial animal that tend to ocialize correctly with other member of it pecie . Apart from their natural behavioral tendency, to u...
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Teaching the cat to use the toilet

Do you think teaching your cat to u e the toilet i impo ible? That it' ju t a movie thing? o we have good new for you: it i po ible to teach your cat how to u e the bathroom, ye . It' not ea y...
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Euthanasia in dogs

Although u ually talking about dog i a rea on for joy and happine , ometime it i not. After a long life by our ide, having a ick dog and extremely delicate in health i a adne and we may want to know a...
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Dog Rabies Vaccine - Complete Guide!

Contrary to what many people think, rabie i not completely eradicated in Brazil. The di ea e, al o called rabie , i tran mitted by a viru of the genu Ly aviru and it i a zoono i , that i , a di ea e t...
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Names for female cats in Japanese

I looking for japane e name for your cat? Here you will find very beautiful and meaningful name . We know that choo ing a name for our adorable kitten who ha ju t arrived at our hou e i not an ea y ta...
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Homemade serum for dehydrated dogs

THE dehydration it i a condition that can occur in dog when they eliminate more fluid than they inge ted and thi can happen under different condition (diarrhoea, vomiting, heat troke...). Far from bei...
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How to know if my cat trusts me

If you have adopted a cat and thi new companion i in the proce of adapting to their new home, you will certainly a k many que tion like: "How to know if my cat tru t me?" or "How to ear...
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Land turtle feeding

THE land turtle i an ideal pet for tho e people who don't have much pace, or for tho e who prefer to live with animal that are not too noi y. If thi i the ca e for you, the ilent and patient turtl...
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Do rabbits sleep?

If you have a dome tic rabbit, you've probably wondered if they leep, a it eem they're alway awake. They are adorable animal with curiou behavior, regardle of breed or coat type.Of cour e the ...
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10 animals for apartment

Every day, the number of people who decide to live in apartment grow , e pecially in large and medium- ized citie . Among other con equence for daily life, thi make more and more people intere ted in ...
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Prazsky Krysarik dog care

If you're con idering adopting a Praz ky Kry arik dog and have doubt about it care, you've come to the right place. Among the characteri tic of thi breed, it mall ize and delicate appearance t...
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Home remedy for dog liver

the liver i a important organ a it i re pon ible for everal metabolic activitie in the body of dog . It i common for dog to develop liver di ea e, known a liver di ea e , a they grow older. However, y...
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My dog ​​does not want to eat and is sad: what to do

E pecially on very hot day , it i ometime normal to notice your dog with no appetite between one meal or another, a the daily portion of kibble i fractioned throughout the day, or even refu e to eat b...
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The best snacks for rabbits

Like any other animal, rabbit love edible nack . In addition to erving to trengthen our bond with them, they al o allow u to encourage po itive behavior , teach them ome command , entertain them and i...
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Caucasus Shepherd

Brave and trong, the e dog have protected the herd of roller coa ter for centurie , and thi i a very old canine breed. For thi rea on, the Cauca u hepherd were much appreciated by the Ru ian pea ant w...
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Fox Paulistinha or Brazilian Terrier

O Brazilian terrier, al o known a Fox Pauli tinha, i a mall to medium- ized dog, quite hand ome and with a firm but not heavy tructure. It i the econd officially recognized Brazilian dog breed. The e ...
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Cats personality according to their color

Ju t like human or other animal , each cat ha it own per onality, which can be influenced by exual factor (male or female), hormonal factor or by whether or not they had an adequate ocialization proce...
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Have a dog feeling?

When you look into your be t friend' eye , you're certainly incapable of denying that dog have feeling , aren't you? In our day to day, we build a mutual bond of friend hip and tru t with ...
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Tiger shark

The tiger hark (Galeocerdo cuvier), or dyer, belong to the Carcharhinidae family and ha circumglobal occurrence in tropical and temperate ea . De pite being able to appear all over the Brazilian coa t...
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