
nocturnal animals

There are million of different pecie and type of animal in the world, which together con titute the variety of fauna that make planet Earth a unique place in thi immen e univer e. ome are o mall that ...

The 15 most poisonous animals in the world

Have you ever wondered which i the mo t poi onou animal in the world? On Planet Earth there are hundred of animal that can be lethal to man, although on many occa ion we do not know the potential and ...

10 things that can kill your dog

Puppie are curiou animal by nature and it i normal that they ometime end up getting into trouble due to their curio ity. They u e their mouth to inve tigate everything within their reach.Thi can cau e...

Canine Parvovirus: Home Treatments

"My dog ​​ha parvoviru , what can I get him?" Undoubtedly, thi i the mo t frequent que tion that guardian of puppie affected by thi di ea e a k veterinarian . Unfortunately, the parvoviru th...

How to walk the dog correctly?

The walk i , without a doubt, one of the mo t important moment of the day for the dog. It not only allow him to relieve him elf, but it al o help him to continue ocializing, the lower tre level and ex...

How to get a cat used to a dog

The arrival of a new family member may not be well received by your cat, even le o if the newcomer i nothing le than a dog. It' po ible that your feline i cute and adorable to you, but it can beha...

Pregnant Guinea Pig Care

Due to the early exual maturity of guinea pig and the difficulty of di tingui hing between male and female, it i not uncommon to find that the guinea pig you have ju t adopted i pregnant. Therefore, i...

How to Treat Canine Diarrhea

One of the mo t common canine problem i diarrhea. Be aware that, ooner or later, your dog will eventually get diarrhea. urely you your elf remember the la t time you had it: lying there on the couch, ...

15 dogs with a human face

Maybe you've heard that tory about dog looking like their guardian , or you've even made thi realization of your own. Well, know that thi i no coincidence, cience explain tho e dog that look l...

How to scare away scorpions?

ome animal live far away from human population ; other , on the contrary, inhabit the ame pace a u . In many of the e ca e , it wa we human who ettled where the e living being previou ly dwelt. o we ...

Colorful birds: features and photos

The color of bird are not like that by mere coincidence. Like everything el e in nature, they are there to fulfill ome function: camouflage, alert, mating...among other . The fact i that to human eye ...

Why does chicken not fly?

De pite their wide wing , chicken cannot fly in the ame way a other bird . urely you've wondered why thi happen .In fact, it' ea y to explain why chicken are o bad at flying: it' related t...

My cat is very quiet, what can it be?

Cat are animal that u ually have a lot of energy. It i common for the e cat to pend mo t of the day leeping, thi i part of their animal in tinct. But if you notice that the cat i leeping for long peri...

Cat breeds that look like lions

ome of our feline friend have robu t bodie of ignificant ize and are truly giant . ome breed go even further and often impre thank to their imilarity to lion . We will how different cat with phy ical...

Dogs and their characteristics

O dome tic dog it i probably the mo t popular pet in the world. It i e timated that there are between 70 and 500 million of individual on the planet, therefore, there are many people who want to know ...

Pregnancy of cats

At cat they are excellent mother and breeder . A a general rule, they give birth and rai e their puppie without any problem . Before the fir t year of age they have their fir t heat and can get pregna...

My dog ​​has been neutered and is bleeding: causes

THE dog ca tration i an i ue that concern many owner . We know the advantage of thi urgery, but we till find tutor very concerned about the effect it can have on the dog, both p ychologically and phy ...

The 5 most dangerous marine animals in the world

If you've ever wondered what the 5 mo t dangerou marine animal in the world, in thi PeritoAnimal article we tell you what they are. Mo t of them are dangerou becau e of the toxicity of their venom...

Can you give milk to a puppy?

It' normal for you to believe that cow' milk i good for your dog becau e, in theory, it al o ha many benefit for human . Everyone know that milk for newborn dog i e ential for nutrition and, w...

Common Guinea Pig Diseases

The guinea pig are one of the mo t appreciated pet in Brazil. The e animal are not only very cute and calm, they are al o great at hiding that omething i wrong with them. Thi fact i ea ily explained b...