- Diseases that guinea pigs can have
- Tooth overgrowth in guinea pig
- How to wear out guinea pig teeth?
- Mange in guinea pig
- Ringworm in guinea pig
- Breathing problems
- Pododermatitis
- Scurvy
- My guinea pig is sick. What do I do?

The guinea pigs are one of the most appreciated pets in Brazil. These animals are not only very cute and calm, they are also great at hiding that something is wrong with them. This fact is easily explained by the fact that they are prey and, in the wild, if they demonstrate that something is wrong with them, it would be very eye-catching for a predator.
It is very important that you recognize your guinea pig's behavior and normal state, to easily recognize when something is out of the ordinary.
In this PeritoAnimal article we will explain to you what the most common guinea pig diseases. That is, the most common problems that arise in the veterinary clinic for exotic animals, which serves these animals.
Diseases that guinea pigs can have
First of all, it's important for you to know that guinea pigs, like all other animals, can have problems of all kinds, affecting any bodily system of them. The key to preventing any problem is, without a doubt, providing the best care for your piglet.
In addition to proper accommodation, the basis of good health is feeding your guinea pig, which must be adequate for its age and state of health.
Tooth overgrowth in guinea pig
One of the most common problems of guinea pigs is the excessively big teeth. Contrary to what most people think, guinea pigs don't just have 4 front teeth. In reality, guinea pigs have 20 teeth!
The molars of guinea pigs can only be observed through an otoscope, for example, because the cheeks of the guinea pigs are very fat, which makes it almost impossible to see their teeth with the naked eye.
There are three main types of problems with guinea pig teeth:
- of these broken
- Root overgrowth
- Dental malocclusion
Broken teeth: They can originate from a diet low in vitamin C or from an accident. You should always handle your guinea pig correctly to avoid such accidents.
Root overgrowth: Guinea pig teeth never stop growing. Sometimes, there is an overgrowth of the roots of the teeth that can even grow to the point of putting pressure on the pig's eyes.
Dental malocclusion: In this type of problem, the guinea pig's teeth are not all growing the same way, which causes some to grow exaggeratedly, and may also grow to the point where the guinea pig cannot eat.
Pigs' dental problems are not easily detectable unless the problem is located in the incisor teeth (the front ones), most commonly the problem is in the molar teeth that you cannot see. For this reason, it is important that you pay attention to symptoms that the pig has a dental problem:
- One or both eyes more outward than normal
- eat less
- Secretions in the nose or eyes
- Weight loss
- drooling pig
- Take the food and drop it
- don't eat hay
- eat slower than before
- Misaligned front teeth
If your pig has one or more signs of the above, it is likely that he has a dental problem. You should consult your exotic animal veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and define a treatment.
How to wear out guinea pig teeth?
The best way to prevent the pig from having dental problems is to offer it to him. fresh hay, of good quality and should always be available.In addition, foods rich in vitamin C help to improve your pig's overall health and help prevent scurvy, a disease we'll talk about later, which can also cause dental problems.

Mange in guinea pig
Scabies is a very common problem in guinea pigs. The specific mite of this species is the Trixacarus caviae that hides between the pig's fur causing a lot of itching and even pain. Most of the time it is asymptomatic, that is, you don't see the symptoms, even though the mites are there.
The favorite zones of this parasite are the neck, thighs and abdomen. It is common for guardians to observe wounds and red areas as a result of the itching caused by this mite infestation.
these are the clinical signs most common that your guinea pig has mange:
- itch
- irritated and red skin areas
- more aggressive and less sociable pig
Guinea pig mange is not transmissible to humans. However, it is highly transmissible between piggies. If your pig has mange, you must properly disinfect all objects it has come in contact with.
Ringworm in guinea pig
Ringworm or dermatophytosis in guinea pig is an infection caused by fungus. O guinea pig fungus most common is the Trichophyton mentapgrophytes. It is a type of disease common in young pigs housed in environments with poor hygiene conditions. Piglets with low immunity are also more prone to this disease, as are pregnant sows and elderly guinea pigs.
The main symptoms of guinea pig ringworm are:
- dry-looking skin lesions
- hair zones with a glued look
- intense itching
- red skin zones
The main way to prevent this disease is to properly sanitize the cage and the environment where the guinea pig lives. The incubation period of these fungi is 7 to 14 days and it releases spores that can remain in the environment, inactive, for several years! Therefore, never neglect to clean your pig's cage.

Breathing problems
Respiratory problems are also quite common in guinea pigs. You must prevent your piglet from being in contact with kitchen fumes, tobacco, air fresheners etc.
Furthermore, some types of substrates greatly enhance the risk of the pig suffering from respiratory problems, namely cat litter, wood chips etc. You should and avoid all kinds of substrates that have too much dust and the piglet can inhale.
These are the most common clinical signs that the pig has a Respiratory problem:
- Lack of appetite
- difficulty breathing
- sneezing
- Cough
- Breathing noises
- Nasal or ocular secretions
- half-closed eyes
- Goosebumps
- stooped posture
- Lethargy
Pododermatitis is a paw inflammation of the guinea pig. This problem is very painful for the guinea pig and unfortunately very common in animals kept in captivity.
The most common cause for this type of problem is the use of an unsuitable substrate at the bottom of the cage. Guinea pigs are not anatomically prepared to walk on smooth, hard ground. They need to walk on a slightly smooth surface, as would land in the wild. The ideal is to use pellets suitable for guinea pigs, which have a good ability to absorb urine and dissolve in contact with it. Another factor that enhances the appearance of this problem is the lack of hygiene, or a substrate that does not absorb well and the pig's legs are constantly wet.

Guinea pigs, like humans, need to ingest Vitamin C for they do not produce their own. When there is a deficit in this vitamin, they develop a disease called scurvy.
Most guinea pig feeds are supplemented with this vitamin. That's why it's so important to buy a specific feed for this species. In addition, a daily dose of fresh vegetables will ensure the necessary supply of this vitamin.
Symptoms of this disease vary depending on the age of the animal. Young guinea pigs can have joint problems and even hind leg paralysis. Adult animals have less specific symptoms such as anorexia, lethargy, nasal and oral secretions and may develop other secondary diseases such as pododermatitis and dental malocclusion.
My guinea pig is sick. What do I do?
If your guinea pig has any of the symptoms of illness we discussed above, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. It is best to choose a veterinarian who specializes in exotic animals, as not all veterinarians are knowledgeable about this species.
It is important that you watch your piggy's signs and body language on a daily basis. Sometimes a small change in his behavior can reveal that something is wrong. The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. For this reason, regular visits to your trusted veterinarian are so important!

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Common Guinea Pig Diseases, we recommend that you enter our Other health problems section.