- 1. The ideal equipment, according to the dog
- 2. Handling
- 3. How long should I walk the dog?
- 4. The dog's welfare
- 5. Socialize whenever possible
- 6. Guideless Moment and Games
- 7. Street training

The walk is, without a doubt, one of the most important moments of the day for the dog. It not only allows him to relieve himself, but it also helps him to continue socializing, the lower stress levels and exercise. However, many tutors neglect essential details for the dog to have an enriching and complete walk, turning this routine into a habit that is not very motivating for their furry companions.
In this PeritoAnimal article we will give you some basic tips to let you know how to walk the dog correctly, as well as some tips you can apply to provide a better quality of life for your four-legged friend.
1. The ideal equipment, according to the dog
The material you use to walk the dog will determine the quality of the walk, so it is essential to choose correctly, even if you want to know how to walk a dog that pulls. Here we review the most popular options:
- Collar: indicated for dogs that know how to walk correctly and without pulling.
- Anti-leak collar: recommended for very fearful dogs that walk without pulling the rope. The choking system prevents them from freeing themselves from the restriction when confronted with a stimulus that makes them afraid, for example, of an accident.
- strangle collar: Not recommended, especially for dogs that pull the rope, as it can strangle the dog and cause serious injury, as well as stress, fear and anxiety.
- punishment collar: Like the previous one, it is strongly discouraged, especially for dogs that pull the rope, as it can cause serious damage to the neck and lead to stress, fear and anxiety.
- harness: recommended for dogs that pull a little on the leash, sport dogs or those looking for more comfort to hold the dog. It is also useful for those who have a fearful dog trying to get rid of possible negative stimuli.
- Anti-Pull Harness: especially suitable for dogs that pull the rope a lot, as it avoids the health problems that a collar can cause.
We recommend always using a long leash/rope, which we can adjust according to the occasion. It will be useful in both urban and rural settings. Similarly, avoid using stretch collars, because we lost control over the dog.
Remember that whichever leash you choose should be comfortable for your dog and not too tight. Oh and don't forget to take it bags to collect the poop!
Check out this other article where we present a complete guide to dog accessories.

2. Handling
Have you ever wondered about how to walk your dog? Before, it should be noted that many people have problems with handling the dog, especially if the dog pulls the leash, does not want to walk or has not learned to do so. It is at this point that they apply the wrong techniques, creating confusion in their furry companion and turning the walk into a tense moment for the animal.
try to ride relaxed way, guiding him gently and stopping whenever the dog stops to urinate. Avoid running, yelling, or trying to keep your dog focused on you, as well as pulling on the leash to get somewhere or stop him from pulling you. Acting calmly teaches your dog to walk in a relaxed way too.
Avoid using a leash that is too long or too stiff/doesn't expand, as in the first case we won't have any control over the dog, and in the second case, we will be stressing you. Whenever possible, try to wear the leash a little loosely to allow you some freedom of movement.
At this point it is important to point out some false myths like "don't let the dog get in front of you, because that means he's dominating you" or "if your dog pulls you, you should pull the leash too". These statements are not based on scientific studies and do not give good results, on the contrary, they cause stress in the dog, who just wants to enjoy his walk. Also remember that dogs do not want to dominate us (domination exists, but it is intraspecific, that is, between members of the same species).
if your dog does not walk correctly, it could be because he is suffering from a behavioral problem, lack of learning or is suffering from high levels of stress (stress can also be positive, for example, when the dog is too excited to go out). In such cases, it is essential to review the five freedoms of animal welfare.

3. How long should I walk the dog?
Know the time to walk the dog it is a very important point and varies a lot depending on the race, age or needs of each individual. Generally speaking, we could say that a dog needs to walk between 40 minutes and two hours, divided between two or three walks a day. Here we explain how they should be:
- Morning: The first tour of the day should be the longest, most complete and stimulating, lasting between 15 and 40 minutes.
- Noon: This tour will help us calm our dog and is mainly focused on taking care of his needs. It can last between 10 and 20 minutes.
- Night: Although this is usually the walk we spend the most time on, the truth is that the chaos and nervousness of this time of day doesn't help the dog to relax. The best way to walk the dog at this time is to spend between 15 and 30 minutes at most.
Remember that molosso dog breeds such as the boxer, pug or dogue de bordeaux should not be exposed to long walks or intense physical exercise, as the structure of their muzzle does not allow them to breathe as well as other breeds. Likewise, we will not extend the walk to dogs with health problems or elderly dogs. Finally, remember that it is essential to avoid high temperatures as they can cause our dog to suffer a heat stroke.

4. The dog's welfare
Do you have to walk a dog obligatorily? Yes and we will explain the reasons below. Once on the street, the best way to walk the dog is to ensure its well-being, trying to make the most of the walk. Enriching this moment of the day will be very useful for improve the bond with us, help you reduce stress and will also help us to prevent behavioral problems from arising.
Some tips to promote well-being during the tour are:
- allow him to sniff plants, urine from other dogs and any traces of other animals, as it is a great form of relaxation and also helps you to get to know the environment in which you live.
- take him to new places or modify your walking route so that the diversity of stimuli entertains you and makes the tour more enriching.
- allow him to lick some pee. Even if you find it annoying or unpleasant, it's part of a dog's natural behavior. Also, if he is properly vaccinated, you shouldn't worry about any kind of contagion. Although this behavior is more common in males than females, doing so allows them to better identify dogs in that area.
- Reward the behaviors that please you, either with snacks or kind words.
- Bring him and you water if you are going to take a long walk. Dehydration can also lead to heat stroke, don't forget.
- Learn to enjoy the walk with your dog, no nervousness, punishment, screaming or discomfort. Do not pay attention to the clock or go for a rushed walk, it will result in a bad walk.
In addition to everything mentioned above, it is important to learn about dog language and calm signals, so we will know which situations seem positive to you and which ones concern you. should be avoided.

5. Socialize whenever possible
If your dog was properly socialized as a puppy, he probably won't have any problems relating to other dogs, however, if we prevent our adult dog from interacting, they may start to fears or conflicts arise. It's important to allow dogs to interact with each other, regardless of their size, age or the impression they may make on us.
Of course, we should allow our dog to get close to other dogs if he wants to, never force an interaction, as this can cause him discomfort and therefore a bad and even aggressive reaction.

6. Guideless Moment and Games
Allow our dog to enjoy at least 5 or 10 minutes without the guide is very positive to improve the quality of the tour. In fact, many ethologists recommend this practice on each of the dog walks. If you are afraid to release your dog in an open place, you can always look for a fenced area. This also allows them to show their natural behavior, which is essential for the dog's well-being.
At this moment, we can take advantage of the moment of walking with the dog to practice sniffing and searching exercises, as they relax and tire you out mentally. We can also play a game with him (ball, fresbee, etc.). Of course, avoid forcing him to run if he doesn't want to, it causes stress.

7. Street training
If you are practicing basic obedience (sit, come, stay, etc.) or canine skills with your dog, it would be highly advisable. practice indoors and outdoorsIn this way, your dog will get used to responding correctly in the different situations in which he finds himself, without being influenced by smells and new environments.
So is there a way to walk the dog and train him at the same time? Yes. However, remember that we must practice obedience once the dog have already done your needs. Otherwise, he will be easily distracted and more nervous, trying to please you and at the same time relieve himself.
Don't forget that a training session should last between 5 and 15 minutes, depending on the dog, not to overload him and prevent him from getting distracted. Reward him with a treat or a kind word whenever he does well, so he can relate the ride and obedience in a positive way.
Now that you know how to walk your dog correctly, you might be interested in this other article on how to teach your dog to walk together step by step.