Cat sneezing, what can it be?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Why is your cat sneezing?  Symptoms, diagnosing, and treating upper respiratory infections
Video: Why is your cat sneezing? Symptoms, diagnosing, and treating upper respiratory infections


A food allergy, exposure to tobacco smoke, a virus, a bacteria... The causes that make your cat sneeze can be many. Just like humans, cats sneeze when something irritates their nose.

If it happens occasionally, you don't have to worry. Although, if the sneeze is continuous, you should be aware of the rest of the symptoms and take him to the vet to avoid complications.

At PeritoAnimal, we bring some tips and answers to the question "cat sneezing, what can it be?, although it is essential to bear in mind that this information is only guidelines. If you believe that your cat may have a disease, only the veterinarian can diagnose it and recommend a treatment.

Symptoms that can accompany sneezing

If you are worried about your cat sneezing a lot, the first thing to do is to observe if there are other symptoms to go by discarding diseases from the list. Symptoms that may indicate illnesses and conditions are:

  • yellowish nasal discharge
  • greenish nasal discharge
  • eyes with redness
  • Swollen eyes
  • Breathing problems
  • Weight loss
  • Apathy
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • ganglion inflammation

If, in addition to sneezing, your cat has any of the symptoms of those mentioned above, you should take him to the veterinarian quickly so that he can undergo examinations and guidance for proper treatment.

Cat sneezing causes

As you've already seen, sneezing can be accompanied by many symptoms, signs that something isn't right and that your cat may have a disease. In response to a frequent question "sneezing cat, what can it be?”, we bring in this article the most frequent causes that make your cat sneeze. Are they:

viral infections

The feline herpes virus and calicivirus are the main causes of infections in the respiratory system of cats. These infections cause cats to sneeze a lot, and they may have a cough and fever. They are contagious and can be transmitted between cats. If these infections are not treated in time, they can cause a pneumonia.

Feline immunodeficiency virus

Also known as feline AIDS, is very common in cats that maintain contact with the outside. Their immunity drops considerably and cats can start sneezing constantly. However, they also have other symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhea, infections, gingivitis, among others.

bacterial infections

Like the previous ones, this type of infection is highly contagious and also affects the respiratory system. Bacteria like Chlamydia or bordetella are very common and can infect cats who share the same feeder and drinker.


Like humans, the cat with stuffy nose may be a symptom of an allergy. Any allergen, such as pollen, mites, food, etc. can make your little friend's nose irritate and cause constant sneezing.

foreign objects in the nose

It is possible that your cat has some object lodged in its nasal passages, until you expel it, it will not be able to stop sneezing.

Rhinitis and Sinusitis

sneezing on cats they can also be linked to rhinitis and sinusitis. In addition to snoring and open mouth breathing, the cat sneezing with discharge is very common. O cat with phlegm in the nose it can mean more than just the flu. If he has difficulty inhaling, it is also a warning sign.


When the airways are compromised and you notice the cat with sneezing nose it can often be related to inflammation around the eyes, which causes conjunctivitis. Learn more about conjunctivitis in cats in this article.

Epistaxis or nosebleed

The cat sneezing blood may be the result of an injury it may have suffered. It can also indicate high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or infections. To find out how to act in this situation, check out the article "Cat sneezing blood, what should I do?".

Cat sneezing, what to do?

The vet will help find out why your cat sneezes so much and, depending on the diagnosis, will give directions for one or another treatment.

In case it is a bacterial infection, it is possible that the professional prescribes antibiotics to prevent the problem from developing into pneumonia.

If allergy, first it is necessary to find out the cause. In cases of food allergy, the veterinarian will recommend a change in diet, eliminating what causes the allergy. If it's something else, you can prescribe antihistamines or a nasal decongestant.

If it is a cold, check out some useful home remedies for your cat to get better.

For the virus of feline immunodeficiency, there are specialized medications to ensure the cat a healthy and long life.

However, remember that the key to correctly identifying the health problem affecting your cat is resort to aspecialist.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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