Canine Parvovirus: Home Treatments

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025


"My dog ​​has parvovirus, what can I get him?" Undoubtedly, this is the most frequent question that guardians of puppies affected by this disease ask veterinarians. Unfortunately, the parvovirus there is no cure that fights the virus directly, but the treatment is focused on alleviating the symptoms and strengthening the immune system so that the dog fights the disease itself. For this reason, the death rate from this disease is so high.

However, thanks to early diagnosis, more and more puppies are able to survive the parvovirus. So if your dog has parvovirus and you want to know if it can be saved, you should know that the answer is yes, as long as the disease is caught early enough and the immune system is strong enough. To reinforce veterinary treatment, you can use the natural remedies shown below. Thus, check out this article by PeritoAnimal about canine parvovirus: home treatment and learn how to help your pet even more.

Canine parvovirus: what is it and what are the symptoms

Canine parvovirus, also known as canine parvovirus, is a infectious diseaseserious, produced by moron virus or parvovirus. It is a very resistant virus, capable of surviving in the environment for up to six months, which is the main reason for its high rate of contagion. It especially affects puppies, although immunosuppressed adult puppies or unvaccinated puppies are also susceptible to it.

Canine Parvovirus: How is it contracted?

Parvovirus is transmitted by oronasal route, that is, by inhaling or ingesting the virus, which is found in the environment or in the feces of infected dogs. Once in the body, the virus reproduces very quickly, first in the tonsils, then passing into the bloodstream, through which it reaches the lymph tissue and intestine. Likewise, it can affect the kidneys, lungs, liver or heart. Depending on the organs affected, the symptoms developed are different.

Canine Parvovirus: Symptoms

As it is a virus that first attacks the lymphatic tissue and the intestine, it is common that, a few days after being infected, the dog presents bloody diarrhea (enterite) and a state of immunodeficiency, which translates into weakness, decay and malaise in general, due to the decrease in white blood cells. In addition, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Vomiting;
  • Fever;
  • Cardiac changes;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Anorexia;
  • Extreme tiredness;
  • Apathy;
  • Sudden death.

In some cases, it has been observed that the virus remains virtually asymptomatic, although this is not common. On the other hand, due to the weakness of the immune system in a dog with parvovirus, it is common for other viruses, bacteria or opportunistic parasites to appear. secondary infections, especially in the intestines.

Canine parvovirus has a cure?

Can parvovirus be cured? Yes, canine parvovirus is cured as long as it is detected in time and the affected dog responds properly to treatment. As it is a recently discovered disease, specifically in the late 70's, it still there is no definitive cure that fights the virus. Therefore, treatment is focused on treating symptoms and strengthening the immune system to help the body fight the disease.

Canine Parvovirus: Treatment

As we have said, the main focus of treatment is fight dehydration, which is the biggest cause of death, as well as in fluid replacement. For this, it is best to go to the veterinarian when detecting the first symptoms, to hospitalize the dog or puppy and, if the diagnosis of parvovirus is confirmed, start the treatment based on fluid therapy and, if necessary, blood transfusions.

In case of vomiting, it is common to administer antiemetics and antacids to patients. Likewise, if secondary bacterial or viral infections have developed, antibiotics will be administered to combat them. If the dog responds properly to treatment, the immune system will strengthen and fight the disease to the point of overcoming it. Of course, it's worth noting that, unfortunately, many dogs fail to overcome the disease because, as we mentioned in the previous section, it often affects puppies less than six months old or immunosuppressed dogs.

Can Canine Parvovirus Be Cured With Home Remedies?

Not, canine parvovirus cannot be cured by drugs alone. Home remedies should be applied as a complement, as without fluid therapy or blood transfusions, it is impossible to replace lost fluids and, therefore, patient survival is reduced to practically non-existent.

As there is no cure for parvovirus, there are also no natural remedies that directly fight the virus. In this way, the remedies that we will share below are aimed at relieve symptoms and strengthen the immune system, reinforcing the effects of veterinary treatment and helping to improve the clinical picture.

Canine parvovirus: how to keep the dog hydrated?

The dehydration that parvovirus produces in dogs due to fluid loss from diarrhea and/or vomiting, causes an electrolyte imbalance, which translates into considerable loss of sodium and especially potassium. Therefore, replenishing these electrolytes (mineral salts) as quickly as possible is one of the keys to curing a dog with parvovirus. Likewise, due to the developed symptomatology, there is also a decrease in blood glucose that must be repaired.

Under normal conditions, just make sure the dog drinks enough water to replace lost electrolytes, however, when the dog has an illness like this, it is more likely that he will not want to drink or eat anything. So it's best to ask the veterinarian to provide you with a IV bag to perform fluid therapy sessions at home. The specialist will indicate the recommended doses and frequency of administration.

Home Remedies to Hydrate a Dog with Parvovirus

If for any reason you cannot purchase the IV bag, you can prepare a homemade serum in order to replenish mineral salts and lost glucose. It's not the best solution, but it's a home treatment for canine parvovirus applicable to puppies and adults that can combat hydration.

The ingredients to prepare this serum are as follows:

  • 1 liter of mineral water;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • Juice of half a lemon.

After preparing the ingredients, you must boil the water, removing it from the heat when it reaches the first boil. Then pour the water into a container, preferably made of glass, not plastic, add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Let it warm up.

The dog must drink this serum, as it is not suitable for intravenous administration. So if he doesn't want to drink, use a syringe without a needle, put it in his mouth on one side, and gradually introduce the liquid. The homemade serum lasts 24 hours, so you will need to prepare a new one after that time.

Offer the dog with parvovirus an ice cube, natural ice cream or a isotonic drink it can also help keep you hydrated and thus replenish lost electrolytes. Especially when the disease is not very advanced, dogs are more excited to take these types of medications than the serum already mentioned. However, even if you decide to try these solutions, you should still give the whey that is fortified with the lost minerals.

Canine parvovirus: my dog ​​doesn't want to eat, what can I do?

Once the virus begins to reproduce and therefore the dog has its first symptoms, it is very common for it to stop eating due to general malaise and vomiting. Veterinarians often recommend do not give food for the first 24 to 48 hours, as this is when the virus does the most damage, especially in the digestive system. Once this stage is over, an adequate diet can be started progressively so as not to damage the intestinal mucosa.

The cases of patients who successfully overcome the disease have shown that dogs affected by the parvovirus that eat food undergo a much faster recovery of the damaged intestinal mucosa. For that reason, along with hydration, food is the best home remedy for canine parvovirus. But what kind of foods are recommended?

Diet for dogs with parvovirus

To help the dog fight the disease, it is advisable to establish a light, easily digestible, low-protein and low-fat diet. So if you ask yourself what to give a dog with parvovirus, the recommended is the following:

  • Well-cooked homemade chicken broth: this will not only keep the dog nourished, it will also hydrate him;
  • Shredded cooked chicken: as the dog is very weak, it may need to eat directly from your hand;
  • Boiled white rice: can be offered with well-cooked chicken;
  • Easily digestible vegetables: like carrots, squash and potatoes;
  • boiled white fish: shredded and, of course, no thorn.

After the first 24 hours, you can start giving the dog or puppy with canine parvovirus chicken broth, with the help of a needleless syringe, if he doesn't want to eat alone. Once the 48 hours have passed, the diet should be started little by little and without forcing the animal too much. If your dog with parvovirus doesn't want to eat, try feeding the chicken first, which usually tastes very good, and gradually introduce the rest of the food. Canned foods prescribed by your veterinarian will often work too.

Canine parvovirus: how to feed the dog?

As we said, little by little. it's much better to do several meals a day, but in small amounts, than the other way around. As the animal improves, the number of meals can be reduced and the amount of food increased.

If, despite all your efforts, your dog with parvovirus does not want to eat, it is essential to go to the vet to administer parenteral nutrition, ie, intravenously.

Canine Parvovirus: Home Treatment

In addition to replacing lost fluids and ensuring that the dog eats after the most critical hours, other remedies can be used to fight infection, both caused by parvovirus and those caused by viruses or opportunistic bacteria.

Parvovirus: home treatment with colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is characterized by being a natural antiseptic, so it helps to fight any type of infection caused by viruses or bacteria. We emphasize again that it is not a definitive solution, it is a medicine that must be administered to complement veterinary treatment.

The liquid version can be administered undiluted or diluted with water. Regarding the dose of colloidal silver, it will depend on the dog's age, weight and concentration or purity level of the product. So the best, as always, is consult the veterinarian not to administer a wrong dose, which can be fatal for the animal.

Parvovirus: home treatment with apple vinegar

This type of vinegar is also a powerful natural antiseptic, which is why it is commonly used to fight viral, bacterial or fungal infections. It can be diluted in water and given to the sick dog with the help of a syringe, or try to let him drink on his own.

In addition to being good for infections, apple cider vinegar helps to restore damage to the digestive system, which is highly recommended for cases of canine parvovirus. See all the benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs in this article.

Parvovirus: home treatment with aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is not a remedy for canine parvovirus itself, but provides a more relaxed and calm environment for the animal. When dealing with any illness of this level, it is essential that the patient is as comfortable and calm as possible to keep their immune system strong. A state of stress or anxiety produced by an inadequate space will only aggravate the situation.For this reason, resorting to aromatherapy can be a good option, as long as you ensure that essential oils are not ingested by the animal or are too close to it. Dogs have a very developed sense of smell, so smells that are too strong don't bring them peace of mind.

Affection and patience

Finally, to finalize the list of canine parvovirus home treatments, it is important to provide a comfortable bed and, above all, keep the dog warm, increasing the state of comfort and making him feel better. Also, it's important to keep in mind that not all dogs recover so quickly, so it's vital to be patient, give your best friend lots of love and affection, and follow veterinary treatment "to the letter", this treatment can be complemented with the remedies described here. In the face of any anomaly or warning sign, do not hesitate to consult a specialist, as canine parvovirus is a serious disease that must be treated as soon as possible.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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