7 things cats can predict

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
7 Things Cats Can Predict
Video: 7 Things Cats Can Predict


Since ancient times, the figure of the cat has been associated with many myths that attribute to it supernatural powers. From the ability to give bad luck, to the ability to anticipate events that have not yet occurred.

Leaving the superstitions aside, the truth is that there are 7 things cats can predict. It has nothing to do with magic or miracles, but with certain characteristics of felines that make them more sensitive to some situations that go unnoticed by humans. If you are curious and want to find out what they are, keep reading!

1. Cats can predict earthquakes

In several catastrophes, it was possible to observe minutes or hours before an earthquake or an earthquake, that certain animals showed behaviors related to stress and anxiety and began to run away from their homes and nests to higher or remote areas. These animals include birds, dogs and cats (among many more).

But what exactly can the cat predict before an earthquake? There are several theories. One of them indicates that cats are able to predict static changes that are produced just before the earthquake. Technically, it's possible that some humans might as well predict. Despite this, more often than not we humans confuse this perception with a simple headache or malaise.

Another theory claims that cats can feel small. vibrations that are produced on earth before a tremor of great magnitude through the foot pads, as it is an extremely sensitive area of ​​their body. In any case, there are those who say that they actually recognize this movement, not by their paws, but by their ears.

2. Natural Disasters

As with earthquakes, it was possible to observe that cats are able to predict natural phenomena, due to their very keen senses. It's not magic, cats can detect some changes through their senses. they are able to detect certain events that for us human beings go unnoticed.

Many cats noticed a volcanic eruption, a cyclone, a tsunami and even a hurricane approaching. This is not to say that all felines can predict it, but most. Why does it happen? Because all natural disasters are announced, they do not appear overnight.

Before they trigger, there are changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind direction and earth movements, among many others, that your cat is able to notice.

3. Some diseases

More than predicting, certain studies show that cats are able to detect the presence of certain diseases. in the human body, as well as in their feline counterparts. There are many witnesses who claim to have discovered they had cancer after their feline constantly lay down on a certain region of the body.

Also learn about the most common diseases in cats in this PeritoAnimal article.

4. Diabetes and epilepsy

These two diseases are characterized by the possibility that they both manifest as dangerous. attacks, which can be sudden for the human being who suffers from them, either by rising sugar levels or an epileptic seizure.

As with cancer, there are witnesses and cases of guardians whose cats saved their lives because they were especially nervous moments before one of the attacks occurred. In this case, cats were also able to notice the changes that take place in the human body. through smell.

5. Moods

Cats cannot predict a mood but they can perceive it perfectly. If you are depressed, distressed, or worried, your feline friend is likely to adapt to your mood in an understanding way, keeping you company during these more difficult times. On the other hand, if you are happy and active, chances are that he will want to play and have fun with you.

6. Visits

You've probably noticed that your cat changes its attitude just before one of the family members returns home, staying restless and anxious. This is because, effectively, cats are able to sense if this dear person is approaching. All this thanks to their wonderful nose and fantastic ears. the cats can smell familiar scents over long distances, which allows your cat to wait for you at the door long before you get home. Furthermore, they are able to discriminate the sounds that make your keys or the way you walk.

7. Cats can predict the death of people

There has been speculation for centuries whether cats can predict death. Some studies indicate that they actually can. This is due, once again, to the keen sense of smell. All living beings secrete certain substances when we are close to dying, due to the physical changes that the organism undergoes. Cats are able to perceive these changes. For this reason there are so many pet witnesses who remained with their guardians until their last breath.

Discover 10 more weird things cats do.