What does it mean when a cat wets the bed?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Why Does My Cat Pee On My Bed
Video: Why Does My Cat Pee On My Bed


your cat started to urinate in your bed? Not sure how to avoid this unpleasant situation? To start with, you should know that this is a common problem in cats and that to treat it properly you should find the causes that caused a change in behavior in your feline.

Knowing why you wet the bed and what situations lead you to commit this act in your resting place will be essential to avoid it.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain to you what does it mean when a cat wets the bed and we are going to give you some advice that you can apply to try to avoid this problem.

Why can a cat start to wet the bed?

For a start, it will be very important not to confuse this habit with marking territory, a behavior that is usually carried out in different areas of the house and not just in our bed. Once this is clarified, it will be important to identify the cause that caused the cat to wet our bed and that will give us an answer as to what it means when your cat wets the bed. Some of most common causes that cause the cat to urinate in bed are:

  • Disease: It is the first cause that should be ruled out. Make sure your cat is not suffering from a urinary tract infection or cystitis. Sometimes, faced with a situation of discomfort, the cat can start to show sensitivity or dislike for certain things that it did not show before. Discarding the litter box and using a more comfortable place like the bed can be an indicator that something is not right. So check with your veterinarian to see if your cat is okay.
  • Vulnerability: A recent surgery, a change in your life, the loss of a friendship or many other factors can cause a feeling of vulnerability. So taking refuge in comfortable, warm places can make them feel good and comfortable.
  • recent traumatic experience: These types of situations can cause our feline to overreact, a change in temporal habits and even depression in the cat. If you have had a very serious experience you should take this into account as a possible cause of bed wetting.
  • closed doors: Before leaving the house, make sure that all the doors that allow you to reach the sandbox are open. This is essential so that the cat can access it 24 hours a day.
  • Tension or bad reaction with a family member: This is another major cause of bed wetting. Your cat may start to engage in this behavior if it feels that something negative affects its social relationships and general well-being.
  • Do you have several cats? Cats are very clean animals, so it's best to have a litter box for every cat you have at home.
  • children's bad habits: Children may not be clear about their relationship with the cat. Annoying him, chasing him or invading his area with screams and jokes can make the feline very nervous. You must explain to them that they must let the cat rest and access everywhere without trying to pick it up.
  • Doesn't like the sandbox: A box that is too small or without the protective structure can make your cat feel a little insecure. If you have recently adopted it, consider whether this could be the cause of the problem.
  • The location of the sandbox: Maybe you weren't aware of this until now, but it could be that your cat's litter box is too far away, it has a difficult access or it has obstacles that your cat doesn't like to go through (heat, the presence of people that he doesn't like, other pets,...), evaluate, knowing his character, if the place where the sandbox is located is suitable for him.
  • don't like the sand: Sometimes we can be offering our cat sand that he doesn't like. It can be its aroma, texture or any other characteristic that makes you feel uncomfortable. Try changing it.
  • Cleaning the litter box: Cats are very clean animals and having their litter box dirty gives them a clear displeasure. The ideal frequency of washing the box is around 3-7 days.
  • The loneliness: Although cats are very independent animals, it is very important to keep in mind that they are social beings who need companionship and affection. If your cat spends many hours alone, he may have adopted this habit as a way to express his displeasure.

How to prevent the cat from urinating in bed

If you already know what it means when a cat wets the bed and why your cat does, it's time to start doing something to end this situation that can be hopeless. To prevent the cat from wetting the bed we will give it some advices:

The first thing to do will be to act on the cause that caused this behavior. If your cat is not calm, for example, from spending many hours alone, try it adopt a partner that allows you to socialize or spend more hours with him.

To try to resolve this situation, it is recommended that you leave the cat in a delimited zone when leaving the house. It should be a quiet place, with its sandbox and away from other animals and people. Avoid leaving blankets or your bed in this place. When you return home, you should be able to move through the usual areas of your home again, you should not feel left out.

buy one second sandbox for your cat totally different from the one you used until now to see if this is the problem that affects your cat. Sometimes we may think that what he has is already good for him, but it may not be so.

A very effective trick is to change the perception of the zone he now considers a bathroom to a place where he eats. As you may know, cats don't like to urinate where they eat, they are very clean animals. have at hand delicious treats and snacks that I can offer you when you approach this place. Also, always reward it before urinating, if you do it after urinating, we will only be reinforcing this behavior.

If these tricks don't seem to work and you're really desperate, consult an ethologist to help you solve this case with proper advice. Don't forget that the cat is not a mean animal and that you are not doing this to make him upset. Be patient and help him to overcome this stage.