Why does my dog ​​bark at nothing?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 4 March 2025
Why Do DOGS BARK at NOTHING? 🐶🗯️❗ (+ Solutions)
Video: Why Do DOGS BARK at NOTHING? 🐶🗯️❗ (+ Solutions)


Without a doubt, there are few things more characteristic of dogs than your barks. This particular vocalization that dogs emit occurs in all kinds of everyday situations and doesn't catch our attention as long as it's not excessive barking. But sometimes, and to the surprise of many owners, there are cases where the dog barks for no apparent reason.

This fact raises doubts and superstitions in many people. Do dogs have a sixth sense and bark at paranormal phenomena? Or is there a more reasonable explanation behind this sudden behavior? If you are curious and wondering why the dog barks at nothing, We invite you to read this PeritoAnimal article in which we will try to answer these questions.

Why do dogs bark?

the bark is one of the most common vocalizations of dogs, as all dogs bark to a greater or lesser extent. Each dog also has its own peculiar way of barking, as some breeds, such as the Siberian Husky, emit barks that are very similar to howls and these, in turn, have nothing to do with the bark of a chihuahua.

This peculiar sound is characteristic only of dogs because, to some people's surprise, adult wolves and other wild canids, such as coyotes, cannot bark.

What does that mean? Let all the adult canids that live in the wild don't bark, but the dogs do, because it's the scream they emit as an emergency call when they're scared, uncomfortable, or when they're hungry.

This means that during the domestication process from the ancestor of dogs (which is also the ancestor of today's wolves), dogs that conserved the characteristics of dogs were selected and reproduced, a process known as neotenization.

However, not all barks that dogs vocalize have the same meaning, as the intention with which they emit fast, short barks is very different from that of slow barks interspersed with growls, for example.

Anyway, all the barks have a common intention, to communicate, that is, to express your state of mind and intentions. A dog's bark is mainly produced for the following purposes:

  • Draw attention, whether from the tutor, dogs or other animals.
  • Alert when they notice someone unknown in their territory.
  • Alert when they notice an object threatening them (such as a car).
  • Advise that they are prepared to defend and attack if necessary.
  • Indicate that something is bothering you, or that you feel stressed.
  • When you are happy, whether playing or welcoming you when you get home.
  • When you feel alone and want company.

Why does the dog bark at nothing?

Dogs are animals that have some senses more developed than ours, like smell or hearing. However, there is no evidence that they have a brain structure that endows them with a "sixth sense" that we do not have, that is, canids have the same senses as we do, with regard to the perception of external stimuli: vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, as well as the ability to perceive internal stimuli: the sense of balance, hunger, pain, etc.

There are other, more realistic explanations of why a dog might bark, seemingly for no reason, that aren't related to some sort of "extrasensory" perception. Instead, the most common causes of a dog barking at nothing are:

more developed senses

As we've already discussed, dogs have some more developed senses than we do. So it's believable that if a dog barks at nothing once in a while, it's because he smell something or hear some noise that you weren't able to perceive, like the sound of a siren in the distance or a strange smell in the environment that made you worried.

Want to get your attention

This cause is quite common and often the owners don't even realize it. Some dogs who feel bored and frustrated or who need a lot of attention from their companions to feel protected (for example, if they suffer from separation anxiety), find that barking them get their human tutor to pay attention to them. And it is through this association of actions that the furry man learns the idea that every time he barks, he will receive the attention he needs.

It is for this reason that some people may believe their dog is barking for no reason, when in fact he is barking because he knows he will get his owner's attention.

You might also be interested in how to prevent my dog ​​from barking when he's alone.

Its not good

The dog barking at nothing, on many occasions, is also a clear indication that the dog's well-being is not fully covered. You may feel stressed or anxious because you don't go out enough and therefore have excess energy. It could also be because he feels insecure when not with his owner, which triggers separation anxiety.

On the other hand, you can never rule out the possibility that he's barking or howling because he's sick or with physical pains.

He notices your mood

Dogs also have the ability to perceive emotions of your human friends. This implies that he is able to perceive your joy, sadness, anger...

That's why, if for some reason you're nervous or stressed, it may be that, without realizing it, you're transmitting your mood directly or indirectly to your dog. This affects him and he manifests through barking.


Stereotyped or compulsive behaviors are really alarming, as this type of behavior develops insidiously, hard to detect and virtually unresolved.

But what do we mean by stereotypy? This type of behavior are actions that the dog performs. continuously and repetitively because they are self-reinforcing, that is, the brain itself rewards the action by creating a feedback loop, in which the dog barks and "enjoys" the act of doing it. Compulsive barking is characterized by being repetitive, monotonous, and by the fact that the dog can bark constantly for a long time, without apparent motivation.

These cases occur when the dog lives in a very precarious environment or lack of stimuli. The lack of stimulation, frustration and general discomfort is such that the only form of entertainment the dog has is barking, among other compulsive behaviors, such as chasing its tail or even hurting itself. An example of these situations are dogs that live in yards without ever leaving, or are tied up all day, situations of evident abuse.

Old age and cognitive deterioration

Lastly, older puppies also suffer from dementia, as they experience a deterioration in cognitive ability. So if your dog is older, it's not surprising that he starts exhibiting unusual behaviors like barking at nothing.

Here we explain more about senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment.

Dog barking at nothing, what to do?

As you've seen, the fact that your dog barks for no reason is not a warning sign. However, if the barking is excessive and you can't find the specific element he's barking at, it's largely because your well-being apparently isn't covered. Therefore, to detect and fix this problem, we advise follow these guidelines:

  • take him to the veterinarian: It is important to take your dog to the vet so he can rule out any organic problems, especially if there has been a sudden change in the dog's usual behavior that could lead to these barking, as well as other strange behaviors you may have detected.
  • stress and frustration: Dogs are social animals that need interaction with other living beings, in addition to a good physical and mental stimulus. This means that you, as the owner, must ensure that his well-being is covered, carrying out routine walks, allowing him to interact with other dogs and with their environment, play, etc. Otherwise, a dog that lives in an understimulated environment, doesn't exercise enough, doesn't socialize with other dogs, or doesn't get enough attention, will develop behavioral problems as a result of this discomfort, including barking. So you'll have to make sure you give your dog the care he needs. Also, it is recommended that you provide good environmental enrichment to ensure that you don't get bored at home.
  • re-education: many owners reinforce their dogs' barking without realizing it. A clear example of this is when the tutor only pays attention to his dog, talks to him, gives treats, pets and plays with him when he barks. Thus, the dog understands that it needs to bark to get attention. That's why, to redirect this behavior in a positive way, it's necessary to do the opposite. Your dog should never realize that barking can get what he wants, and you should ignore him so you don't reward barking. Likewise, make sure you pay enough attention to your dog so that he learns to stay calm and doesn't need to demand your attention.
  • Be positive and avoid punishment: If you're nervous, stressed, or frustrated that your dog isn't behaving the way you'd like, he may get upset and bark. Whenever you spend time with your dog, try to be calm and pleasant towards him. That way you can have a good time together, and he will associate them with you. Otherwise, trying to educate your dog through screaming, bullying, or physical punishment will only generate a negative experience for him, which he will associate with being with you, generating distrust, fear, and ultimately damaging your bond.
  • Seek help: If you have already tried all the above points and your dog continues to bark for no reason and excessively, the best thing is to look for a specialist in canine ethology, who will be able to give you personalized advice and guide you to solve this problem.

You may also be interested in this other list of advice to prevent my dog ​​from barking.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why does my dog ​​bark at nothing?, we recommend that you enter our Behavior Problems section.