
What do the positions of a sleeping cat mean

Cat are world champion in leep. Pa an average of 13 to 20 hour a day leeping or napping. What po ition doe your cat leep in? Have you ever noticed? A cat' leeping po ition provide information abou...

The best hamster toys

The ham ter i a rodent that ha gained popularity a a pet, thank to it mall ize, ideal for people who have little pace. A ham ter' ba ic care include adequate food, water, veterinary care and hygie...

My Cat Is Depressed - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

I your cat depre ed? Did you top eating? The moment we ob erve that our pet i ad and unwilling to play, it i normal for him to worry, however thi may be due to alien and unknown cau e .The mo t import...

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

The attachment that ome puppie gain in relation to their tutor i immen e. the dog are pack animal and becau e of that, they are genetically accu tomed to pending 24 hour a day with partner . If, to th...

What is the tiger's habitat?

tiger are impo ing animal which, without a doubt, de pite being able to generate ome fear, are till attractive becau e of their beautiful colored coat. The e belong to the Felidae family, genu Pantera...

Tips for my cat to be more affectionate

Cat have a reputation for being independent, indifferent and even u piciou animal , but although they can be like that ometime , we houldn't label them, becau e they can al o be very affectionate ...

snowshoe cat

The re ult of cro e between the iame e cat and the American horthair, or American horthair cat, the re ult wa a really elegant breed of cat, the nowhoe cat, which i named for it white paw that eem to ...

Can a dog eat manioc?

Ca ava, ca ava and ca ava are ome of the popular name in Brazil to de ignate the plant pecie Manihote cultured. Thi food i very popular in traditional Brazilian cui ine, repre enting one of the main o...

Leishmaniasis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

THE lei hmania i i a di ea e cau ed by the protozoan ( ingle-celled eukaryotic organi m) Lei hmania infantum. Technically it i a zoono i , a it affect human , although it i mainly dog that uffer the m...

Dog with diarrhea and vomiting: what can it be?

Vomiting and diarrhea are relatively common proce e in dog and can ometime worry their caregiver , e pecially if don't di appear, if you notice bleeding in vomit or fece , or if the clinical pictu...

5 breeds of hairless dogs

Hairle dog are mo tly from Latin American countrie . Hence the famou Peruvian dog and it i u pected that it i al o the place of origin of the Chine e cre ted dog.They are very appreciated by allergy u...

British Shorthair

O Briti h horthair it i one of the olde t feline breed . Hi ance tor originate from Rome, who were later deported by the Roman to Great Britain. In the pa t it wa appreciated for it phy ical trength a...

Dog names with the letter S

If there i an i ue that generate a lot of debate at the time of adoption i choo ing a dog name that uit both your puppy and you. Children will have one ta te, young people and adult another. And not o...

Original and cute female dog names

In thi article we hare with you the female dog name mo t beautiful and original out there, orted alphabetically o you can earch directly for your favorite lyric . It i common knowledge that adopting a...

How to stimulate the dog's intelligence

ome dog breed , uch a the Border Collie and German hepherd, need mental timulation to feel relaxed and active. Many problem , uch a anxiety and tre , can be re olved u ing intelligence toy . However,...

jack russell terrier

THE dog breed jack ru ell terrier i originally from the United Kingdom, in the hand of Reverend John Ru ell, and developed in Au tralia. Driven by hi hobby of fox hunting and love for terrier-type dog...

my dog ​​doesn't want to eat dog food

There are many people looking for olution to a problem that can happen to everal dog : what to do when he doe not want to eat food, leaving the food in the bowl for day ? Thi i a common problem and ca...

Why does my dog ​​ride stuffed animals?

There are many uncomfortable behavior that our animal perform, uch a when the dog ride other dog , leg , toy or tuffed animal . But, what happen when we have a bitch that ride a tuffed animal?Not to m...

Types of wasps - Photos, examples and characteristics

The wa p , popular name of the wa p in Brazil, they are in ect belonging to the Ve pidae family and are part of one of the large t order of in ect , including ant , drone and bee , among other . Are e...

Vitamin C for dogs - Doses and what is it for

Vitamin C i a micronutrient that fulfill important and very diver e function that keep the dog' body in perfect condition. There i u ually no deficiency of thi vitamin, which i partly capable of b...