jack russell terrier

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
All About the Jack Russell Terrier
Video: All About the Jack Russell Terrier


THE dog breed jack russell terrier is originally from the United Kingdom, in the hand of Reverend John Russell, and developed in Australia. Driven by his hobby of fox hunting and love for terrier-type dogs, the shepherd focused on breeding and crossing different dogs, resulting in the birth of the Jack Russell Terrier and the Parson Russell Terier. Although both puppies have quite identical characteristics, we can distinguish them by height, the first being shorter and longer than the second.Years later, the breed ended up being developed in Australia, where the Jack Russell Terrier Cluf of Australia was created in 1972 to give way to the official recognition of the breed in the year 2000. Learn more about this breed below in PeritoAnimal.

  • Europe
  • UK
FCI rating
  • Group III
Physical characteristics
  • muscular
  • Extended
  • short paws
  • long ears
  • toy
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
  • Giant
  • 15-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • 55-70
  • 70-80
  • more than 80
adult weight
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-25
  • 25-45
  • 45-100
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Sociable
  • very faithful
  • Intelligent
  • Active
Ideal for
  • floors
  • Houses
  • hiking
  • Hunting
Recommended weather
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • Short
  • Smooth
  • Hard

Jack Russell Terrier Physical Characteristics

According to the official breed standard, the Jack Russell Terrier must be longer than tall, with the ideal height to the cross of 25-30 cm and weight between 5 and 6 kg. Thus, the main characteristics that will allow us to distinguish Jack Russell from Parson Russell are their short legs and slightly elongated trunk. To find out if your Jack Russell is at its ideal weight, we must take into account only the following equivalence: 1 kg for every 5 cm of height. Thus, if our puppy measures 25 cm to the cross, he should weigh around 5 kg. Although the Jack Russell is a small breed dog, it should not be misled by its short stature, as its legs, chest and back are usually strong and muscular.

As for other physical traits, Jack Russell has a slightly broad snout, with the truffle and black lips. In this way, your jaw is deep, wide and strong. Their eyes are usually dark, small, almond-shaped and with a black rim, like the nose and lips. Its long ears are always drooping or half-dropped, covering the ear canal. Its coat is short and hard, although it can vary in appearance, being smooth or brittle, as both types of coat are acceptable for the Jack Russell Terrier. The base color, and therefore the predominant one, must always be white. On it, there are usually spots that can be black or fire, regardless of the tone of this last tone. In general, the marks appear on the dog's face in the form of a face mask, but they can also appear on other parts of the body and even be of various shades.


As a small breed dog, Jack Russell is ideal for living in both small apartments and larger apartments and houses. Adapts to all spaces, as long as you have one minimum exercise time per day. As we saw at the beginning, the Jack Russell is of hunted origin, so it is in its instinct and its nature the need to run and exercise. However, until the dog is not properly dewormed and vaccinated, we cannot go out for a walk with him, so we must encourage even more the game and dedicate part of our time to this practice. When the dog is ready to go out into the street, he should start with short walks and let him get used to both the environment and the noises, other dogs and strangers. O socialization process The Jack Russell Puppy is very important to make sure that when you become an adult you are a balanced, sociable and friendly puppy. As the dog grows, the walks should also increase and be longer. Although the time varies, both during the puppy stage and in the adult stage, we have to be constant with the exercise and establish a routine. As this is a dog with such short and delicate extremities, we cannot carry out a day of low intensity exercise and within two days activities of very high intensity, as this would damage its joints. The ideal is to take Jack Russell for walks 3 to 4 times a day, following a fixed schedule and offering him the same intensity of exercise every day. What is recommended is to vary the path to follow, avoiding taking the same path during all walks. Within the number of outings, two of them should be dedicated to walking more calmly and another two to offer you at least one hour of exercise, which should include games that make you run and activities that help you burn off accumulated energy .

Like many other small and medium breed puppies, the Jack Russell has a tendency to suffer from obesity if you are not careful with your diet, as well as problems of an osteoarticular character due to its rapid growth. Hence, also the importance of exercise. Therefore, we must offer Jack Russell quality feed from the junior range up to 10 months, which is when he reaches adulthood. Then, it should move on to the adult range ration, also of quality and adapted to the nutritional needs of this breed.

As for other care, the Jack Russell Terrier does not need anything else in particular. we have to you Give a shower once a month or when we consider it dirty, taking the opportunity to clean your ears as instructed by the veterinarian. On the other hand, we have to brush it twice a week and increase brushing at the time of moulting, with a gentle slicker for short hair and moistening all of its hair beforehand to avoid breaking the hair. In addition, we must keep your nails in perfect condition and monitor your anal glands frequently.

Jack Russell Character

Like many hunting dogs, Jack Russell is from temperamental character, hardworking, audacious, fearless, curious, very active and always alert. Furthermore, it is smart, very faithful and courageous despite its small size. If we socialize it correctly, it can be very friendly, fun and sociable. By having so much energy and being so active, likes to play, so if we have children or younger siblings, it can become your ideal companion. In fact, it is highly beneficial for Jack Russell to live with children, as long as they know how to take care of him and respect him properly, because he is a dog that rarely gets tired and needs to play to burn off energy. Likewise, if there are no children at home or if we are active people, it is not recommended to adopt a Jack Russell, since, as mentioned above, you need owners who can help you carry out the amount of exercise you need.

The Jack Russell Terrier is an excellent working dog, which we can teach land-related techniques for his tracking ability and best companion animal. Training for guarding is not recommended, as although it is a very brave dog, it does not have enough capacity to stay as a guard dog.


In general, if we are constant in their upbringing, consistent, and use positive reinforcement as a puppy, Jack Russell is rare to engage in bad behavior. This way, if we carry out the established minimum walks, you will never make your needs indoors, except for the first times you are in the apprenticeship period. It is also not a destructive dog, willing to bite furniture or other objects if we provide chewing toys for when you need to play or relieve the pain caused by the growth of teeth. And being so excited, active, energetic, and temperamental, if we have a garden and don't give it enough exercise, we may find some holes that it has dug. Furthermore, this same Jack Russell character can lead him to be a dog that needs more time than others to learn an order. Although he may be less obedient in this aspect, if we work with him daily and reward him every time he does something well, he will eventually learn and internalize the orders we want to transmit to him.

On the other hand, the Jack Russell Terrier is a dog with tendency to bark a lot. Being always alert and being so curious, it is not surprising that you bark when you hear a strange noise or feel a stranger at your door. Thus, we will have to educate you so that you know when to bark or not, as well as teach you to channel this type of emotions to avoid causing you stress or anxiety.

Jack Russell Terrier Education

After knowing the character and behavior of the Jack Russell Terrier, we see how a correct education is essential to get it to be a balanced and healthy dog. Not educating him properly can lead to Jack Russell becoming unstable and very difficult to control. That is why, not recommended for beginning owners, since it needs owners experienced in canine education and training, who know how to stand firm and guide the temperamental character of this breed of dog.

It must start with the Jack Russell upbringing since puppy, which is when you learn faster. This way, after choosing the best name for him, the first thing we have to teach him is to come when we call him. And when the puppy can go out on the street, we should start socializing and start training him to walk calmly, without running away and without the stress of looking for him. Being such a curious and active dog, it is important that we spend time on his walks, letting him sniff and play. Once the dog has learned to come when we call him, we can start working on the remaining basic orders, such as sitting, lying down or being quiet.

A very efficient way to educate the Jack Russell Terrier is through prizes or treats. Although positive reinforcement encompasses several techniques to obtain good results, this is undoubtedly one of the most effective with this breed of dog. Its curious muzzle will quickly identify the delicacy hidden in our hand, so using it to teach you orders will provide excellent and quick results. Please note that you should not do training sessions that exceed 15 minutes. It is always recommended to do several sessions a day with time gaps in between, as we don't want to overload or upset the dog.

Health problems

Although the Jack Russell Terrier is a strong and incredibly healthy breed of dog, which can save us a lot of consulting the veterinarian if we offer them the exercise they need and proper nutrition, it is also true that there are a number of conditions, especially hereditary. , more common than others in it. You most common health problems in Jack Russell puppies are the following:

  • Terrier Ataxia and Myelopathy. As a direct descendant of the Fox Terrier, Jack Russell can suffer from hereditary ataxia or myelopathy in the nervous system. They can develop both during the first months of life and once old age is reached, the main symptoms being lack of coordination, difficulties in walking and even standing up.
  • patellar dislocation. It occurs when the kneecap, a bone located just in front of the knee joint, moves, causing the animal pain and, therefore, difficulties in walking. It can be an inherited disease or occur as a result of trauma.
  • Dislocation of the lens. It occurs when the lens is not attached to the eye through the zonular fibers and therefore moves from its natural position. This dislocation can be hereditary or caused by other eye problems, such as glaucoma or cataracts.
  • Deafness. Problems in Jack Russell's auditory system are often related to ataxia, although they can also appear in isolation as a consequence of age.

In addition to the diseases and disorders mentioned, if we don't exercise Jack Russell he will eventually develop stress, anxiety or depression. In case you detect any abnormality, both physical and mental, it is recommended to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible. In addition, to achieve better control and prevent the development of previous diseases, you will have to perform routine tests as determined by the specialist.