because my dog ​​lies on top of me

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Lil Durk - 248 (Official Audio)
Video: Lil Durk - 248 (Official Audio)


One of the curious things that dogs do is get into the habit of sitting right on their owners' feet or sitting directly on them. This behavior is particularly amusing in large dogs, who seem to have no idea of ​​their true size.

If you've been through this situation, you probably ask yourself questions like: "why does my dog ​​sit on my toes?’, ’why does my dog ​​lie on top of me?" or "why does a dog like to sleep leaning on its owner?" In this PeritoAnimal article, we'll answer these questions to help you understand and communicate better with your best friend.

canine behavior: my dog ​​sits on my feet

First of all, we must emphasize that there is no single reason that explains why a dog sits or settles on its feet or on its guardians. Dog behavior and body language are complex and varied, so canine behavior can have different causes and meanings, depending on the context in which it develops and the individual who performs it.

If you want to understand why a dog likes to sleep with its owner, why a dog leans on you or lies on your feet, it's essential interpret posture and expressions while performing this behavior, as well as paying attention to the environment and context in which he does it.

Next, we'll help you interpret this behavior from your best friend. But we also recommend reading our comprehensive guide on interpreting dogs' body language to better understand your dog.

my dog ​​lies on top of me

It is very important not to get carried away by false myths who claim that whenever a dog sits or lies down on the caregiver it is a demonstration of dominance. Dominance is intraspecific, that is, it occurs only and exclusively between individuals of the same species. Therefore, thinking about the relationship between a tutor and dog in terms of dominance makes no sense, and tends to provoke many mistakes in education and creation of dogs, having negative consequences for the animal's character.

In addition, it is essential to combat the myth that a "dominant dog" is one that behaves aggressively with other dogs. aggression is a behavioral problemcanine that needs to be treated properly, with the help of a trained professional. Dominance, in turn, is part of the social interaction and language of dogs, allowing for hierarchical organization between two or more members of a community, occurring precisely at the moment when there is a meeting or social interaction between two or more individuals.

A "dominant dog" is dominant in relation to one or more dogs, but it won't necessarily be dominant in relation to all other dogs, since the interaction is something dynamic. Therefore, we should not understand dominance as an aspect or trait of a dog's personality, much less associate it with aggression.

Your dog is not showing dominance when sitting on your feet or lying on top of you, it is a serious mistake to use aggressive or abusive methods to "correct" this canine behavior, as you will be exposing your furry friend to negative emotions such as stress, fear, and anxiety. And the worst thing is that you will reprimand him for misinterpreting the behavior, seriously affecting the bond between you.

On the other hand, if you suspect your dog is becoming possessive, reacting negatively when someone tries to get close to you or your stuff, it's important to know that you're having a problem with resource protection, which should not be confused with dominance. In this case, we recommend that you go to a veterinary specialist in canine ethology, who can rule out pathological causes and investigate the origin of this possessive behavior in your best friend, as well as help you establish specific causes for treatment.

If you want to know more about dominance in dogs, we recommend reading our article dedicated entirely to the dominant dog. Next, we'll tell you the possible reasons that explain the issue why does my dog ​​lie on top of me?

My dog ​​lies on top of me: causes

Now you know that this canine behavior can have several meanings and that, in no case, is it related to the errors of dominance theory. So why does yours lie on top of you? There are 5 main causes:

To enjoy your company:

It cannot be denied that puppies are extraordinary companions, always ready to accompany you in the best moments and also to comfort you in the most difficult phases.One of the reasons your dog lies on top of you is to be with you and express your affection.

Because you want warmth and comfort:

In the first few weeks of life, it is very common for puppies to sleep close together and even on top of each other to conserve heat and fight the cold. If your dog sleeps on top of you or in your head, he is probably looking not only to share your body heat, but also to feel safe and comfortable in your company.

To express their support for you:

Puppies can easily perceive the tutors' mood swings, because they are able to interpret postures, facial expressions, gestures and attitudes, since they mainly use body language to communicate. Even if you don't say a single word to your dog, he will know when you feel sad or go through a difficult time in your life. So he may lean on you or lie down next to you to show his support and loyalty, "in good times and bad."

To show others that you are their tutor:

The anal glands contain pheromones that are a kind of "chemical identity", that is, they concentrate substances that "inform" the main characteristics that identify each individual. When a dog sniffs the other's butt, it can get information about its sex, age, health status, type of nutrition, etc. When your dog sits on your feet or lies on top of you, he leaves his "characteristic scent" on you. In this way, you can communicate to other dogs that you are their guardian.

Because it needs to get your attention:

If you spend a lot of hours away from home or are too busy to spend special time with your furry friend, he might lie on you or on your feet to get your attention, whether it's because he's hungry, wants to walk, wants something or just to remind you that it's time to spend some time together.

Therefore, we identified that sitting on your feet or lying on top of the tutor it is not negative or dangerous canine behavior. Logically, it is important to observe if this behavior is accompanied by others who demonstrate possessiveness or excessive attachment, as these can become serious behavioral problems that affect the relationship and social life of the dog and the tutor.

If you notice that your dog becomes aggressive when you receive visitors at home or when someone tries to greet you on the street, this possessive behavior can be very dangerous, especially for children, it should be handled by a properly trained professional, so we advise first consult a veterinarian specializing in ethology. On the other hand, if your dog performs destructive behaviors during your absence and constantly demands attention, you should also be aware of the symptoms of the separation anxiety, and you can go to a dog educator to find out about the treatment of these behavior problems.

If you want to read more articles similar to because my dog ​​lies on top of me, we recommend that you enter our Curiosities section of the animal world.