
Dog tumor: types, symptoms and treatment

Due to the care given to dog , the increa e in their life expectancy and the advance in the field of veterinary medicine, the tumor in dog today it i a much more common diagno i than it wa a few year ...

My dog ​​became aggressive after neutering - Causes and solutions

ome guardian who decide to neuter the dog do thi thinking that urgery will be the olution to re olve the aggre ion that he ha already manife ted at ome point. However, they may be urpri ed when, afte...

saltwater fish

You altwater fi h are an excellent option for tho e people who don't have a lot of time to dedicate to their pet but want to enjoy the beauty of the fi h.The e are little complex animal that live ...

What are Dragons in Game of Thrones called? 🐉 (SPOILER)

Everyone ha heard of the famou erie game of Throne and it incredible dragon , probably the mo t popular character in the erie . We know that winter i coming, for thi rea on, in thi article by PeritoAn...

Goats in the tree: myths and truths

Have you ever een goat on top of a tree? Photo taken in Morocco began to attract the attention of the entire planet a few year ago and to thi day they generate a lot controver y and doubt . Can the e ...

Pampa animals: birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles

Located in the tate of Rio Grande do ul, the Pampa i one of the 6 Brazilian biome and wa only recognized a uch in 2004, until then it wa con idered Campo ulino linked to the Atlantic Fore t. It occupi...

Polycystic Kidney in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

One of the mo t frightening characteri tic of feline i their great flexibility and agility, hence the popular aying that the e pet have 7 live , although thi i not true, a the cat i an animal very u c...

how butterflies are born

The life cycle of butterflie i one of nature' mo t intere ting proce e . The birth of the e in ect require everal tage , during which they undergo incredible tran formation . Do you want to know h...

how long does a rabbit live

O rabbit i a common companion animal known for it affection and weetne , in addition to it extreme beauty. However, for tho e people who have decided to adopt a rabbit, they may not find much quality ...

My cat is vomiting and does not eat: causes and what to do

Dige tive Problem in Cat they are a con tant concern for the tutor and the veterinarian. Dige tive di ea e have very characteri tic ign and ymptom , but not all are treated equally, o it take ome kill...

7 things cats can predict

ince ancient time , the figure of the cat ha been a ociated with many myth that attribute to it upernatural power . From the ability to give bad luck, to the ability to anticipate event that have not...

FLUTD in cats - Symptoms and treatment

In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we are going to talk about FLUTD, feline lower urinary tract di ea e, that i , it i the et of problem that affect the lower urinary tract of cat . FTUIF i characterized...

Names of dogs with the letter M

One of the fir t thing we think about when taking a new pet home i what name uit it. ome people prefer to name the pet according to the mo t triking trait of it per onality, while other may prefer to ...

3 Cat Snack Recipes

At goodie or nack are ideal to delight your cat' palate, and can be u ed in training through po itive reinforcement. Although it eem untrue, they can be one of the be t nutritional upplement in th...

Food Allergy in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Food allergie in dog , which we mu t differentiate from food intolerance , are di order that you may encounter quite frequently. In thi PeritoAnimal article, we'll talk about the key point to reco...

Can dogs eat eggs?

ecure a good nutrition for our dog, it i one of the be t thing we can do to keep it healthy, a it i through a balanced diet that we can increa e it life expectancy, we can avoid everal eriou di ea e ...

Homeopathy for cats

Homeopathy i a natural therapy that ha grown a lot, both in the human world and in the animal world. Thi happen for everal rea on uch a , in particular, good efficacy combined with very good afety con...

Cat with a swollen chin: causes and what to do

Cat are very independent and re i tant animal , it i not with anything that make them manife t that they are ick or in pain.There are certain di ea e that remain imperceptible to the owner until the c...

Norwegian Elkhound

If you want to meet one of the dog breed that accompanied the famou and experienced Viking , i in luck. In thi article we pre ent you the Norwegian Elkhound or Elk Hunter, a dog with urpri ing charact...

Ear mange in cats

cabie i a kin di ea e cau ed by ectopara ite (mite ) that inhabit and penetrate the kin layer of animal and human cau ing, among other ymptom , a lot of di comfort and itching.Mange in cat i very com...