
Difference between kangaroo and wallaby

The wallaby and the kangaroo are mar upial from au tralia: after a hort period of ge tation in the uteru , their off pring fini h their development in their mother' abdominal pouch, clinging to th...

Diazepam for dogs - Dosage, uses and side effects

Diazepam i a medicine that affect the central nervou y tem, cau ing, above all, a relaxing, edative and anticonvul ant effect. It i u ed in human medicine and al o in veterinary medicine. o, on the oc...

A lump in the cat's belly: what can it be?

When a trange tructure or bump appear on your pet' body, it i normal for thi to cau e concern. And when it come to lump , it' common to think of omething eriou like a tumor. However, lump can ...

urinary problems in cats

It i not trange that a cat, throughout it life, ha ome problem in the urinary tract. Due to the tre and pain cau ed by the e type of illne e , a well a their potential complication , it i important th...

Distemper in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

THE di temper it i one of the mo t common and deadly contagiou di ea e for dog . Di temper affect the dige tive and re piratory y tem of dog . In advanced ca e , it can al o affect the nervou y tem.Th...

Vitamins for old dogs

There are many change that accompany a dog' aging, both phy ically and behaviorally. The e change are normal and can even be minimized in order to maintain the dog' quality of life.Thu , the v...

Pregnant guinea pig symptoms

Due to the precocity and ea e with which guinea pig reproduce, it i not trange that their guardian have doubt about whether their guinea pig i pregnant or not. Therefore, in thi article by PeritoAnima...

How to care for neon fish

O Melanotaenia boe amani, known a the rainbow fi h, it i a mall, brightly colored fi h that originate from the ide of Indone ia and New Guinea but i currently di tributed throughout the world in capti...

Puppy cat with diarrhea: causes, symptoms and treatment

Taking care of kitten require a lot of dedication and affection, e pecially if they are till brea tfeeding. or weaning. They are uch en itive being that the imple t change in their routine can cau e t...

How to make cat toys

Cat play ince they are kitten and for their entire live . Play behavior i normal and very important to the cat' well-being. Did you know that play behavior i een in cat even when they are malnouri...

Diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti

Every year, in the ummer, it' the ame thing: the union of high temperature with heavy rain it i a great ally for the propagation of an opportuni tic mo quito and which, unfortunately, i well known...

Feathered animals - species and characteristics

Mammal , bird , reptile , in ect , amphibian , cru tacean , among many other . There i a huge diver ity of animal around the world. Although each pecie ha particular characteri tic that help them urvi...

Why does my cat hide when people come?

Cat are animal that love to hide, although they don't alway do o for fun or in earch of rea urance. There are ome ituation that can bother your feline, including cau ing tre , uch a the arrival of...

What to do if my dog ​​cries at night

Have you recently been home with a puppy or are you thinking of adopting one? o the fir t thing you hould know i that puppie are eparated from their mother between the fir t 2 and 3 month of life, whe...

The best police dog breeds

You police dog they have alway generated curio ity and fa cination in people. The canine en e of mell ha been and continue to be one of the tool mo t appreciated by the ecurity force , thi becau e, do...

Caring for an Alaskan Malamute in Summer

Did you know that the Ala kan Malamute i one of the olde t breed of led dog ? Thi breed originate from the arctic area and it great beauty, it great trength and capacity for work tand out, which i why...

why dog ​​can't eat chocolate

Do you know why dog can't eat chocolate?There are many food that we con ume daily that are not recommended for your pet, ince your body work differently.If your dog accidentally ate chocolate, off...

Amoxicillin for Cats - Dosage and Side Effects

Amoxicillin i an antibiotic very commonly u ed in veterinary and human medicine. o you might have it in your medicine cabinet at home; however, thi doe not mean that you can give cat amoxicillin witho...

Types of Animal Breathing

Breathing i a vital function for all living thing , a even plant breathe. In the animal kingdom, the difference in the type of breathing lie in the anatomical adaptation of each group of animal and th...

The best dog toys

ome ay that boredom i the mother of unde irable behavior. Well, at lea t in dog . ooner or later, a bored dog you will begin to exhibit behavior that will alter, not for the better, your life and tho...